Previous thread: There is no point in trying to fight the majority of conservatives that are starting to wake up to the Jewish subversion. It is completely counterproductive to make fun of people who are fair and reasonable enough to support alternative right-wing thought merely because of religious differences. However it is quite clear that the jewish origin of their religion will ultimate be their pitfall, though it doesn't have to be. Main elements of the Christian religion are:
>Absolutely supreme God who is similar to any pagan sun God >Celebration of the solar cycle and ancient mysteries >Belief in an eternal afterlife for the virtuous and hell for the evildoers >Safety net for the robbed, widowed and persecuted, orphans and sick people
How does any of that depend on Jewish scripture? It doesn't and we don't even have to rewrite the bible to fit it modern circumstances.
>Jews are not special, Amos 9:7 >"Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?"
>Centurion of Luke 7:1-10, Heathen superior to jews >"When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turning to the crowd that followed him, said, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.”
>Jews are children of Satan, John 8:38-44 >"I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father" >"They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham." >"But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham." >"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
>Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 >"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not [children of Abraham], but are the synagogue of Satan." >"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie [because their father is the deceiver]; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Jason Jones
>>Absolutely supreme God who is similar to any pagan sun God >>Celebration of the solar cycle and ancient mysteries kys pagancuck
Carson Stewart
There are enough bible references available that justify a purely antisemitic perspective on the gospel. No need to paint the common religion of white men as something inherently jewish. In practice however we should aim for a cultural distance to its jewish elements. By all means push for a heathen interpretation of the gospel instead of sinking the ship that brought them here. Post some ideas for a possibly dejudaized religious practice.
Dominic Butler
>Belief in an eternal afterlife for the virtuous and hell for the evildoers
Wrong. Eternal afterlife is for those who confess Christ as their savior. Virtue has nothing to do with it. It is no coincidence that the various heresies that preach a works based salvation are also the ones most subverted by kikes.
Jose Collins
Look at what the churches did from the early days on. It's all tied to astrotheology.
Kayden Williams
This protestant mindset is created by jews. No other religion set faith as a prerequisite for a good afterlife.
Samuel Butler
My Christianity is I'm a prince descended from King David and OP's a treefucker.
Matthew Nelson
Address arguments or leave shill.
Michael Robinson
Salvation based in faith through the grace of God alone is the most anti-jewish teaching possible. Why do you think any time a public figure mentions Christ jews collectively kvetch? Why do you think they hate the name of Christ so much? Kikes like to use virtue and works in order to browbeat foolish goyim into accepting them into their societies. Only a society that accepts the truth that by only confessing Christ as your savior can you be saved can justify the exclusion of kikes- for they absolutely refuse to accept Christ as their savior.
Josiah Watson
Quoting Jesus here: >Matthew 7:21 >“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
Josiah Johnson
Paganism is fucking gross, full of fornication and tranny shit. I don't want anything to do with it.
John Walker
>Absolutely supreme God who is similar to any pagan sun God no. God is the God of Socrates, not Helios. >Celebration of the solar cycle and ancient mysteries The New Testament says that no one has to celebrate certain days
Isaac Foster
>I want to be a Christian but not a Jew Not possible. Why not stop being such a fucking faggot and just stop being a Christian? What the fuck is the appeal? The buildings? J-jesus? He was really fucking cringe in the Bible. The Old Testament story about the Will to Power of the Jews?
Regarding the claim that salvation through faith alone is "anti-jewish", the Eleusinian mystery cult taught the ancient Greeks and Romans that souls will only enter Heaven if they were virtuous during their lifetimes. Heaven and Hell were originally a European conception.
Adrian Moore
based and Gal 3 pilled
Robert Torres
Christianity is already the most anti-Semitic form of literature ever written. The Hebrews in the old testament were Aryan, the Jews in the new testament was just in reference to the area of Judea, not Hebrews. The new testament is nothing but Jesus going around and tearing the shit out of the Jews, even calling them children of Satan. What is wrong is after ww2, the jews finally gained control of everything and were able to subvert and degraded Christianity the lie and shell of its former self it is today, but you could say that about anything aryan.
Those people were depending on their "wonderful works".
Andrew Moore
Either we could try and start our own religion based on Christianity whilst being open about the Aryan and anti-Semite view. Or, take back the Catholic church, there are already a lot of red pilled people in the church, we just need an inquisition to crucify all of the pedophiles and heretics like the pope. The reason we focus on the catholic church is because it already has so much infrastructure and power that would take to long to attain starting form scratch,
John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.
God the father's will is that we believe in the son. Furthermore God the Father's will is whatever we do- for he knows already everything we do.
The ancient Israelites preached a Heaven and hell, and as part of the old covenant had to follow many commandments. Just because other cultures had a heaven and hell as well, does not mean that works based salvation is valid.
Kevin Scott
Who is Helios, who is Apollo? Let me introduce you to ancient Hellenism. The Sun gives life to all things of itself, and it gives plentifully to all things not only in the heaven and air, but Earth and deep. Jamblichus said, "Whatsoever good we have, we have it from the Sun alone, or from it through other things". Heraclitus calls the Sun the fountain of celestial light and many Platonists placed the Soul of the world chiefly in the Sun. All ancient scholars and priests regarded the Sun to be the most exact image of God himself; whose essence resembles the Father, light the son, heat the Holy Ghost. So great is the consonancy of it to God that Plato calls it the "conspicuous son of God". Iamblicus calls it the "divine image of divine intelligence". Dionysius called it the "perspicuous statue of God". Neither Helios nor Apollo demanded human sacrifices at any point. Pythagoreans, who were fanatical about their abstinence from meat, worshipped solely Apollo, the common Good.
