I have practiced it for not so long, but my experience is that it makes my mind feel less "heavy", and it makes me feel relieved. But this push to make mindfulness omnipresent is starting to make me suspicious.
Sam Harris talks about how Mindfulness is meant to bring our attention to the present, and not focusing or worrying about uncertainties of the future. Do they want to make us docile or is Mindfulness totally innocuous?
After some research I found that Jews have exclusively been pushing for the popularization of this practice for decades. Jon Kabat-Zinn is the guy who first brought it to America in the 70s and ever since there has been even more Jews who has jumped on it, just to name a few: >Richard Davidson: Conducts research on Mindfulness >Daniel Goleman: Coined the term "EQ" (emotional intelligence) >Joesph Goldstein: Buddist convert and advocate for Mindfulness >Dan Harris: News anchor and creator of the app 10% happier >Sam Harris: Creator of the app Waking Up >Sharon Salzberg: Mindfulness instructor >Sheryl Sandberg: Billionaire COO of Facebook and advocate for Mindfulness
Are they really pushing it or are they trying to cash in on something that's already happening?
David Lopez
oy vey, did I strike a nerve shlomo?
Luis Cruz
So is this like eckert toole the power of now being in the moment
That might work at a happy hour but in real life people have to think about time and value of money. If you don't understand time and are about the now you would be low time preference. This is a good goy consoomer and makes you more likely to fall for exploitative low time preference financial schemes
Jason Edwards
Hello, bot
Jonathan Green
Because it's designed to be used to draw you into new age religion. "Bring spiritual" not religious. Its the religion if the NWO. Tower of Bable ect
Bentley Young
It's a billion dollar market already and they have already introduced it into the Army, many schools, Silicon valley companies. There was even a politicians who wanted to make it compulsory for schools to have mindfulness sessions because it promotes "mental health".
Zachary Barnes
>shlomo That's not my name >Hello, hello >bot no I'm a real humna bean
Carter Butler
Fucking hell. It decreases depression and anxiety cases, helps the population think faster, improves the immune system, improves longevity, decreases violence, and so on, and so on... Obviously an invention of evil men. After all, it’s in no way possible that a Jew actually cares about improving the society in which he lives. Right?
Logan Perry
They love taking eastern bullshit, stripping it of meaning, and repackaging in HR friendly terms. It's sanitized and neutered pseudo-religion for a degenerate and atheistic age. Same sort of jewish emptiness that lead to the promotion of the rajneeshis. The jews are a cursed people, instead of attempting to do anything right, they'll try to push their same self-congratulatory self-hatred onto everyone else to justify their misery.
The people who seriously practice this crap are the faux-enlightened "global citizen" cattle.
They want you to be narcissistic. To be one with the universe and make everything about yourself instead of helping others. They want you to reject God or power from a higher being. They'll expose you to the devil. All you have to do is look at the people who follow this false doctrine of eastern philosophy.
James Cruz
Those (((meditations))) the way new agers do it is so you can open yourself up to get invaded by demons.
Logan Smith
Mindfulness = Mindlessness
Tyler Davis
>Why are Jews Pushing for Mindfulness? They don't. They are burying into it.
>After all, it’s in no way possible that a Jew actually cares about improving the society in which he lives. Why are Jews the ones who are exclusively pushing it DESPITE being less than 2% of the US population? How come Jews are always on top of the "new hip thing" before anyone else, they are just looking out for us goyims (cattle), right?
Nicholas Cox
>everything the Jews did is negative I never said that. I'm just finding it odd that Mindfulness has exclusively been pushed by Jews for over 4 decades despite them being less than 2% of the US population.
Carson Reed
1. It’s not exclusively jews. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You’re cherry-picking and ignoring the vast majority of support. 2. Meditation far predates Judaism.
Lincoln Anderson
Meditation is dangerous and does not yield decent results in the long run, anyone who tells you that meditation is good knows shiit about such a big business that's worth 1.4 billion dollar
Where there's shekels and no hard work, there's jews.
Brody Russell
>You’re cherry-picking I'm literally citing you the people who have had the most amount of influence in introducing Mindfulness to the West and they are ALL JEWS. Name my ONE person who has had more influence than any of those people on the list and I will admit to being wrong.
You're a lying scumbag if you don't provide me with a name.
No, they want to subvert it, not support it. Obviously. Buddhism is based.
Blake Phillips
David Lynch. Also the entire David Lynch foundation. Buddha. The Beatles. Alan Watts. Terrence McKenna. Deepak Chopra. I could go on. But also, everyone should meditate. It is simply good for you. Like eating a healthy diet. The fuck does it matter if some Jews also recognize objective reality by reading actual medical research?
>Name my ONE person who has had more influence Influence isn't what people who are serious about it are about. I always suggest Alan Watts (self-described "spiritual entertainer", lots of books and audio lectures), Culadasa (audio lectures and the book "The mind illuminated", which strips all the technical info of its eastern terms and gives it new ones that make sense), and Daniel Ingram (author of MCTB, mastering the core teachings of the buddha, is about as good of a description of a personal experience towards enlightenment as you're going to get).
Julian Brooks
>The fuck does it matter if some Jews also recognize objective reality by reading actual medical research? Did you read my original post? Let me cite again:
>I have practiced it for not so long, but my experience is that it makes my mind feel less "heavy", and it makes me feel relieved. But this push to make mindfulness omnipresent is starting to make me suspicious.
Is it wrong to be suspicious?
