What is the political solution to the TQ (Tranny Question)???
What is the political solution to the TQ (Tranny Question)???
look at this
I'm looking
i reckon it may be the same as the solution to the jewish one, friend
(not-kike)therapy + (not-transition)treatment.
Did this dude get sat on as a baby? wtf is up with his head?
delete anime its what created them
Him as a child.
>Who needs children when I can have my beautiful llittle Fur-Babies?
Talk about the Jewish Question and sage memeflag threads.
That's the answer to almost everything.
non humans status
poor fucking guy
all of Yas Forums empty banter is but a vain attempt to dispel the arbitrary cruelty of life
there truly is no god, everything is lost
Ban anime, gas everyone already infected with the weeb virus.
GTFO and kys slide thread trannie kike
a revolting dude fell in love with a picture & wants to become it because he hates himself so much. shouldn't be insulting such a tragedy
Ban all mass media, especially the internet; the disconnection from reality starts with the media and the internet reinforces the delusion.
Nothing has changed in the last 18 thousand years around sexual degeneracy of men and the civilization that they create and defend for themselves, so the conclusions that the masters drew from ancient times stands like bedrock.
When you convert the defenders of civilization into women, who tear down civilization. That's the receipe for the social conditions for why people wrote down in the first chapter of the most sold book in the world: "God hates Fags".
Which is apparently not wrong. Get too many, and your civilization goes away and you're left wondering, hey where did my culture and civilization run off to? It didn't run off, it was taken for the woman it was and lack of defenders.
Brainlet wojak?
What happened to his head??
Thanks for nothing OP
>0,00000000000001% of the world population
Wish the whole “3 day internet shutdown” would happen. I’d miss you guys and all but I’d just LOVE to see how the rest of the world handled it. I can live in the real live world outside the internet so I’d have zero problem.
Express lane to Reincarnation curtesy of Keltec
hardcore case of fas
He should have more realistic aims.
>watching anime as a kid
You had a great childhood
>watching anime as an adult
Kill yourself already please especially if you make anime your entire identity
This honestly looks like a chinese dish. Something like animated ramen with pupper meatballs.
Going to need to jackhammer his face and a wig