The race war will start from Greece. Will you join?

We've had enough with fake globalist politicians, lies, deception, poverty, forced race mixing through mass immigration, deploying the Kalergi plan to wipe us out along with every European.

People have started waking up here. Not many but it's a massive step as to what was happening before the coronahoax.
People have had enough and they want to know who's responsible. And the fingers are pointing at Israel.

Jews were always afraid of Greeks. During the "left wing" government of Tsipras we had every single violent movement against tyranny wiped out silently. Now the "right wing" is genociding us with the Kalergi plan.

We don't want blood, we don't want to harm anyone we just want to be left the fuck alone.
Jews don't want peace it seems, they want a race war they want to employ one mixed race globally, one religion, one currency, one country. And they want to stay pure so they can rule the subhumans they've created.
Jews were always afraid of my people waking up. And let me tell you that MY people are waking up.

I consider however all europeans my people. It's time to unite against our leaders and against our genocide.

Enough is enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

are greeks white

Do you even know what the stars in your memeflag represent? Let me red pill you.

12 stars for the 12 jewish races. European Union was founded for the sole purpose of native european genocide.

>the race war will begin with Turks eradicating the Greeks before moving on to Northern Europe.

Heil Hitler. Rise to greatness and never again let this parasitic race infect your society. You may not want violence, but many do. Imagine the media's sudden and disgraceful silence once the mass exile liberates the entire world. The future is ours.


>turk rape babies pretending they're mythological demi-gods edition


Don't ever stop doing what you are doing.

Border clashes in Greece have been going on since the beginning of March... What the fuck is happening down there? Why haven't you kicked all sarracen scum out yet?

>12 jewish races

12 jewish tribes you mean

Imagine being so delusional. And Israel? What the fuck did Israel do to you? You're probably a Muslim immigrant.

corona lockdown. TV showing bordes protected from police and military. Alternative media showing that more than 145.000 migrants have arrived in the islands without resistance.

Does anyone have a link to a video by a guy called Ryan Fulk about the truth about (((them))), that video got erased from youtube along with most of his videos

memeflags fuck off

You got ass raped by the Turks for centuries and they're going to do it again you turk rape baby

παρε το κοκκινο χαπι

user even in death OP's words will be praised and repeated time and time again both by the youth and the older generations alike. When men like this speak, not only do they speak from their mouths, but from their graves as well. Hitler eternal.

He was watching too much liakopoulos
Elohim nefelim etc

I will not fight for Agamemnon

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Imagine wearing my flag but not being my people. And me still saving you. How can you live with yourself afterwards?

>People have started waking up here. Not many but
It's the same everywhere, but it's not enough yet and this fake pandemic is proof. Every person who has fallen for this is hopelessly brainwashed beyond redemption, no matter how redpilled they think they are. Governments are doing literally whatever they want and everyone is praising them for saving us from the scary virus. We're all fucked because everyone is too stupid to see the obvious.

Too weak and effeminate to stop the coming storm, they will bicker and complain like women. Let them.

>forced race mixing through mass immigration
wtf are you talking about, faggot?
No greek, man or female, race mixes, let alone with niggers or Arabs.
Stop browsing Yas Forums so much, it has melted your brain.

Don't know, but the women are hot.

Attached: Menounos - string bikini at a beach in Greece -June 20,2013-01.jpg (917x1600, 201.02K)

Read the laws of thermodynamics. It will takes years but eventually it will happen. It's an unbreakable law of nature.

lmao basic bitch bait. everytime

Θετική Εντροπία σύμφωνα με τον νόμο της Θερμοδυναμικής: Η εκδήλωση ζωής στο Σύμπαν είναι αποτέλεσμα της Αρνητικής Εντροπίας. Η επιστήμη συστημάτων ή συστημική είναι ένα διεπιστημονικό γνωστικό πεδίο το οποίο παρέχει έναν κοινό τρόπο σκέψης με στόχο την ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογικών πλαισίων για τη μελέτη συστημάτων με εσωτερική δομή (π.χ. κοινωνικά, ηλεκτρονικά, βιολογικά, γνωσιακά ή μεταφυσικά συστήματα). Βασίζεται στη θεωρία συστημάτων, κεντρικές έννοιες στην οποία είναι η θερμοδυναμική ισορροπία και η αρνητική ή θετική εντροπία, καθώς η δομή και η κατάσταση ενός συστήματος τυπικά παραμένουν σταθερές ή διαρκώς περιπλέκονται με το πέρασμα του χρόνου, με παράλληλη εξαγωγή θετικής εντροπίας στο περιβάλλον του συστήματος.

Fuark. Hope you get a new age Tourkofagos if shit hits the fan.

Can I join the Greek army? I would gladly throw down my life to protect Greece from these shitskin hoardes.

Its funny how when you start making hitlerian speeches the jews come out of the woodwork like the parasites that eat the very wood our homes are made from.

