Whats the deal with Eastern Europe and the EU?

Whats the deal with Eastern Europe and the EU?

Eastern European politicians have fuckall in common with what the EU pushes, openly fight the EU all the time, yet they're bigger supporters than Western Europe. Why is that? I've heard talks of an Intermarium union in Eastern Europe but they seem to love the EU.

Attached: Europe.png (1200x1198, 454.93K)

Because EE knows very well that it's a peripheral region and globally they mean nothing without support from Western Europe.

So you're saying they're in it just for the economic benefit(investment, payments)?

You dont know what you talk about so shut up.


Because gibs and muh evil Russia. That's about it.

We've always been a vassal for someone else. Once the USSR was gone, our ruling class quickly realized that they're completely unable to function without a large foreign power dictating everything to them, so they started sucking up to the West.

When the choice is Brussels or Moscow I think it's pretty clear

> the choice is Brussels or Moscow

east europe is still recovering from commies, muzzies, and wars in general
maybe one day we form something
hopefully we don't fall before then

because we can see value of cooperation at the same time not agreeing with everything

EU should genocide all slav(e)shits

>muhmed thinks this is false dichotomy
if you think any singular country can be sovereign in the era of such superpowers as china/usa/russia you are dellusional. your bongistan barely left and already are sucking up to mutts

stopped reading there

Tell us more, Mohamat

Its purely about the gibs. Eastern Europeans are diametrically opposed to everything the EU stands for but they tolerate it and cuck for German money.

Look how they rationalise their lust for western gibs. Not unlike niggers or females.

It must be horrible to give up your god given slavic rights to beat up fags or whatever and all you get in return is a tsunami of gold.

west europe received gibs from america as well
we'll develop eventually

>t. slav(e)shit diaspora

Oostblok has nothing in common with us. Diffrent culture, diffrent blood, diffrent religion. They are in for economic gibs and... and nothing else desu.

Can you send me a suitcase nuclear device? I promise you will not regret the investment.

Because the EU means less corruption, more businesses coming here, implementation of good laws.

>b-b-but, user, some gay people walk on some street for 30 minutes once each year
Oh no.

Also every anti-EU guy I've seen here has been a low-class Russian cocksucker peasant dreaming about a "strong daddy hand".

Attached: 1535268608724.png (195x189, 93.9K)

I always find it funny when someone from a country with huge African and Arab minorities starts saying how Eastern Euros are soooo "different".

They want gibs, dumbo.

this threads its full of retards. Eastern european nations get a lot of gibs from the EU, yes, but they also, especially Poland give more money back into the EU overall economy through those gibs. You actually think western Europe would give us anything for free? Are you serious? The same people who gave us on a plate to the Russians and made us suffer irreparable damage, both mentally and physically, decided out of nowhere that "hey remember those fucking morons we ve abandoned there for 50 years? lets start helping them, I know we left them there to almost starvation for half a century, but now they are our brothers, we must give them money for free"

The animals leading the EU, no, the baboons leading the world are in the pocket of the money makers. They dance as they sing, we, the eastern Europe are just one cog of giga scale money loundering scheme. Probably they thought that by giving us fonds and then getting 10 fold the money out of here would make their valueless money printing seem less dystopian. I am disappointed in you, go hang out in threads about landlords you fucking naive niggers

Attached: bucharest-before-after-socialism.jpg (711x469, 153.48K)

Selling your soul for pennies. Yeah, pride parades are the problem, sure. Not infiltration by destroyers in your schools touching your kids and blacking your women and you plan to invite in the cunts who jail people for saying anything about it?

Wagecucks from western europe working hard paying taxes, while we easterners are here only for the gibs.

Attached: we are here for gibs.jpg (1200x2400, 710.88K)

You forgot to add the fact that Bucharest before socialism was majority non ethnic romanian.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Nobody is making anyone gay. Take your pills.

>east gives more money back
KEK see

>You forgot to add the fact that Bucharest before socialism was majority non ethnic romanian.
Every city in Romania was majoritary full with jews before ww2. But most cities in most european countries were.

same relationship niggers have over here. gibs

lmao go read mein kampf and then come back to this chart

You forgot to add the countless "noble" families of greek,albanian,georgian,italian,austrian and german on top of a big number of italian workers and german colonizers and russian "liberators".

Western idiot kids will be idiots (and it's full of them on Yas Forums). They unironically think wealthy countries are giving "gibs" because they're just such good people.
American morons are also claiming they're keeping bases in Europe (and paying for NATO lol) because they're protecting us. Fucking retards.