Video related is the latest in material engineering straight out of Japan. Pretty convincing isn't it? Are we about to witness the 2nd sexual revolution?
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Video related is the latest in material engineering straight out of Japan. Pretty convincing isn't it? Are we about to witness the 2nd sexual revolution?
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>Pretty convincing isn't it?
>buys a bbw sex bot
wats the point, literally just buy a hambeast burger king or somthing and you will get pussy
What's the fucking sauce man come on, i want to have one
>Pretty convincing isn't it?
are canadian women different or are you just a virgin
Op is a fag that hasn't been close to women
We truly live in a society...
no value replies
material isn't enough
if they don't move or moan I'd rather jerk off to porn
>no value replies
>Less STDs
>As adoption increases market price of pussy drops while supply increases, demand drops drastically until buyers (men) balk at whores
>Women have to remember how to be companions and partners again instead of degenerate cesspit holes
>Product becomes market viable but less a bandaid for broken relationships and horny loneliness, more a leisurely fap
By making plastic anime tiddy real we will save the world, user
And irretractible sickness!
virgin leaf fails again
Breasts are disgusting
Dsdoll is already making robot waifus fyi
Can they lactate?
Too big
Too soft
Too round
Too realistic
Dolls/Anime is not designed to be realistic
it's supposed to be better than the real thing
Next they'll make ugly faces and say WOW SO REALISTIC
Why not skip all the imitation and go straight to the bioengineered Loli cat girls?
Government won't give me the money/lab/children/cats to run my experiments
just admit that you fap to long haired little boys and be done with it
real is better
>this will trigger cam whores e thots
>reee my money
>got mad about a v tuber taking all the attention
Can't fucking wait
>blue ball teased to hell and back
Why even live....
Just make a nice android waifu and I will buy it. Dont need no silicon monster. Or engineer catgirls.
The only thing that will cause a sexual revolution is an artificial womb. Until then, the biological imperative will be missing.
And don't worry about eggs. Women will sell their eggs at age 22 if it means money and sex without the possibility of pregnancy.
>not one but two threads about this incel garbage
>Pretty convincing isn't it?
While I disagree with that Leaf, this definitely solidifies my penis.
were you expecting more?
god i wish that were me
>2B will exist in your lifetime
please god don't let corona-chan kill me
No, because women (the majority of voters) are existentially afraid of these, and simps will be too happy to oblige and vote these away.
Why do you want a tranny robot?
We're all going to make it.
If you imagine what fucking christina hendricks would be like, I think that's your answer
They are not selling those yet, they will be around 100,000 yen when they come out, pretty good desu, i have seen worse going for more
imagine the taste
those breast toys really lack of lactation. I don't understand what is so hard to make them lacate.
That looks horrendous
Why would that be your fetish?
because yes
Just go out and have sex lol
What if you can't because of your looks?
Taste like the milk from frosted flakes.
t. a dad
>Pretty convincing isn't it?
Nah you are just autistic, incels always cry about looks and you see their pics and they are just average looking guys. Again, autism
>lack of lactation
nice alliteration
>Looks aren't everything
>just be confident bro
it remind me Manuel Feirrara on youtube with his radio libre.