How do we deal with the Christcuck question?
They will always ally with the Jews rather then with Europeans.
How do we deal with the Christcuck question?
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keep crying jew. you come and do whatever you feel big enough to do lil bitch.
Why do those that hate the Jew worship a Jew?
Based and redpilled
>faith is a gift
and the reprobate will seethe and it's completely understandable.
Faith is nothing
hundreds of millions of based men disagree with you. I am not here to argue. I am just here to say if you think you will "deal" with Christians and you won't suffer the fate of every other foe, you're dumber than you sound. The love of the Christian European Empire is growing and you evil jews will cry as we grow in strength.
Yeah because pagan Germanic barbarians were so much more civilized...
This is op
Christians faith is bringing as many black people as they can to Europe.
Christians are ashamed being white they rather be black or Jewish.
Anti-Christian memes are so bad.
Kikes truly can't meme
Do christian memes even exist?
here's you answer retard
>comments blocked
Why do amerimutts like rabbi yeshua so much?
>every anti-Christian thread
I don't understand why you blame faith for modern politics. Globalization (namely the modern ease of movement, and the internet making cultures more similar) and free market capitalism, as well as democracy to a degree, are responsible for allowing people to migrate as they have been. In the past, movement was much harder, and kings or emperors had power. Christianity stood against Mongol, Arab, and Turkic invasions into Europe.
Obvious jew
Yeshua hated the world 2000 years ago. And he was against the tradition at that time.
Christians are all globalist, the religion is designed to be globalist.
>the vile jews, of which are so many in the west are christ haters
>who let all those damn jews into the westttt ahhh
Right back at you burger
Holy shit Christians are pure scum
God ordained the existence of distinct nations. Christianity oposes racial hatred, not peaceful nationalism (i.e. distinct nations living in peace with each other).
God loves the Jews
>I love my black brother in faith
>I am a good Christian I give the Jews my money because they gave me spirituality.
After the JQ is addressed, the pagans and other heretics must be cleansed from the earth.
Fuck you kike shill, get out.
Christians will never address the JQ
You get out you Jew worshiper