Everybody was Kung Flu fightin

Trump needs to fire this bastard and reopen America!

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Based Ron Paul, Trump was probably waiting for people to start doing this for optics.

>trusd da pLan

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As usual, Dr. Ron Paul is correct.

>journalist Bill Moyers
Hm. Strnage considering that guy made a documentary called "The Secret Government".


He always was. Its a shame he never got elected

Attached: DoomPaul_TriedToWarn.jpg (676x380, 44.99K)

Working with wannabe Brave New World controller(Mustapha Mond) Billy Boy Gates and as well China backed W.H.O.

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Didn't this moron's son just test positive and then expose the senate to the disease.

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As opposed to? One doesn't stop redpilling just because glows are glowing, retard.

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IMO (((China))) could've easily predicted the outcome of this Soft Attack on US mainland, and given history it was predictable.

Mongol rulers marveled at how Chinks wouldn't fight, but would end up owning you via trade.

After US firepower stopped Chi-Coms in Korea, we thought "its over, we won", but they thought "how to destroy US power without direct confrontation???"

Of course the (((Chi-Coms))) would be willing to lose a few million of their mostly elderly or otherwise sickly "unless bread eaters"(rice?) in a war that FUBARs the USA.

Instead of trading deaths and economic losses from enemy attacks, all the losses on Chinese side are blowback from their own attack, but that blowback is most valuable asset in this war.

The Blowback allows them to say with straight face to Kushner Admin "we victims too, maybe we screw up, but only because we dumb Chinamen, please be friends and help us, we all in this together" etc.

Meanwhile, the (((Chinese))) know Red China will barely feel a speedbumb, but USA crashes into a ditch.

You can bet Red Chinese agents (Jews) are actively $$$lobbying$$$ mostly Dem local politicians to extend and enforce quarantines in the dumbest, most economically harmful, ways possible. All the smart people are all calling for targeted quarantines of high risk people.

In Red China, govt can rule "police, let everyone go back to work", where as in USA every shitty pig is drooling at his new found power over law abiding nice people, and it will take rulings by SCOTUS to ever even throttle that.


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Also reminder that "The Plan" is for you to trust yourself, investigate on your own and continue redpilling as you always have. That is literally the big scary "master plan" that shills hate so much.

>Quarantine fatties
>Quarantine old people
>Quarantine niggers
I just prevented 95% of all Corona deaths and serious cases. You're welcome.

this is a poster who enjoys licking ballsacks and gargling cum

Trump IS the orange bastard1

>Quarantine fatties
tha's 99% of americans

He's a ching chong commie so he doesn't enjoy anything. He just does it anyway.

Wait til it is found out that common prescriptionz for beetus, high blood pressure, colesterol to interacts with this flu and kills you

damn, that's actually kind of depressing

This poster works for .gov

Sounds like Fauci shit in his rice bowl on CNNyesterday.

So quarantine most of America like what’s already happened? Retard.

Is it this easy to Trigger Ron Paul faggots?

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## RON PAUL ##

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What would it be like if Paul replaced Fauci?

Paulbots are even more bitter than berniebros because they never had a chance to begin with, at least berniebros deluded themselves that they had a chance a couple times

Fauci wants to be fired so he can be Biden's VP, lashing out at Trump every day of the campaign with "inside information" he learned working for Trump. It's also a way to get another white male on the ticket without upsetting the SJWs.


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