>Be millennial
>Get teens cucked by 9/11
>Get 20s cucked by '08
>Get 30s cucked by the China virus
Were we meant to survive?
Be millennial
No. You were put in this Earth to suffer. Sucks, but that's how things are going to be.
Blame the boomers
But at least we all get our own podcast and live stream.
It really cannot be overstated just how badly the baby boomers fucked up.
>Imagine being given the number 1 superpower on the planet, the Pax Americana, with an economy that controls half of the world's wealth and fucking that up
>Imagine being given high iq, virtually homogeneous societies and INTENTIONALLY turning them into low trust, low iq, third world societies.
>Imagine ACTUALLY destroying the social fabric so you could cum and smoke weed.
>Imagine subverting academia so that you can larp as a psuedo-communist revolutionary.
>Imagine actually believe all people, races, and the two sexes are equal.
>Imagine reducing your own descendents to minorities in their own countries, ruled by a band of foreigners and consumed by the largest amount of debt in world history.
I mean, you just have to sit back and think about this shit. These people are going to be written about as Nero is written about. They have literally destroyed the greatest civilization, the West, in world history for sex, drugs, and rock and roll...
And everything with a vagina has an Onlyfans.
pussy faggot, at least you weren't in some rat infested trench getting gas on daily bases
that reminds me to ask you anons. do you want to be on my live stream and talk about society?
What? You dont worship Molech?
You don't pass your children through the fire?
I've thought about this before and at least we wheren't herded on to a beach in Normandy to die en masse trying to kill innocent people.
Lol. Marriage prospects are in the garbage. It's over for us, Bros
But seriously, I feel ya bud. GenX boomer here and I feel bad for my proverbial bros (and my RL younger bros) for not living the world before the masks fell off. Make no mistake, the Rothschilds were governing shit way before all our times (before the real boomers, too) but at least us older people had some time to live in "normal" times.
The good thing is that you guys got a chance to live a more woke life, and you should absolutely seize that chance to change shit. Don't let them normalize the shit that's happening, if you know deep inside that it's wrong, speak out
Y’all always have an excuse
t. Zoomer sick of you fags
Just because we're not in Gallipoli dying for the Jews doesn't make it any less shitty.
was ((commie)) infiltration that did all this.
>wahh I have to stay home and watch Netflix what cruel fate
Boomers had to go die in fucking Vietnam and thier parents in Europe for the country consider yourself lucky
>Be millennial
>Not retarded
>STEM job
>Remote work
>Comfy salary
You're just a degenerate. Every single person from my class that complains about being a millennial is a fucking loser and it's obvious that it's their own fault. Shut up or kys
I'm 36 and thriving. Maybe it's you who let's outside forces dictate your success. The strong adapt and survive to the changing world. Nothing is static, the world is dynamic. Don't be a fucking faggot and work to become successful.
Our boomers have transformed domestic millenials into their copies. They're worried about weed while they're lowering their underwear so that they can become the cum dumpster of the EU and a shitskin repository, just so that they can get shekels to keep their puny pensions and public sector jobs. The rest of us will be fucked for eternity AND have them (along with German and other Euro boomers) call us lazy. Life is fair 'n' shit.
Millennial here can confirm.
Oh and also, a word of advice while I'm here:
Etch it in your mind, learn about it, do your own research in how it affects all aspects of life and make it a long-term goal. It is your silver bullet and the ticket out of this faggot era we're living through. This is unironically all you need to strive for, Godspeed to ya
like 1% of the male population had any participation in vietnam. 99% of boomers have never fought in any conflict
Shut up dad or I’ll take you back to the nursing home.
Hard times create strong men.
I am actually still employed and make over median in my city. Thing is, if you can't recognize how bad this situation is for this generation and our society as a whole, I don't know what t o tell you.
millenials fought in iraq and afghanistan, you dried up old cunt.
Just buy two or three houses and become a landlord. If you can't beat them, join them.
You were meant to fight. Join the space force.
Entire US male population? What was the percentage of men aged 18-24?
They weren't drafted those people chose to go to shoot brown people and play Xbox in the middle east
There was no draft dipshit and much fewer people died.
Fight or die faggot.
>Imagine being given high iq, virtually homogeneous societies and INTENTIONALLY turning them into low trust, low iq, third world societies.
The real redpill is that boomers didn't want to have 2.1 kids (which means every boomer has at least two kids and every 10th or so has 3) so they didn't replace themselves. So they imported non-whites as surrogate children to pay for their pensions.
The past 30~ years have been dominated, politically, by boomers advocating for the replacement of their kids so they can have someone pay for all the multiple pensions they voted for themselves.
And on top of that they bankrupted society and there is no money for pensions anyway lol.
>t. underage mutt that eats tidepods
White people are talking, stop posting Nick.
No we were meant to burn everything down.
I didn't say draft faggot, most boomers were too young to fight in vietnam anyway.
The "everyone can have a comfy life if they do STEM" meme. In reality if everyone did STEM (which is what is happening for Zoomers) then STEM would become basically worthless.
Does anyone have a link to a video by a guy called Ryan Fulk about the truth about (((them))), that video got erased from youtube along with most of his videos
The reality of it is that only a small percentage of the population has the intelligence to be in a STEM field and you're a retard for thinking that everyone can do it.
This. Zoomies are in a for a rude awakening when little pajeet and Chang take thier jobs
The real problem is STEM jobs, especially lab work, are brutal in the beginning and pay astoundingly little. Oh, and don't forget all the H-1B competition to do PCR for $35k/yr at 2 in the morning.
Ask your friend Bernie