My question is in the second post ITT, my friends

My question is in the second post ITT, my friends.

Attached: QuestionPep.jpg (689x596, 200.54K)

If you would be kind enough of a gentleman to not say any of the keywords from my question ITT as well. Much thanks to my friends.

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Much gratitude to the friend that replies.

I haven't been sick.
That is really a smart move. FUCK BOTS

thank you for the reply, however i am vexed at your lackluster adherence to my gentlemanly request aimed at gentleman.

No, and I know no one who has. Not that I know a lot of people.

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i had the usual seasonal shit, the way the weather was hot and cold and back got everyone at one point or another

Thank you for your response and kind attention to details within my question post.

I, as well, share similar experiences to those described by your personage.

No. I feel fine as fuck schizo boi


Thanks for your kind reply, and I do hope that your troublesome histaminic overload subsides in due time.

Indeed, similar for mineself good sir. thanks for reply.

No and nobody I know has personal experience with this either. Interesting times

Anonymous, you are pulling the tongue of ox in this moment. In the previous wool wire I showed you and to Anonymous how the Peoples Republic is working on cure. You need fear not. You must only fear Taiwan and Hong Kong, that is were virus come from.

interesting indeed sir friend.

it did feel respiratory pains last month that i've never before felt in my life

but it seems to have subsided into dormancy

>Anonymous, you are pulling the tongue of ox in this moment. In the previous wool wire I showed you and to Anonymous how the Peoples Republic is working on cure. You need fear not. You must only fear Taiwan and Hong Kong, that is were virus come from.

Yes Michael Antonescu, I agree with my whole heart! China will be our salvation. We must just wait. Michael, do you miss when your country and China were glorious allies together? Here in the netherlands think about that period a lot

What kind of experience have you had user?


Yes Anonymous, we mourn that time very much!

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I did back in early January, and it wasn't that bad.


similar to those experiences that were kindly expounded thusfar ITT, nothing out of the norm.

In feb I had all the listed symps. Brother and wife too, lasted bout a week each.

I didn't but some colleagues got it. And they're not the kind of colleagues to call sick for a running nose.

My brothers girlfriend has been quarantine because her dad got it and he's on a respirator.

I haven't and so far no one I know hasn't either, but that pool is pretty limited to just immediate, extended and in laws.


I feel great, priest in church i frequent died in quarantine few days ago thought.

Posting in le glowie thread

Had a major case of leaky snot for all of last week, like a faucet, also hacked up green phlegm, but I'm fine now. I'm Asian too by the way.

same here. white
also common cold exists so who knows.

I have not, nor do I know anyone who has been

No and I do not know anyone who has, either
