Are we alone, Yas Forums?
Are we alone, Yas Forums?
>imagine thinking space is real and not a hologram in 2020
no one is ever really alone
God is with us
>are we alone
At present, there's no evidence to prove otherwise. There's mathematical predictions that there should be aliens, but no real evidence backing these up
I think we are alone.
Nature has no preferences.
Left handed or right? Why not both, but separated?
lol imagine thinking that out of billions of galaxies with billions of stars orbited by billions of planets that you're the only intelligent life form in the universe LOL
Is there life else where? Most likely. Will we ever find it or meet it? Probably not. So are we alone? effectively yes.
We are alone.
Jews are the Great Filter.
The Jews are intergalactic virus sent out by the Ancient Aliens
No one can gain access to the stars as long as the Jews subvert their worlds.
>Nature has no preferences.
Actually it does.
>Some researchers have even suggested that left-handed amino acids --- molecules that can’t be superimposed on their mirror images and that rotate polarized light in opposite directions --- may be a prerequisite for life’s evolution anywhere in the galaxy.
>lol imagine thinking that out of billions of galaxies with billions of stars orbited by billions of planets that you're the only intelligent life form in the universe LOL
But what is the assumption of other life in the universe based upon? It's pure conjecture, based on FEELINGS without a shred of evidence.
"It just seems like there ought to be life elsewhere" is fantasy, not evidence.
I sure hope a civilization so advanced they can traverse the universe, can't see what we're doing.
KEK imagine believing pictures taken from the International Jew Station.
For the longest time, planets around other stars were just a "feeling" too, until technology improved enough so we could prove that they actually existed. The same will be true for life on other planets. If it happened here it can happen anywhere else given the right conditions.
we're not alone, there are at least 4-5 civilizations in any given galaxy. 98% of these civilizations are at the same stage as us. The remaining 2% are hyper advanced beyond belief and are scattered around the universe. Most don't ever reach this stage.
Even if we aren't, we are, because everything is too far away.
highly unlikely
>i can not imagine how p could be false
>therefor p is true
As earth is the only example of life we have, if we assume life requires conditions identical to earth then there are known planets with right conditions for life, and, given the size of the universe there is likely millions more.
HOWEVER this is not evidence for life, it just means the correct conditions are there.
Well, let's see...
there was no life ---> it rained on rocks for a long time which somehow creates complex chain molecules ---> life starts.
there was no life ---> god creates the entire universe filled with myriad lifeforms from angels to insects ---> god gets bored and creates man.
there was no life ---> god hides dinosaur bones for a prank ---> life starts.
intelligent design:
there was no life ---> a cosmic designer, definitely not God oh no no no, magically appears ---> life starts.
as you can see all 4 rely on person to be willfully stupid. i think the question is wrong, i think it would be better to ask.. Where is everyone else, Yas Forums?
probably not
Life is an emergent property of the universe, otherwise we wouldn't exist. Anywhere the conditions are right, given enough time and some stability, life emerges.
i hope not
who would we genocide after we get rid of the kikes and niggers
>But what is the assumption of other life in the universe based upon?
The fact that we exist.
If life can exist on our tiny blue/green rock, then surely there's other life among the trillions upon trillions upon trillions of other planets in the universe.
How might the universe appear if, among other things, induction followed the right hand rule?
The goldilocks zone is a bad theory
Almost certainly not but the distances involved are stupid. Without some kind of wormhole/teleportation tech we simply cannot physically travel the distances, where you gotta travel at the speed of light for 8,000 years and shit. Just retarded.
>should be aliens, but no real evidence backing these up
? ? ? ?
We are alone together
It's not based on feelings. It's based on statistic probability given the sheer size of the universe. Our galaxy alone contains more than 100 billion planets, and the observable universe contains trillions of galaxies.
Now, it is entirely possible that while there is other intelligent life out there, it may be impossible to interact with them no matter how much our technology improves given the sheer distance just between star systems and the likely impossibility of faster-than-light travel.
of course, it may be true that life can exist outside of earth's "goldilocks zone". I was just making the point that even if we assume it to be true, since it is the only example we have, there are earth like planets that fit within that zone.
Also "quoting like this" and
>not like this
makes you look like a newfag, just a heads up newfriend
>Are we alone, Yas Forums?
in the universe?
no, not even close.
statistically, humans don't exist.
The mathematical "predictions" are based on nothing and are worthless. It's identical to saying there's a 1 in 10 million * X chance of winning the lottery if you buy one ticket, and X is whatever you feel like it should be. That's not a mathematical prediction, that's a religion.
Imagine being so ignorant you can't fathom the plausibility that life is so complicated/rare it might NEVER occur again for the rest of the entire age of the universe.
Educate yourself you brainlet:
Based tier
Valid tier
Brainlet tier. You fundamentally cannot ascribe probability whatsoever when you only have a single case example without full knowledge of the conditions of that case example.