Get back to work

Kushner is in charge of the pandemic team now, he knows more than any so called 'doctor' and wants the big beautiful economy back open.
Another good decision by Trump, he only hires the best.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Aww look. Kikes and Bannon shills are so angry. You realize that no normie will ever understand why the Press goes after Kushner and your attacks on him are useless?

Ron Dermer is a bitch.

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*In bitch made tone* "Those are our mask goyim"

>the Press goes after Kushner
This. We cannot allow the fake news media to insult ourguy Kushner. It should be illegal to do so!

I can't help but picture him doing a posh faggy British accent.

"will you scoundrels please listen! we know what is best for you, now go on and die like good little peasants"

No! I won't go back to work!
Yes, i would be working now if not for the "virus", but now i won't.
Make me!
I'm based and i refuse!
It's so rad that i will sit on my butt.

This is 3d chess. When Kushner fucks up, he'll have the easiest excuse to fire him and not have Ivanka pissed off.

>defending Kushner

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He’s just the guy running the data team. That’s important because it cuts through the propaganda being pushed by the Fauci’s. The data obviously supports ending the shutdown.

>Kushner fucks up
Impossible, he's the most qualified man in America. There is no job he cannot do.

President Kushner is gonna do it.

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this is amazing user

Fucking cultists I swear

If kushner does that I'll take back every bad thing i ever said about that kike.

>lol looks like kikes are mad :^)
>Kushner is based :^)
Wtf. I love jews now.

>this thing is getting groomed to be the next US president and the MAGA shills unironically support it just because opposing him means opposing the orange fatass
and wtf is wrong with his face it looks like their rotated everything up his mouth by 5 degrees

The Dark Side corrupts the flesh. He'll be pic related after a few more years

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He looks like Paul McCartney

oh look, an israeli on Yas Forums

What happened to him?

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>don't go back to work fellow white
>just stay home until you get your bill gates approved mark of satan

The flesh is aware of the state of your spirit. If you act like a Jewish warlock, it will show on your face.

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Attached: JUST A FLU BACK TO WORK GOY.png (533x381, 298.42K)

I'll go back to work if it means I still get full time pay to just sit on my ass since there is no customers for my company to serve since we operate inside an insurance/bank

Bill Gates isn't a doctor either and he fucking runs WHO, tries to create a vaccine and gonna micro chip your filthy ass faggit

Attached: Bill conquers the world.jpg (731x1024, 103.44K)

lmao look at these jews, maga 2020 brothers

what a fucking joke it's just a pure coincidence they're all hardcore zionist just a coincidence

Indeed, which is why they must consume the innocent to stay young.

>US must stand with Israel, Meadows says after a recent visit to Israel

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Awesome. Enough of these quacks. This thing is just killing pics in small numbers. Vacay was nice but once the weather is warm it's time to go back, start new projects etc.

I want to smash his fucking face in. Not in Minecraft but IRL. Also, fuck glowniggers flagging this comment.

You've been drinking very heavily.

Look at that all Jews. Jews are so lucky. They are really Gods chosen people. God just hates the rest of us but he definitely loves the Jews.

>Trump's New Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Was Bar Mitzvahed – and Baptized

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Essential worker reporting

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>kushnershill defending kushner again

The jew will be out in force but we can defeat them again.

Biden is weak and afraid. Locked in his mansion for a month.

No you

based Kushner will reopen tremendously

>t. cult weebo

being the president ages you