Haven't seen a update from Greece for over a month. Is the border situation still under control?

They forcely retired all the old lieutenants so there's no chance the army can do anything with the millennials and zoomers in it's ranks.

This starts with the people.

Forgot to add "that they are" at the end there.


>Is the border situation still under control?
It was a spectacle. They let them in and show on TV that they don't.

Considering how many Philhellenes there were during their War of Independence, I don't think they'd ever reject a new wave of them.

You can make donations to the Greek army we need 5th gen aircraft


The youth are always the benefactors and always the revolutionists. The youth are the people.

Είμαι χημικός και η θετική εντροπία είναι απλά η αταξία ενός συστήματος, δεν ξέρω τι γράφεις (μάλλον ούτε εσύ)

Η αύξηση στην αταξία** καλύτερα

yes i will join the race war. i will kill everything that is not of germanic origin. including religions.

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In with you Greek user as a white man where ever the race war breaks out I’ll be there with you brother

Time to find out innit souflaki?

σημαινει οτι το περιπλοκο συστημα που εχει λευκους ασιατες και μαυρους να ζουνε μαζι ξεχωριστα στο τελος θα μιξαριστει λογω της αταξιας του συμπαντος αγορινα μου.

That is fucked up




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Ironically the only ones who will assist as against turkey are the Israelis but still this guy
Probably not true

"Το περιπλοκο συστημα που εχει λευκους ασιατες και μαυρους να ζουνε μαζι" υπάρχει ήδη και λέγεται ο πλανήτης μας. Και όντως θα μιξαριστούμε όπως μιξαριζόμασταν πάντοτε, αλλά γίνεται τόσο αργά που δεν δημιουργεί ιδιαίτερα προβλήματα. Τώρα εσένα ξέρω γω που βγαίνεις έξω (έβγαινες) αυτό σε απασχολεί;

Ancient goyim race joining war against Judea because a faceberg microshit cuckshed existence under the shekel is no existence worth living.

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proof all meme flags hide israeli flags

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Ο καλλεργης εφτιαξε το σχεδιο αυτο με σκοπο να μιξαριστουμε με τη βια ενω το ισραηλ να μας ελεγχει ενω παραμενει καθαρο φυλετικα.

Οταν ο ανθρωπος δεν εχει ιδεωδη και αξιες γινεται ενα αψυχο ον και ξερει μονο να κυνηγα την απολαυση τον υλισμο και την ηδονοθηρια.

Προτεινω να ενημερωθεις σχετικα με το σχεδιο καλλεργη.

>It was a spectacle. They let them in and show on TV that they don't.
I feared that was the situation. You need to rally your parliament to do something before you lands get annex'd like the Crimea. Russia did the exact same thing, they moved Russians into the Crimea through 'legal' migration then made them vote to join Russia once they were in the majority. Turkey is doing the same thing there and in Syria. It is the most blatent land grab and yet here in Canada they did not mention once on the national news.

i dont have a meme flag and if you believe greeks are the same race as germanics you are fucked in the head

OP asked for a race war and i answered

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Αντιλαμβάνομαι τι θέλεις να πεις. Ο νόμος της εντροπίας βασίζεται ωστοσο στην στατιστική - oi άτακτες/άμορφες διαμόρφωσεις του συστήματος είναι στατιστικά πιο κοινές, διότι σε ένα κλειστό σύστημα η ενέργεια διαχέεται ομοιόμορφα με το πέρασμα του χρόνου.

Όσο αφορά έθνη και προσμήξεις ωστόσο, η ενέργεια δεν διαχεέται απαραίτητα, διότι δεν μιλάμε για μόρια με απλή κινητική ενεργεια, αλλά για ανθρώπους με πεποιθησεις που δεν δρουν σαν μείγμα με αέρια σε έναν κύλινδρο (η τουλάχιστον έτσι θα ήλπιζα).

> δεν εχει ιδεωδη και αξιες γινεται ενα αψυχο ον και ξερει μονο να κυνηγα την απολαυση τον υλισμο και την ηδονοθηρια

αυτό είναι σωστή κουβέντα και καθιστά τους ανθρώπους πολύ πιο ανθεκτικούς όσον αφορά την εντροπία

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>if you believe greeks are the same race as germanics you
when the fuck did i say that you brain dead moron what fucking race war if we dont unite as europeans and respect each other cultures and borders we will never! defeat the jew's, you are the lowest scum on earth not by race not by skin colore but by your fucking stupid opinions go ahead and divide europeans some more you useful idiot to the jews

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It's not about land. It's about mixing everyone in the world to create one single race that's a hybrid of africans,whites and asians. a subhuman race to be ruled by the elite without question.

No the race war will start in South Africa and we will lead our brothers in Europe and America as we slaughter every single one of you dirty whites

>the race war starts in Greece
>Greeks start killing each other because half of them look like pic related
>Turks invade and annex the Balkans

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