Why you hate black people generally

Ok i can understand why you hate this (pic).

Attached: 2540039730_54e94479c6.jpg (357x386, 61.2K)

but why you hate this (pic)??

>stays in their ancestral land
>live simple life
>love and cherish nature
>has no business with whites

Attached: 4cf31305d053257fd9c95c64179c1cd9.jpg (736x1104, 113.42K)

I don't hate them. I want them to live happy and meaningful lives, just like I do for any other person. That doesn't mean they need to live in the same communities as me or deserve my sympathy if they fall behind due to their own failings.

Hatred serves a utilitarian function in suppressing empathy in the context of group conflict



I dont hate black people. I hate jews and women

Loud, violent, illiterate, smelly.
Just some of the reasons

I hate how black people blame white people for the faults in their own culture.

I mean let's be honest man. Being a poor African isn't that much worse than taking it up the ass every time Deutche decides to take a bit too much risk in foreign markets

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As far as discord knows, it's an occult server.

>is the color of shit
> sleeps where it shits
That's too much for me. I can't associated with a being like that. What will the xenos think if they saw me hanging around something like that?

against individuals nothing, but in groups they are just the worst
>OP pic related

that pic is the rule, not the exception.

I don't hate black people, i just want them to be kangs an queens in africa, not in european soil.

All those "good" points can be dismissed because they are too stupid to do otherwise. Being an ignorant retard isn't a virtue.

I judge each of them by the standard set forth by their group (i.e. shit), but allow for the rare individual merit to override that group standard. They aren't all niggers but enough of them are that you must assume they are all niggers until proven innocent in a court of law.

I don't hate hyena's. I just don't want them roaming in my neighborhood and city. Hyena's belong in Africa.

Attached: Hyena.jpg (1280x600, 144.18K)

I see your point, and I am glad for your answer.

However there are loads of people within white nationalists/supremacists that strongly dislike all blacks, no matter the context.
Hell, there are at least 5 threads on Yas Forums every day where "white hordes" are chanting that blacks are not human and they make claims to african land ("colonization was a good thing"...)

It saddens me..

Attached: 5163719700_c86139fb9e_b.jpg (674x1000, 154.02K)

because you'll never have blacks without having pic related

>However there are loads of people within white nationalists/supremacists that strongly dislike all blacks, no matter the context.
Read: shills and smoothbrains stupid enough to allow shills to affect their perspective of the world.

People hate niggers not black people.

A black person who wears a suit and tie and goes to work is a black person.

A nigger who sells drugs and raps about murder is a nigger.

Just because their customs and standard of living are beneath you doesn't mean you should hate them. I wouldn't want to live in a troop of baboons and they don't belong in my neighborhood but that's not a reason to hate them.

Ok so as long as black people stays in africa and has no business with whites (ther than tourism, mutual trade maybe?) you dont hate them/you dont care.

Am i correct people??

the fair problem lies in contact and slavery, if they had been left in their place they had no problem with them, the grace is that all races have ethno-states

they commit more crimes

>However there are loads of people within white nationalists/supremacists that strongly dislike all blacks, no matter the context.

Every group is going to have its share of idiots and emotionally disturbed individuals. It saddens me, too. But things are getting better. I see more and more people these days who are able to drop the illusions of clownworld without swinging to the equally irrational approach of genocidal unfocused hatred.

They are artificially elevated for some reason

Attached: truth.jpg (7500x10000, 2.93M)

They are domestic terrorisy

I grew up in South Africa

Attached: slidethread.png (1500x1500, 926.47K)

Hate? No. A little jealous that they seem to always have less body fat and more lean muscle mass.

That thing would kill a white child for no reason.

how was it? (unironical q)

they are fatter on average in the US

>has no business with whites
fucking LOL the Himba tribe make their entire living selling trinkets to white western tourists, she's even doing it in the picture

Attached: Himba.jpg (236x352, 25.74K)

Attached: bleached commercial.gif (318x176, 3.99M)

Because hate is the one adhesive that holds anons together.

how is this a slide thread? I am genuinly curious about "rightwing" point of view on this. Its perfectly within rules of Yas Forums debate.

Why do you hate women ?

Pic i posted is illustrative. Thanks for share of knowledge tho.

Besides, if thats the case it was whites who came to them rather than other way around (whites "disturbed" their primitive way of living and they accustomed)