Attached: EVf9w7RWkAosJct.png (1843x929, 36.21K)

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Bring everything you've got shitskin

Attached: Vlad_Tepes_002.jpg (1280x1550, 347.74K)

this bitch was beheaded by TÜRKs white boi

No land connection. What a low tier empire. Must be still missing owning Egypt, I would if I was Turk

How about this dude?

Attached: Stefan-Cel-Mare.jpg (1185x1537, 1.33M)

Nice digits
Also his k/d ratio wasn’t too bad, thousands of roaches / 1 somewhat based, sociopath larper

And?! How many turkshits did he take out before his glorious departure into the sacred heaven?

>The Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, ordered Vlad to pay homage to him personally, but Vlad had the Sultan's two envoys captured and impaled. In February 1462, he attacked Ottoman territory, massacring tens of thousands of Turks and Bulgarians. Mehmed launched a campaign against Wallachia to replace Vlad with Vlad's younger brother, Radu. Vlad attempted to capture the sultan at Târgoviște during the night of 16–17 June 1462. The sultan and the main Ottoman army left Wallachia, but more and more Wallachians deserted to Radu. Vlad went to Transylvania to seek assistance from Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, in late 1462, but Corvinus had him imprisoned.

Remember, always kill the traitors first. ALWAYS

he killed his own people whiteboi

there were virtually no turks in Balkans except for Thrace

Yes, we fear your army of soon-to-be beggars.

Attached: turkey-currency.png (400x250, 11.91K)

Now here’s a based figure from history

Traitors and whores are not people.

he died on the battlefield fighting for his lands unlike that fatass Sultan that sat on his ass all day ordering useless military campaigns just for the sake of it. Who's the real bitch here?

>Thinking he can take Crimea from the Russians

Lay off the peace pipe roachman

He killed his own people, yes.
He also impaled over 20,000 roaches. Forest of the Dead. As stated earlier, his k/d was very high all things considered, tens of thousands / 1. Probably would have been a fun mate to play call of duty with back in the day

What's so important in Egypt?

Imagine how hard you would get bitch slapped if you tried to invade Crimea. We’ve fought 13 wars against you Turks and we won 11 of them. One of the ones we lost was when Britain and France had to step in and fight for you. We have always been your superior in war.

What's wrong with half white half brown?

Attached: 5FB2C146-2AB5-4F7A-AC9D-0F29F08CE74F.jpg (768x719, 60.13K)

truly curious, why pick the land area on other side of Caspian? I understand Crimea. Why not focus expansion from casposo into somewhere more development and economic prosperous areas that surround you

There are Turks and Muslim fags here who buy the meme that Russia wluld side with Turkey in a war against Greece because apparently Putin is a secret Muslim and the Orthodox Church has submitted to Islam because the Chechen peace agreement was actually a Russia surrendering to Islam. No seriously, this is what some of those dumbshits believe! It's like their so brainwashed on their own bullshit they believe 14-15 million muslims in Russia can controle and influence the +130 million who arent because "muh superior bismillah" tardation. It would be funny if it wasnt so destructive to everyone around them.

One drop of nonwhite= Nonwhite.

Why does the hapa seethe at the Armenian BVLL so much? Is the hapa afraid? I think the hapa is always in fear.


Importance has dropped down over the centuries. In history, it’s been very beneficial for empires (pros have cons of course). Roman Empire at one time supplies itself with vast amounts of grain from the delta area, and income from trade from the ports connected to India and that side of the world. This is repeated a few times in history.

In current times, I would say at the very least owning the land territory surrounding the Suez Canal to be of great potential. Sure, while not owed 100% by Egyptian government, since were talking theoretical here. Kick out the westerns and burn the Jews. Theoretical, in Minecraft

Also probably some dope info hidden away in the ayyyylmao pyramids to find that’s not been raised yet but maybe just one big scam larp

What am i looking at

greater oghuzestan

ah yes, that great turkish warlike mentality
heres their elite Division, portraied by their best artists

Attached: zturks3.jpg (625x361, 38.29K)

>the ayyyylmao pyramids
Yeah, I can see the reasoning of wanting to own the Nile river. They have some oil there and gas. But Egypt has nearly 100 million people and Turkey barely 80 with the refugees. Seems kinda bad annexing a country that has more population than you. Imagine if Luxembourg annexed Belgium, or Bulgaria, Turkey. That'd be some shit to deal with.

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Take Ural too.


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Day of the Roach ??