Smoking, drinking and doing other drugs should be illegal

smoking, drinking and doing other drugs should be illegal

If you do any of these, i hope you die a fast yet painful death, cause you are scum of the earth and you are what's wrong with this society.

Fuck you.

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sure bud

Attached: xdrgnfdthfth.jpg (225x225, 10.3K)

kill yourself

Ouch. Somebody is having a case of the Monday's am i right? Lul cheer up big guy

Oh, user...

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Hi jew.

he doens't like wasting his life, quick, call him a jew

Imagine being such a hopeless retard that you need daddy government to protect you from yourself

That did not age well


You're wasting your life being this worried about what other people do with theirs.

I think I'll have a joint to go with my whiskey. You were probably a virgin until 25.

Is that a Fiat?

Probably a Lada

>being this much of a paternalist

Op is a confirmed fag only fags care about their health.

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What about those things(smoking, drinking, drugs) bothers you?

ur a towel

drugs are based as fuck my dude
the only thing which makes govments SEETHE

Wouldn't that be illegal drugs? And wouldn't drugs eventually be a good thing for the government and it's people as they can continue to keep us on a leash, 'happy', and ignorant of the happenings around us?

I just had a glas of whiskey, three fingers.
I had steak, rare, for dinner.
Before bed time i will smoke a joint. 100% indica. Shit makes you sleep like a brick.
You are seriously missing out, nigger.

Did daddy let you take a sip of his liquor and it was bitter, little Timmy? Grow the fuck up.

Hedonism is BASED

Ok, Abdul. 1 Riyal has been deposited into your account.

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 360.9K)

shitposting on Yas Forums should be illegal and here you are my friend

I take Tylenol for pain, should that be illegal? How about a cancer patient taking chemo? It’s a drug too, should that be illegal as well?

It's the only thing i envy your country for.
Sitting in a café, smoking a fag, drinking wine and dont work.

Argentina should be white yet here you are, nigger.

I'm pretty sure OP meant psychoactive drugs but sure, never waste an oppprtunity to be a dick. Good going, fag

unfortunately smoking indoors in public area is forbidden since the 2000s
Plus boomers won't do a thing about weed being forbidden
Literally no fun allowed

He didn’t specify hans
Also Nice trips bro