The one issue that the left destroys the right on is environmentalism and animal conservationism. How could you let a bunch of overconsuming, city dwelling, never even seen a forrest before lefties win the nature debate?
The one issue that the left destroys the right on is environmentalism and animal conservationism...
Other urls found in this thread:
>moving manufacturing to third world shitholes
>ignoring shithole-sourced pollution and ocean dumping
Sure tell that to all their cheap Chinese and Indian products whose left overs poison the pacific.
Because they don't, city dwelling urbanites focus solely on CO2 then import a bunch of spics who litter like crazy while people on the right are active in hunting and farming/ranching. If you actually knew anything about agricultural areas you'd know that in a lot of places there's a struggle between keeping the land as is and building a bunch of condos for pensioners from the cities.
Lefties don't really win the nature debate, the more they push these carbon tax scams the less I respect them. Most people I know who really know nature gardening innawoods life etc are right wingers
i agree ocean dumping is a problem, i have a web browser called ocean hero that uses 25% of its profits to fund recycling and ocean clean up organizations in third world countries. it would be much better to manufacture here with our better epa standards and working conditions, many lefties would agree that relying on third world labor for our commodities and consumerism is immoral if you asked them, although they probably still own 90% chinese products.
city fags telling other city fags they care about the environment
The hidden Yas Forums discord link is discord gg qyf9x2n
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down
As far as discord knows, it's an occult server.
and what is the right wing solution to this? they fully endorse outsourcing and cheap labor.
They like the IDEA of nature, but they only want the pinstagram version. It's not enough to "refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle" because "EWW only POOR people reuse peanut butter jars. I'm helping the planet by buying my designer mason jars imported from China, teehee"
>non-galvanized brackets
>end grain exposed and unsealed
>looks to be pine
>filled to top with soil
>probably no weed barrier or hardware cloth below
fuckin plebs
>what was the NSDAP 'Green Wing'
>who is Uncle Ted
>who was Jorian Jenks from the BUF
>who was Savitri Devi
Environmentalism is traditionally right wing retard.
I had a great time explaining in Portland that Ducks Unlimited did a better job of saving wetlands and ducks than the park system did. The leftist fears the environmentalist right wing.
>protect the environment
>flood the country with third world retards with no concept of littering
>move to a giant city that produces more pollution than entire states
left wing environmentalism has nothing to do with actual science
Does the left have any environmentalist solutions besides fines and taxes?
Farmers and ranchers unless done properly (which is a tiny minority of farmers) is terrible for the environment.
>Completely destroy native ecosystem
>Plant monoculture of gmo corn
>Spray that shit down with gallons of pesticides
>Wtf all the native pollinators died, how'd that happen?
Steward of the land.
They dont know anything about conservation, they just go by feelings. The forests have been suffering since the environmentalists moved in in the 80s and 90s. They brought in invasive wolves to replace the long since gone native wolves. Fishing and hunting in Montana is a meme. They killed the populations through misguided mismanagement. They shut down logging, now pine beetles are wreaking havoc in the timber, and creating heavy fire years.
Not an argument.
This will ultimately come back to the issue of governmental control. I think most reasonable people agree things can should and will go greener and greener. But what are you going to do right now? Outlaw oil? Outlaw coal? Outlaw plastics? You can’t do that, but so what do you do? Put severe restrictions? Almost immediately you’re talking about taking away rights, that’s the issue, and that’s why it’s a core issue and not some throwaway
>hurrr the left is right
The right should start pushing nuclear as their solution to the """climate problem"""
carbon tax "scams" as you call them are an economic concept from atleast a century ago. unsustainable pollution is an externality that isnt factored into the cost of a product that causes pollution. a carbon tax is a laser guided missile into the budget of poor people who need to drive or use cheaper energy alternatives so it does need work but for large businesses and manufacturing sites that cause pollution they should have a pigouvian tax on their pollution.
conservationism is insanely based and redpilled. reconnecting humans to the animals we were meant to live along with is a lost art. i used to do wildlife surveys with a state university for fish in a creek near my college a couple years ago and you begin to understand the people who really see the whole picture of how the ecosystem functions and what our role is in fixing the damage we have caused.
the farmers have been gettin gobbled up by giant factory operations as a consequence of our neoliberal policies.
from what i have heard from other posters, theres a problem where our gmo veggies and our insane overuse of pesticides is causing ground to become infertile and ruining the water circulation resulting in farms becoming deserts.
Steel panels are the only way to raised-bed-garden
you got any links about this? also i can see how its easy to criticize their efforts and failures but they atleast try to fix clear problems while the republican and libertarian party in america ignore environmental concerns
Modern 'farming' is basically surface mining. Give it 10 years and there is no organic material left in the topsoil.
theres plenty of non profit privately owned conservation efforts and re-forestation companies. one of the big problems with non government owned properties is that the property rights are unclear. for example in california pg&e has been causing multiple fires because they dont have the rights to take down trees and easily flamable brush around their power lines and the owners of the actual land dont maintain it enough to prevent these fires. if it was government owned then it wouldnt have conflicting property rights. im not saying we should nationalize these things or anything, im just giving an example of other environmental issues that government intervention would be able to solve without infringing on your rights.
i doubt its a ten year problem but is there a solution or a method to create more topsoil?
Yes, but the methods don't work with commercial, industrial agriculture. Look up Joel Salatin, Allan Savory and rotational grazing . Also back to Eden gardening and no till agriculture.
That's their solution to everything.
Raise taxes to pay for councils and committees, experts and research, public relations and media, install a bureaucracy to manage the money and spend 1% on the problem....repeat this into oblivion.
>is there a solution or a method to create more topsoil?
Several, but it's easier to just plow deeper and push the problem ahead of you. The problem with that is the soil can never 'settle' and create a beneficial ecosystem with worms and fungi etc. Result is you need more pesticide/fertilizer, and the cycle continues.
A natural solution is cover crops/rotations, animal grazing and mulch, not really feasible on factory farms.
he looks pretty based, ill check out his steak after i get my paycheck.
I think that the left are better than the right on many other things but yeah environmentalism is probably the biggest, like I didn’t see why some right wingers literally don’t even believe in climate change and stuff.
"A cover crop is a crop of a specific plant that is grown primarily for the benefit of the soil rather than the crop yield."
well that sounds like something no industrial, for profit farm would be willing to do.