H3H3 said nothing but facts in his video on incels

Any refutes are just copes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is he the angriest in this situation? Even more so than Idubbbz, his girlfriend or the people calling all of them out

Anyone paying attention to this turbofaggot deserves the coof.

B8 thread. Herb in option field.

He sees how sad it is for people to be so obsessed over Ian’s decision

h3h3 was funny years ago, then they made a podcast where he got made fun of and since his deppression has stopped any forms of comedy from emerging

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H3H3 sucks. You suck. Fuck off.

The proof is just in the pudding lad lmao

Lmao, you don't let other guys fuck your girlfriend while you watch from the corner? Are you an incel or something? Get with the times, it's not the 1930s anymore.

>listening to some Jew's (((opinions))) against a group of sad guys who just want some joy in life

Jews are gonna jew. NPCs will NPCs. The world is for normies (even though not anymore kek).

But the afterlife is reserved for high IQ incels, volcels, mgtows who are the only light in this dark hole.

So he made a video calling everyone incels? Lol what a fag. We have been subbed to idubbz for like 4 years and only knew about it cuz pewdiepie did a video but after seeing idubbz sperg about his thot we unsubbed. (That and he hasnt made an interesting video in years)

He’s a cuck, he just ok with his girl having an Onlyfans. Seriously, what’s the big deal with that?

Go outside

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He’s a Jew that cries about antisemitism all the time but then Brushes off Idubbz gf’s comment about how good things came from the holocaust. If it were anyone else that made that comment he would send his fans to attack them and cry to his YouTube contacts to have them removed. He’s a flip flopping, self serving, rotten to the core Jew simple as that

His gf looks like a horse and they only got together because of their kikeness. He shouldn't be giving advice about relationships especially now that he looks like an overweight self hating boomer

Woman are not your property, you don't own their bodies. So what if they was to fuck other guys on the side? Get over it, incel!

Its funny how they were depressed as fuck and thought getting a baby would make them happier

>some jobless youJew said something

Is that her angle: be edgy like venti but flash her vag? Cringe

That’s not the state of their relationship though, and why is it even your concern

Who hurt you??

>incel loser lol
>reddit better
>who hurt you?


i dont care about his opinions since he said no fap is pointless

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What a fat greasy kike.

Nofap is cringe, just get a gf

The hidden Yas Forums discord link is discord gg qyf9x2n

It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down
As far as discord knows, it's an occult server.

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He was based here youtu.be/YGJqzEy9_60

Your mom used teeth last time. I’m in therapy over it.
Besides that, you’re paying attention to somebody who tried to auction his hat, for a million dollars. Tell your mom I’ll knock her teeth out next time I see her.

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>Still slut shaming
How is it your concern when a celebrities lets his wife fuck other guys? You don't have the right to comment on the action of people that make their living by being public figures! You're just mad that you can't be the cuck of a beautiful queen, keep seething incel!

Cope and projection

>a Jew in a monogamous relationship with a woman the same ethnicity as him that he met on a “birthright” trip to his ethnic homeland comes out in support of a white man being a cuck
really makes you think

You are such a fucking faggot.

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>your mom
So when you do think your dad is gonna take away your toys?


When was this? Are you talking about his shitty podcast. Man used to be respectable before he jumped on the money train with this lazy-ass content.

And???? He’s just supporting his friend


SeeYou’re so licking his butthole if you can’t see he’s obviously a fat, greasy, kike. He even knows it.

nigger you posted cringe

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Right after you stop eating my asshole.

I rhink it's time we deal with this Jewish problem. Im getting tired of this shit.

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Leafy destroyed this fat jew

>people are so obsessed!
>10 posts by this ID
Why is everyone defending Icuckz trying to pull this shit?
Takes 10 seconds to drop by into a thread and call you a simp. Or make fun of that cuck in his yt comments. You on the other hand sit here and keep replying to everyone on your private time.
How hard can you project nigga?

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This but actually legitimately unironically.

Stfu Jewish Simp

Stop posting this kike here

>all these people replying without saging
e-celeb threads are bannable and OP cannot stop sucking cocks, what's new

The glorious ass of man who has done nothing but sit all his life.

what a misogynist.

Yeah but first get out of your social hole

He’s an ashkenazi jew

Show flag you virgin

exactly. Just a coincidence.

Literally and unironically W H O !?

I wouldn't be fine with it personally but a lot of people don't mention her OnlyFans doesn't have any nudity it from what I understand. in other words she effectively has a premium Instagram that offers no benefits to customers except to pay for pictures to view, as opposed to seeing them for free.

A man more successful than you’ll ever be lol

your ugly bro

I don’t care about idubbz being a cuck. It doesn’t affect my life and I wasn’t the one crying, but calling me an incel for not respecting someone as degenerate as letting their gf post her tits and ass for money is unjustified.

Ethan you’re pathetic

This. I’ve seen her onlyfans too, it’s nothing too raunchy, but regardless of that, incels are literally offended on a personal level over this

Why would i care what this fat piece of shit have to say lmao

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Go to bed Ethan you pathetic depressed self serving Jew

lmao what a kike

That’s your opinion man, I’m talking about those who are seething over this shit

Why does she want him so bad?

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Regardless of whether there are nudes or not it’s sad that her only contribution to the world is her tits and ass. Ethan is a retard and cuck if he thinks that women that are that shallow and stupid should be praised for such degen behavior.

Holy hell youre a loser

he just described himself lmao, on the stream you can also see how even his kike ""wife"" realises how disgusting he is
btw kys ethan