How is it possible to dumb $10 TRILLION into the stock market and not stop the market collapse?

How is it possible to dumb $10 TRILLION into the stock market and not stop the market collapse?

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>what is inflation

>hurr durr

fact you let jews print money whenever their abuse of trust fucks up the economy is what causes the market to collapse in a first place

FED money just displaces private debt

How do you know that $10 trillion didn’t prevent a total collapse?

Fed will just print some more

>meanwhile at the fed

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Confidence games stop working once confidence is lost.

Where do you get $10 trillion from?

If it's going to collapse anyway what's the point of spending $10 trillion?

Sunken cost fallacy pretty much.

It has stalled it, but likely to little to late.

when has dumping monopoly money into something stopped anything?

Burning money in the stock market is creating inflation thus making things worse in the long run.

remember when you libtards could have voted for ron paul but you fell for the BBC meme cause you're a cuck and your gf told you to vote for a nigger bitch. good times.

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>Doesn't understand the market and what other economic factors influences it
>Still comments on market with a fancy chart

This pandemic has brought out more mongs than usual. Go back to your drool bucket OP.

The amount of "stimulus" the fed injected into the market in the past month.

But it did stop. If it wasn't for all the pumping, Dow would be at 15k now.

>meme flag

Conversely, if the system is going to collapse why NOT print 10 trillion?
This is the point where you realise what the FED did, it’s already over so anything goes.

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To make the rich richer before the collapse.
What do you think happens before every collapse the rich get bailed out.

it comes out of thin air

I’m waiting for the inflation.

>they dumped ten trillion into the stock market
here's your first problem

>How is it possible to dumb $10 TRILLION into the stock market and not stop the market collapse?
the fed is playing a confidence game right now
over promise
under deliver

I need some sauce on ten exactly

>a 30% pullback is a collapse
>everything is still functioning
kike pilpul

Because this tactic is a scam.

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this is technically fallacious but it's also the correct response to that retard

what stock market collapse? the markets are down 2% today. that's literally nothing. we're in the recovery phase. take your meds

>How is it possible

Titanic was still sea-worthy for some time after hitting the iceberg.