WTF is wrong with white guys?

WTF is wrong with white guys?

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Jungle bunnies are so loathed, not even niggers wanna slam them

She's cute. I'd accept her friend request

this, why would we want them if you don't tyrone?
you're welcome to scoop up our fat girls though

She cute.
Would colonize.

White people in America avoided race-mixing for centuries. I don't think Canada and Europe will last as long.

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Man that's harsh. She looks like a qt

I would BLEACHED her.

canadians rarely race mix, they imported like 10 million shitskins in 18 years, thats the fuckin problem

He's an actual racist unlike the desperate posers that use this board. It's that simple.

She's fuckable tho

She’s kind of cute though ;P

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I’m so sorry to see Canada fall as well. It was a good run, bros. Too bad we weren’t alive for the golden years.

She's got enough European ancestry that I'd have no issue colonizing that ass

>mongler hat

How vintage.

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Remove the make up, and the horrors will reveal themselves.

I know this is an unpopular opinion around here but if I were propositioned by a black I'd politely turn them down. I may be a racist but at least I'm not RUDE.

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Wow, almost like women of every single race?
Look at her - it's clear by her facial structure and skin tone that she has a considerable amount of European ancestry.
Cute dimples, pretty smile. Her lips are voluptuous but not gorilla tier.
Obviously she'd look worse without makeup, but nothing of "horrors"

Proof racists are actually just insane people. They cant even comprehend the thought of being friends with someone if they arent muh blood

hahahahahah seethe harder roastie, and REMOVE MAKEUP

Why would anyone spend that much money on a stupid hat.

If I had a shit load of money I'd probably buy expensive clothes as well so I don't see the problem and she is pretty cute. The dude is just a homo

purity spiraling into faggotry

In 2018 12-20% of children born to White American women had a non-White father. Don't throw stones in glass houses, mutt.

utterly based


Shut up retard

Imagine thinking it's about the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. Black skin is ugly, and negroid facial features are undesirable, but we have niggers more because of how they act.

mirin them jaw aesthetics

You have to understand that there are dumb racists and smart racists.

Dumb racists are usually Buck V. Bell tier white trash. They unironically join Fed infiltrated organizations like the KKK and ANSP because they genuinely believe the day of the rope is right around the corner. It's easier to think of them as the European-American equivalent of inner-city street gangs than an actual political force because nowadays this is de-facto the case. They peddle drugs, they get degenerate tattoos, affiliate with prison gangs, etc etc.

For the intelligent racist, race is a policy position not a lifestyle. Intelligent racists don't foam at the mouth when they meet a mild-mannered black person. They understand that it's particular cabals of Jews and particular strains of Jewish thought which are subversive and not every individual Jew. They subscribe to Jared Taylor, read the works of Kevin Macdonald and Wilmot Robertson, or if they're a bong the speeches and works of Enoch Powell and Oswald Mosley.

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>1 post by this Id. memeflaggot. oct. 2019 no link
Kys shill faggot

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she cute

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CUTE! Would friend and bleach!

Hard to know the real statistics of that because of how many are considered ‘white’ here...

>she-boon living in her car is looking for a white boomer sugar daddy to finance her spending sprees on petty bullshit like a 350$ hat.

what the fuck is wrong with negroes ?

this she seems cool.
Would hang out with her

You know statistically american black women are the highest educated and highest earning racial minority group?

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80% of Finnish births in 2018 were between white Finnish women and black African immigrants. Finland is projected to be majority African within 6 months.