I need those webm and gifs, guys...
Post nurse core TikToks
The women on the left are being unhygienic. Florence Nightingale would kick both sides' asses.
why do they have asses like that
I think it's an autonomic response to the presence of BBC.
who has the “please help im dying” meme
I love tiktok everything on it feels cyberpunk
Smartphones are the worst thing to ever happen in the world
I thought that was from tiktok not BBC
What the fuck is up with tik tok? I thought instagram was stupid but this is a new low
Source for one on the right?
shit res but...
A few more pixels for you
idk what's with booty shake movement.
very confusing when you have to talk to them
Stuffed full of donated N95s, for which they do not, never did, and will never have any need, and which will end up in the dumpster after the video is shot.
This is why China will destroy America, inshallah.
Dying man is being selfish, girls gotta get her swerve on.
God forbid people have fun at work, what has the world got to that people try to have a laugh with co workers
>I love tiktok
You must be 18 to post
chick should be more made up like a nurse. meme will convey better that way.
>The women on the left are being unhygienic
Yes because in the age they lived in the average person wasn't an obese carb addict with an utterly destroyed immune system
Text + cell + gps is where we should've stopped. GPS is the ONLY feature that I feel has improved my life.
Because the culture controllers have made a concerted effort to make men attracted to ass, making them 1 step closer to being attracted to gay secks
Think the one of the left is the UK though.
I don’t understand why people here are so offended by nurses doing tik toks.
The picture on the left is of British NHS nurses in the 1950s - as should be pretty obvious from their British uniforms.
No. Men loving the booty was there before the British were tea-bagged by revolutionaries in a distant new land. Back then woman were told to cover up too. House always wins.
Because these same hypocrite women are putting out videos with dirt they smeared on their own faces, telling the world how they deserve a reach-around for being on the front lines to this fake crisis.
These videos are redpilling more people than they realize. BUMP
What? So just because you have an extremely stressful job during a pandemic means that you can’t have fun for like 1 minute??
Tiktok is for faggots.
Rap music is the worst thing to happen in the history of humanity
I agree keep posting them hospital is literally empty in all of them.
Post the twerking nurses
No it's about being professional there's nothing professional about a bunch of bitches dancing and shaking their asses when supposedly hospitals are overrun and no ppe people being buried in mass graves and freezer trucks how do they have the time to dance around in full PPE 9 times out of 10 in clean scrubs and not looking overworked.
I hate them user.
>muh front line
No , you're not, that would of been the docs in china. Their own state killed them.
>how do they have the time to dance around in full PPE 9 times out of 10 in clean scrubs and not looking overworked
Because none of
>hospitals are overrun and no ppe people being buried in mass graves and freezer trucks
Is actually happening
Why do you have to be professional all the time though? I don’t see what’s wrong on doing these things on your breaks and as long as you like use your personal social media accounts I don’t see anything wrong with it.
>oh user, but it help their MORALE
I can hear it already
I just dont understand why anyone would think that this is appealing. Is this one of those things where they MAKE you dance as if its some kind of team building activity?
That photo on the left is Leeds England. Note they all looked good, before jews took over the society and destroyed womens looks/ health.
Because it's a hospital where I'm being told unimaginable death is occurring by the media.
>people can't have a little short lived fun at work during a pandemic that stresses and overworks health workers
The absolute state of stormnigger contrarian subhumans