Sebastian Gray
Fucking this. Religion has done nothing but hold is back. Religion is the reason we believe that all men are equal and it’s also the reason our countries are being flooded with low IQ savages who, surprise-surprise, are also drunk on religion. Kick Christianity to the curb and be free.
Jaxon Adams
>Christianity is already the most anti-Semitic form of literature ever written The point of these threads is to figure out how to turn Modern Christianity into Christianity. It's a tough job and we're capable enough to solve it.
Brody Lewis
Just man up and accept that your religion is bullshit, and not even useful and fun bullshit like paganism is, it's cuckold bullshit.
Jeremiah White
>The ancient Israelites preached a Heaven and hell the reason the ancient Israelites and Europeans are pretty much the only ones with a concept of heaven is hell is because they are both Aryan and either from a older common religion or just a predisposition due to genetics came to the same conclusion.
Jordan Perry
They weren't depending on works, but on the mere association of themselves with the miracles that they worked through the Holy Spirit. They disregarded the commandments because they believed that their mere appointment by God saved them. That is called faith without works and not works without faith.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
yeah, i miss understood what you were trying to say, my second post would be more appropriate for this thread/
Luke Jones
Why not focus on our strengths instead? No one here is even able to instigate anything.
Ian Ortiz
>Talmud and taboo Intradasting
Josiah Harris
>>Belief in an eternal afterlife for the virtuous and hell for the evildoers Eternal life can only be obtained through faith alone and not of works.
Samuel Jackson
>The ancient Israelites preached a Heaven and hell They only considered saints and prophets to be good enough to join the Holy ones. Most people supposedly entered Hades. Hell wasn't a thing.
Brody Cook
in his Apology, Socrates responded to the claim made by polytheists that he was an atheist who basically thought the sun was a lump of coal. Socrates responded with a view of God that was compatible with Christianity. Your citations could be metaphors for what Socrates said, but if they were, why was Socrates killed?
Isaac Williams
That is probably the most bluepilled thing i have heard in a while, jews hate Christianity whilst supporting and pushing paganism and atheism, even paganism i can understand more so, but if you support any form of anti-religious or atheistic worldview, then you do nothing but support and propagate the jews goals.
>focus on our strengths instead what are our strengths? The reason i brought that idea up is because it would be the most effect means.
Julian King
That's protestant propaganda, see We should rather focus on Jesus' words himself as the letters contradict themselves in some parts, but it's fair and part of the theological debate.
Colton Howard
Matthew 7:21-23 KJV >Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. >22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? >And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
They were clearly depending on their works to save them.
Elijah Murphy
Thing that happened after Jews came to the USA
>Creation of the most powerful economy in the world >Development of the atom bomb >Development of the most sophisticated art medium (motion pictures)
Nicholas Wood
Because as Jesus said, prophets are always rejected by their own.
Adam Fisher
Psychological and cultural influence. Everything else would be of secondary significance.
David James
>Psychological and cultural influence one could also make the claim that those are also the tool of the jew.
Just because "works" is something these people did, doesn't mean that their "works" weren't in question. If you want to understand these verses, don't just ignore the fundamental parts. I chose Matthew 7:21 for a good reason as he said >"but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" Which refers to works, not faith.
Angel Torres
*German scientists
Leo Foster
Yas Forums has been created by Moot (Jewish) and "Meme" has been coined by Richard Dawkins (Jewish). You are spot on, however we should learn to be smart as snakes rather than fall prey to wolves.
Robert Gonzalez
I absolutely agree that making fun of christcucks is counterproductive, people who are on the verge of being redpilled should be treated with focus and care and not your average Yas Forums suckerpunch.
That being said, the entirety of church and clergy is completely lost, has been since the 60s, prolly longer.
Oddly enough, todays interpretation of scripture is in many regards closer to the ideal than any before. Christianity in Europe, throughout its duration, had been shaped more by locally established tradition of thought, pagan (folk) and Greek/Roman (clergy, nobility) and the quirsks of their traditionalism and socio-phylosophical attitudes than any of the major religions still present. Organised religion with written commandments, societal hierarchy based purely upon clergy patronism, all were completely foreign to European nativity when they started spreading, unlike the Middle East where semitic notions of morality and monotheistic worship had taken root well beyond the formation of its most durable kingdoms and nations.
Religion crumbles, its a lie, its myth. Race, the bond of blood, the base of communal loyalty, the genetical imperative, it's the only solid ground to build on, the only rock to hold a church, ringing bells celebrate the religion of blood.
The will of the father is referring to faith in Jesus.
John 6:38-40 King James Version (KJV) >For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. >And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. >And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Nolan Lee
Socrates was teaching something new, which is why he is considered to have founded a school of philosophy. Christianity is the completion of Stoicism.
Angel Lewis
Go away, kike.
Jonathan Rogers
That's fair. But very unrealistic.
Ethan White
You right, for now at least it is the most effective and stable approach.
>he entirety of church and clergy is completely lost, has been since the 60s you are correct, but you could say that about most if not all things concerning the Aryan, it is not Christianity that is at fault but jews.