Owen Sanders
While it can be said that Jews have fucked over the field of psychology by a metric-fuckton (which they have) the idea behind mindfulness is not a strictly jew deal. It's used as a coping mechanism to draw attention to the here-and-now. It has nothing to do with avoiding the future or thinking about it. It's a way to get people out of negative thinking patterns by intellectualizing what they are literally doing in the moment. If anything I would say they are probably trying to capitalize on a market where they CREATE anxiety and depression with their jewish bullshit and then sell people on this idea as a way to help deal with anxiety and depression. Mindfulness is not inherently jewish but it's being pushed by Jews as a way to capitalize on the problems they, themselves cause. It's like a doctor poisoning a waterhole and then selling you the antidote.
Luis Sanchez
Wait, Mindfullness is literally good though.
Kevin James
I understand and I find your explanation plausible, thanks
Jason Taylor
Bud, I’m going to make this super simple for you. There’s no such thing as gods or demons. Meditation is literally physically good for you. There is no danger whatsoever unless you think a little introspection would kill you, in which case that’s indicative of some serious personal issues you should get worked out.
I never said it was inherently a bad thing, why are people this bad at reading comprehension?
Ayden Reyes
Happy to help. Keep in mind I am, myself, a therapist but I have seen just how badly they have fucked over my field. Even going through for my master's to be a therapist the kike influence is blatantly there. The techniques that are used are sound and very helpful but the culture of psychology nowadays is less about helping the individual and more about "their truth" type of thinking. The field is fine with challenging white men about their "toxic masculinity" but you best not challenge a tranny on how delusional their thinking is.
Jace Allen
No it’s not, it helps calm me down at least. I misunderstood you then, I thought you insinuated that it was bad.
Grayson Hill
this is literally to be expected. You're supposed to work through that. Might take years. Any sensible book or instructor would say this honestly. Best not to begin, but if you have, best to finish.
By doing meditation, the cerebrospinal fluid rises up through your spinal column through capillary action and collects in your head area
This raises your consciousness/presence of where you exist
Note that if you identify/sense yourself too much with lower part of your spinal column also called root chakra, you will take more impulse decisions and actions such as jerking off too much, getting into fights, enjoying oneself with pursuits that give happiness to a lower form of egoism
Instead if you are able to identify/sense yourself with the higher part of your spinal column, the heart and the head also called crown chakra ... your existence is no longer disturbed by the impulses of root chakra
You live at a higher level of beingness .. where you can take more intelligent and peaceful decisions that are better for your life and bring victory to your higher ego
, rather than wasting time pursuing what makes your root chakra impulse ego happy.
This is what meditation is for you nigger It is to shift your existence from predominantly root chakra existence to predominary crown chakra existence where you can fulfill your life more.
Psychology is and always has been a Jewish profession. It is a good thing too. All of those wacky Christians with the “turn the other cheek” nonsense have tried polluting the field with acceptance of LGBT and liberal propaganda, and some Jews have fallen for it, but the real Jews who follow the Old Testament would never support those things.
Stfu studies show that meditation can have permanent psychological damage especially yo experts of meditation who had at least 10 hours in the field
Meditation is a Jewish trick just like islam or communism
Jackson Reyes
I feel as though this might be where the OP is coming from. Mindfulness is a skill just like any other but if you try and practice it on your own with no professional help you're going to end up fucking yourself, or there is a high chance to. I am contracted, through my company, for therapy at a public school. The school is pushing mindfulness techniques very hard but on a macro level. They want all the teachers doing it themselves and also taking "breaks" for kids to do it. That's a recipe for disaster. Mindfulness is something that needs to be practiced, with a professional, one on one for weeks, if not months, so the person can handle and know how to walk through any painful memories that may come forth from it. It's like giving power tools to a five year old and telling them to build a house by themselves.
Dylan Bell
That's a list of frauds you idiot
Grayson Jenkins
best post
William Butler
>Jews pushing us towards nirvana Wtf i love jews now
Meditation can destroy your brain and make you believe shit that is not even real like past lifes and shiet
let alone you pajeet meditation is a garbage pagan act that has been proven over and over to be dangerous and give you sucidal thoughts & permanent psychological damage
it's called "the dark night of the soul" in christianity. It exists in every religion, as every religion has a meditation practice. The outcome is as predictable as life and death.
based, sad thing though most natsoc's take meditation seriously
Easton Phillips
You’re a terrible therapist mate. Mindfulness requires no teacher, nothing. Americans make a big deal out of it, but Alan Watts was damn right — it’s just sitting correctly. If you need a teacher for that, fine, go ahead, but that has more to do with your personal inability to relax than an objective fact about meditation.
Thomas Allen
>Polluting the field with acceptance of LGBT and liberal propaganda Keep in mind Hirshfeld was the biggest faggot when it came to this and Hitler almost succeeded in shutting it down for good but unfortunately the kikes were able to spin "Nazi book burning" away from the fact the only books that were burned were "studies" that were about turning children into homosexuals. Though I will agree with you the field has been heavily polluted with too much "acceptance" and not enough reality. I have always been a vocal dissenter when it comes to how gender identity disorder (now gender dysphoria) is treated.
Justin Bell
Dangerous?! How?
Alexander Russell
>Person can't relax properly >GOOD GOY JUST SIT PROPERLY AND DON'T SEEK HELP FOR ISSUES YOU CLEARLY CAN'T HANDLE No where did I say anything about meditation. Truth is mindfulness and meditation are two different subjects with two separate goals. Meditation is for rich people who want to feel like they actually know what it's like to be poor and have real problems. Mindfulness is for ADHD riddled drug addicts who need to slow the fuck down and think about their actions before doing them.