White bad

White female Norwegian YouTuber shows her disappointment & dismay at her DNA results. Being white is ‘boring’ apparently.

Black boyfriend in 3..2..

Who’s to blame for this?

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Loving that L/D bar. Only a matter of time before she disables comments and does a video about the "racist trolls." She won't learn a thing from this response.

the absolute state of whites, the most cucked race on earth.

built for BBC

She would be the poster girl of blacked. Imagine her licking ass then getting do’s


Coal burners always pay the toll eventually
Niggers tongue my anus

Sage in all fields

White girl here! I am not ashamed of my mostly Nordic genes! And yes I have a black husband

she should go live with a tribe of niggers on the African savanna
the combustion engine and automobile, the train
electricity, the internet, satellites, electrowaves, radiowaves
flight, planes, aerodynamics
television, cinema, the mobile phone, the computer, electronics
but everyone know she'd never want to leave white man's country
people like this DESERVE to get raped. at least that might not be boring for her

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>I have a black husband

>Who’s to blame for this?
Fucking kikes, obviously

I wouldn't want to see my worst enemy be as self-loathing as this, this is seriously fucking wrong

It's amazing how successful they've been. Truly evil.


I bet you do, Rabbi. Remember that HRT will never make you a real woman.

And just think, they vote now. The white woman voting may be the biggest danger to our civilization ever.

Based. Based because this isn’t close to a shock. You have a fetish and it is actually racist

Being “boring” or “plain” is one of the oldest anti-white psyops there is. “Just some white dude, lol” is the most popular anti-white joke around today. Like all cultural marxism it’s poison is in reversing the truth. Whites are the most diverse and interesting race on the planet. They have all sorts of unique interests and hobbies. Just think about school: there are goths, jocks, nerds, freaks, and rockers - all white. Now think about black students, asian students, latin students...yeah that’s about all there is to them. Whites will forever be the most “interesting race” (as far as races can be “interesting”) and this butthurts anti-whites.

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Disgusting bitch needs to get put in a white mans rape dungeon! Built for BGC (BIGGERMANICCOCK)

I like his darker complexion. Nothing wrong with that

he says triumphantly as he gestates like a woman, docile, placid and sedentary in front of his glowing computer screen. switching between multiple tabs like a conditioned chimpanzee with a toy in a zoo; a glib facsimile. Yas Forums hurr netflix game of thrones star wars bounty hunter tv show i'm a pickle rick morty haha le epic tyron lancaster cock joke. hollywood jew movies tv consumerism, play a video game white man, batman spider-man hurrr captain america beat up big purple meanie spongebob
you are destined to die in a nursing home finger fed curry rice from the smelly brown fingers of a vacant faced indian talking loudly in punjabi to his ear piece as you choke on it
you love your own enslavement too much. you love your bread and circuses. your domestication. you love the jew

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Are people going to blame Jewish people for this like always?

Didn't even read

Are jews every going to stop being at fault for this?

i mean honestly how can any of you white mgtow incels be shocked by this. white women have simply realized that you arent interested in them and that many of you hate them so they will simply replace you with black men who want to impregnate them and can sexually satisfy a white woman unlike you lot. life will go on without you

>American without an attention span and incapable of reading
what's new?

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I don't get angry at that sort of stuff just makes very sad 40 thousand years in the making

>I don't get angry at that sort of stuff j
Then you are weak

you're incapable of introspection and self-awareness
you love this jewish society. go watch another game of thrones episode. go play another video game
>hurrr joker movie he's just like me batman video game pickle rick tyron lancaster cock joke

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Didn't read that either.

>8% finnish
scandinavian women can't resist the Finnish BVLL

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>blame the jews for all your problems when you are the most docile and domesticated golem creature in literally all of recorded human history that loves your jewish enslavement
yes, you are an authority on weakness

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