Have you noticed that low test leftist trannies hate metal so much? Why is that?
Have you noticed that low test leftist trannies hate metal so much? Why is that?
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Metal = Christian
Because metal is brutally and unapologetically masculine, and lots of it contains nationalist and subtly pro white themes especially black metal
T. Varg
Lol, what are you talking about? 99% of metalfags are leftists. Have you ever even met one?
Cause faggots are unable to enjoy pantera
They only like the avant-garde shit like Kayo Dot, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Sunn O)))
metal is fucking gay garbage sounds. go put on your makeup, total faggot
Exactly. Beta cucks hate metal. Tells you everything you need to know.
Depends on the city you’re in.
The dedicated fanboys sure, but then when are they not complete faggots? Most listeners of metal are generally right leaning in my experience though.
He's a good example but far from the only one
I haven't.
2 sides of the same coin. Black metal fans are always super cringy, socially awkward, have no friends and are usually incels. The other side of this coin is The same group in OPs pic but just not nearly as edgey and attention seeking.
What types of metal are most based? Thrash? Doom? Sludge?
There is a difference between masculine and edgy. Metal is about as masculine as a scrawny introverted high school goth kid, but it is as edgy as one.
On the head, leaf
Nice job
t. low test trannies
Esoteric meaning here too. Trannies are the human making steps toward becoming the Baphomet, beyond androgynous literally merging the two halves (male and female, sun and moon, above and below) together. This can only be done in harmful and blasphemous ways.
>If you consider it from a vibrational standard, they're (trannies) just pissing in an ocean of piss. Metal on the other hand, is the synergy of two driving forces (ryhtym and melody, life and thought, darkness and light, above and below), forced together by the will of the instrumentalists and amplified by the power of electricity to physically alter the vibrations of those present.
The difference between pop and metal lies within the symbolism. Pop needs to hide it behind tits, ass, and glamor. Metal does not, not the real shit anyway (they tried and failed). It is an amalgamation of primal ideas that cuts through the veil deception. To them, Metal is the ugly truth, Baphomet worship is the beautiful lie.
>this one black metal fags actually believe
No lol. You’re cringy and autistic. Black metal is for beta incels who don’t have an identity. I don’t think I’ve ever met a black metal fan who wasn’t a complete incel sperg edgelord.
Yes, its because metal musicians and lyrics are about wrongthink even though they wanna listen to rebellious music
Antestor is the only christian metal band I like
Black Metal correlates the most with pol
>mentally ill men don't like metal
Power metal. Everything else is edgy faggotry.
Masculine is not the same thing as edgy.
Metal is probably the most anti-christian genre of music.
Power metal is virgin tier. True alphas listens to death and black metal. Subhumans will disagree.
>black metal correlates the most with pol
Yea...bc black metal fans are on the spectrum. It’s for pussies who lack an identity or personality. It’s a way for a beta males to come off as edgey and dark. Every high school had them lol. The socially awkward incel nobody talked to would blast black on his phone while walking down the hallway just looking straight ahead without making eye contact hoping everyone would realize how deep and woke he is. It’s so cringy.
You're better off asking which metal is NOT based.
It just leads to more brother wars. Fuck kikes.
Not really my dude.
Hi Ghost
>Have you noticed that low test leftist trannies hate metal so much? Why is that?
I'm a leftist tranny and fan of metal. Idgi, are you Maddox or something? You should gain some character instead of relying on external interests to uplift your lack of personality.
When did I say metal was screamo?
turn the arch into a rainbow
The only metal album I listen to, I don't need anything else
This. OP is virtue signaling for his hobby
Not true. They all love "new" metal and hipster / zoomer garbage. The whole grindcore scene is nothing but virtue signalling, self-hating white kids.
You're a fag and I'm positive your taste in music sucks. You probably listen to god awful shit like Behemoth or Lamb of God.
they need each other, because they can't stand alone.
Hard to say. Even the artsy shit like Kayo Dot can be good if you’re in the right mood.
Left-wing politically influenced metal used to be at least well made. See “Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation” and “The Oncoming Storm.”
Shit even punk/hardcore was based at one point, before they went full globohomo.
What why am i seeing so many leftists vegans and dyed hair male/females loving metal so much?
Depends on the sub genre. Black metal is particularly based. Thrash not so much
Hes a retard metal fans are cucked as fuck
When I was young it was metal against techno/electronic.
Good that the fire is still burning.
Mostly fans of progressive metalcore I’d say. People who think Periphery and Erra are hard shit. Or 30 year old boomers dusting off their Atreyu and From Autumn to Ashes CDs.
Nah, they’ve joined forces.
>loves metal
the memes write themselves
>low test
well there you have it
Seth was a sensitive man
Oh and that’s also a reason why i never go to concerts too many of stinky cringe faggots
scuse me whaaa? Have you ever been to Hellfest? The vast majority of metalheads here are left and so are all my metal friends. Not to mention myself, very much left and very much into metal.
Burzum is great by the way.
That's what they do. They take concepts that yield power from others, and pervert it for their own bullshit. Hollywood Undead and others like them
hijacked the old hardcore scene and now it all sucks worse than it did before kek.
You can't compare US and German metal crowds/markets/demos bro. It's no contest; real metal struggles here.
well would you expect them to like metal? why is this even a question? I'd expect the s o yboy types to like pop or techno or gay nigger music
You’re also french that makes you double the faggot
Im sure it’s pretty much in every country like this maybe a bit less in some parts of usa
Sure, because these guys are total alphas. Metal is a leftist faggot genre in general. Only power and folk come close to being okay.
crust is higher test than metal
d-beat is higher test than metal
both are left wing
I've noticed how this board has gone to hell since some retarded metalhead has become the lead Jannie.
And allowed all these pointless music threads to continue.
It's probably more based in shitty eastern european countries. Ukraine has ns black metal festivals pretty much.
More like le anime openings
The best is crust metal
>nationalist and subtly pro white
Doesn’t listen to military marches and anthems intead
Their racist uncle blasted metal in the garage while working on cars.
You have your own board faggot.
Do you really want to flex to us?
>not listening to horror punk like a real man
Subgenres are a tool of the enemy
Brothers in Metal
What are you talking about retard
Most (older) people who listen to metal don't care about being left or right. They've always been pariahs. They sure as hell aren't going to care if some limp wristed faggot calls them "fascist", "nazi" or whatever the fuck the current term they're using is.
I listen to a lot of "satanic" black metal even though I don't believe in occultism. I also listen to white supremacist bands even though I'm not white myself. It's just music.
What makes you think that?