ill probably get banned cuz ur not allowed to have a controversial opinion on pol.
perspectives that dont match with mainstream consensus are now "troll posts"
Other urls found in this thread:
Covid-19 is fake and gay.
They're using a bogus testing procedure and relabeling deaths from literally every other cause to come up with the fake numbers and statistics.
you are not gonna get banned for calling corona a hoax on pol you dumb fucking faggot
Illuminati warned you they will release virus. If you ignore social distancing, take your hydroxychloroquine and zinc
I don’t care if it’s a hoax or not just let the people die so everything can reopen
Where cant you buy seeds?? I just started some new plants this weekend
i would if i said the earth was flat or the moon landings were faked. Sorry i just assumed it would fall under the same category. knowing this is one of the biggest deceptions in history.
Michigan I think. Some kind of blanket prohibition on gardening supplies because of their dumbass government
no you wouldnt, but you'd get banned for spamming your faceboko tier meme shit
Well put, OP.
So far its only in certain areas. which is still really not good. look it up. Gardening equipment is considered "non essential"
Confirmed nothingburger
But they still allow you to buy pot seeds!
>I am gonna be banned cuz you are not allowed to have controversional opinion.
Whiny bitch. Can you do anything about this, even when this is a hoax? No. We are all fucked up for good.
these memes are great
Somewhere around 95% of US hospitals are fairly close to empty because elective procedures are on hold and people are staying home and not getting in random accidents.
It's just a relative handful of hospitals in dense urban areas that are truly overwhelmed by CCPVirus.
I think CCPVirus is probably being overblown, but the dancing nurses phenomenon is easy to explain. Most of them are literally sitting around with nothing to do unless they're in NYC or a few other big cities.
#filmyourhospital is a complete failure but there is a way to make the Media do the job for us.
LARP as a concerned citizen requesting pics and movies of patients and medical staff followed by one of these obvious reasons:
1) If you are in a shithole country you would like to see the conditions that the patients are held in.
2) In the US you fear that uninsured patients are left to die.
3) The self-isolation is starting to fail, pics of suffering patients would bring people in line
4) You want to see the medical shortages and tired staff. How else can you even know where and what to help or donate
5) There are loads of conspiracy theories around you about this being a hoax.
6) You heard that patients have no phones in the wards and it is more like a detainment than a treatment.
Use one, if called upon use another and be polite.
Effects: This is not a hoax and the media does its job and provides you with fapping material of human suffering to last a lifetime. Let’s face it none of you can get an erection otherwise.
This is a hoax but the media scrambles to provide clips you can tear apart with vaccinated autistic pleasure.
This is a hoax and we all get to our pubs.
im whining?
You ever just get tired of manufactured outrage over stupid things?
I saw another thread with vids of people walking around empty hospitals and info about the hoax get deleted in 5 mins. Bet that OP got banned.
yeah my dad has a garden and was complaining about this yesterday.
Hopefully they go “alright we were a bit retarded, you can get seeds again.”
Fucking based user. You can fuck my sister.
You have to develop a thick skin for the shills, it is just white noise. If you let it demoralize you, they've won. It's only NPC's and raw newfags that can't see right through them. To everyone else they stand out like glowing dog's balls.
I’m not saying doctors making tiktoks isn’t retarded, but I know several people who have not only been diagnosed with rona but died from in in the last two weeks. Yes, they were all around their mid 60’s, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for it to impact you if you’re younger. While I agree the government would take advantage of the situation, that doesn’t make the initial situation a hoax. That’s a foolish assumption.
Now, what state are you in user? I’m willing to bet it’s one with a relatively low death count compared to here in NY
Digress is the opposite of progress.
>Yes, they were all around their mid 60’s
user there’s a very good chance the rona wasn’t the deciding factor.
But it pushed it along. Isn’t that enough to take seriously?
THE WHOLE THING IS A FUCKING HOAX. God damn it Yas Forums is so fucking retarded. David Icke hit the nail on the head in his London Real interviews. They're using the virus as an excuse to basically roll out global communism as we speak and no one fucking sees it.
>can't buy seeds, can't grow food
>no farmers markets
>no small businesses
>no more cash
>no more economy
>time to chip everyone
>time for forced vaccines for a mild flu
>pseudo martial law over fucking nothing
>increasing pice state conditions
>increasing surveillance to "track the spread"
They can use this virus to do literally whatever they want and fucking NO ONE is questioning it AT ALL. You think it's because they want to save the elderly? Does anyone on here think for one fucking second that the government gives two shits about saving its aging population that is straining social security and voting right of communism? Think for 5 God damn minutes you fucking retards. They are rolling out every single NWO global communism agenda simultaneously and no one is fucking questioning it at all, even on Yas Forums. If humanity is really this fucking stupid then fuck it, we deserve it. For anyone who wants to know what is actually happening:
Yeah it's longer then 3 minutes so take your fucking ADHD meds if you must and just listen while playing vidya, he explains everything perfectly, guaranteed no stupid reptilian shit, it's all presented in a normie friendly way.
that vid is unwatchable. No wonder Robin Hood put arrows into sheriffs over there so eagerly all those centuries ago.
the premise is wrong because the opposite of pro is contra while con is just an abbreviation
go back to facebook, we are far too autistic for your unfunny normie memes
user ANY illness at that age pushes them along. Unless of course their immune system is still strong.
China "recovered" without a vaccine. why would any other country need one?
Do you actually trust anything China says?
Funny how USA has about 20000 deaths, yet over half of them are in New York alone. Seems legit.
Thats all you got? its a joke brah.
hey btw corona is still a hoax
Then why the fuck are you saying such stupid things “?
You didnt understand my point cuz u have no brain. im using governments words against them dummy. If china """""" recovered """"" ( in quotations because theres no virus) why would a vaccine be necessary ever?
Shut the fuck up and go back to Facebook. I’m losing brain cells talking to you.
LOL fuck no. These oldfags probably would have died from any common illness.
feel stupid huh?