Ok guys. I always loved some lighthearted conspiracy talk and I'm pretty much on site everytime there's some happening...

Ok guys. I always loved some lighthearted conspiracy talk and I'm pretty much on site everytime there's some happening, but what the fuck is seriously going on in my country?

>Mandatory home confinement
>Police enforced roadblocks to ensure nobody leaves their town
>Government literally gives 0 disclosure about when the confinement is going to end
>local and national parliaments have been effectively shut down, the government has basically unhinged control right now
>local police monitoring streets with facial recognition cameras equipped drones and VR headsets
>law enforcement is receiving undisclosed bulletins stating they can basically do whatever the fuck they want if they catch someone "violating the law" (i.e. walking their dog)
>trees are getting cut down in the middle of the night

I'm legit freaking out

Attached: JUST.jpg (500x533, 24.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>but what the fuck is seriously going on in my country
Jews. Goal = to shut down the rising JQ by force.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

I'm Italian, I eat enough pasta as it is thanks.
Also, I'm way past this entry level redpill. Give me some specific saucy details.

Good question Italian bro.
Perhaps this virus is more dangerous than you thought... That's my honest answer. May be incorrect because to be honest who knows....
I hope you got enough supplies to survive the next 90 days....
Perhaps they're closing everything down to mitigate the spread of the virus.
During the Black Plague, England used Police to lock people in their own homes and cut people off from leaving their geographic area.
This Corona may be like cancer, once gotten it may slowly kill you in the end.... Always 100% of the time.
Who knows?

I can not see why they just do not tell us that it is so dangerous if it really is. If they did people would accept the military states much easier. but they don´t give any legitimate reasons as to why all of this is necessary. hmm

would be sweet if you could get some video evidence on those police patrols and drones

Idk man, I've tested positive in mid march and this shit healed by itself in less than a week. No complication, less rough than seasonal flu, so maybe I'm biased by my likely immunity, but this measures are extreme and bringing the country to near collapse. All while Amazon hires 75k new workers... the least tinfoil I can go is by understanding that big tech is profiting immensely from the crisis and if this is a test, they're going to force their way into making home confinement more frequet than it used to be. What scares me the most is that we're supposed to be a liberal democratic country, and with just a few days of fear mongering we decided to reject all of our constitutional rights and to drop our heads in favour of a centralized power structure. Indocrtination sure came a long way and I'm fucking ANGRY



there you go norgebuddy

Wouldn't it be horrible if multiple generations of human breeding experiments, some of them recently made to fit their requirements more precisely with modern gene editing, were carried out underground with the goal of ultimately creating a "hell on earth" scenario by setting all the subjects free?

They don't just make kings. They create and mold entire belief systems.

police aren't killing people for breaking quarantine, are they?

Attached: 1436739579057.jpg (322x279, 50.4K)

Well then my self-induced programming on Doom II is really going to pay off

Maybe they are feigning incompetence so we don't blame them. If they had our best interests at heart all airports would have been shut down since January.
They're acting in the dark right now, but perhaps they want to kill a certain % off.
It's a partial Quarantine at best.
They probably don't want to kill all of us off but only a significant %.
To this end it makes sense to downplay the severity.
It'd make some people more likely to get it, but not all. Since there is such confusion and conflicting views over the severity and nature of the virus.
I don't see a police state being enacted long term at any rate, certainly once the virus goes away people will expect a return to the old ways.


tf is this creepy shit?

No but when I say

>law enforcement is receiving undisclosed bulletins stating they can basically do whatever the fuck they want if they catch someone "violating the law" (i.e. walking their dog)

I mean it because I've had first hand experience. Everyone leaving the house is forced to carry a signed form stating the reason they left their home. I got stopped while going to buy groceries and police was threatening to fine me for 3k because my authorization wasn't on point. I asked why and they told me "it looked fake". After a bit of a fight I asked to see wher it was written that my authorization can be contested and they showed me an undiscloesd bulletin (unavailable for anyone to read, so against the law by constitutional standard) stating that any police officer can basically use their arbitrary judgement to decide if the reason you left the house was necessary or not. I kept refusing to sign the fine a couple of times they let me go but I really felt in danger, law enforcement in Italy is very respected, was very strange feeling like they turned against the people.

It's truly a sad state how domesticated the public are. We've had it too good for so long.
It's a new illness so I don't think anyone understands how it works yet.
I can't see the Politicians being interested in destabilising their own countries long term that they live in intentionally.
Hard for me to see what the intentions of this event was if there isn't at least some form of population control.
Perhaps an efficient way to crash the economy, implement rationing and increased prices of goods.

Any noticeable push-back from the public? or are people to fear mongered to realize how fucked the situation is?

>a signed form
who signs it?

says it right there, all the clips of the UAC lady from Doom Eternal.

Unfortunately the media is doing a good job of ridiculizing everyone who dare to present an alternative point of view. The main push-back comes from retarded boomers spreading conspiracy talking points (i.e. Coronavirus is spread by 5G towers) the shared sentiment is that of powerlessness

>>trees are getting cut down in the middle of the night

wait wait what

you have to sign it. Autocertification form that the police inspects and if you declare false information is considered a crime.

so you can't hide behind them

Must be aimed at dog walkers


unfortunately I couldn't find any article in english about it, it's a relatively unknown thing even here.

Thats probably a good answer.

It was a bio weapon designed by china that seems pretty benign.

But china, who knows what the fuck it actually is, goes full panic mode welding people into their homes and burning so many people alive that black ash falls on Japan.

Another scary thing is that government propaganda is really going pedal to the metal with this "sacrifice for your country" bullshit, all while facebook hiveminds justify indulgence on heavy alcohol and tobacco consumption, lazyness and gluttony. It's a rethoric of glorified slobness, and I fucking hate it. So far I've tried to redpill my parents but I'm far from succeeding.

source on the burning people alive thing?

Do you have any intentions to fight back or find a way to ask critical questions or something? Like putting banners on your balcony with something criticising the acts of your government? just throwing out ideas, but i am sure you aren´t alone and could probably gain some momentum on Italian twitter ??? Could be a great quarantine hobby

Here's a spoiler for you dumb fucking bong. It's not dangerous. Its NOTHINGGGGGGGG

I'm legit thinking about it ngl
I don't use twitter and I'm trying to gain some traction spreading opinions on facebook but it's very difficult to find some skeptic media outlets that don't embarass themselves with glue-eating tier retard takes to share with my peers and. I'm left to my own devices

Based desu

Honestly I think it's probably true studying past pandemics. But I understand there are people in these threads who claim to have had and survived corona, so I'm internally conflicted I don't want to cause them to panic.
But some of the people who tested negative or recovered died later on after being released from quarantine on the Diamond Princess Cruise ship for instance.
This 'virus' is one sneaky fucker, quite unlike anything we've seen before. It's incomparable to all others.
The incubation period alone is a massive red flag.
That proves it can live in your system without displaying symptoms. Maybe it continues to do that cyclically once infected so your body believes it's cured periodically, but never actually is?

War is coming