
Is worth it nowdays?
>70% of woman initiate divorce
>56% of woman admit cheating once
>but but you get lonely
well get better friends or a dog, just man up
>what about sex???
you can always pump and dump or get hookers if you are ugly
>but you die alone
we all do

Attached: quote-i-do-not-think-you-can-name-many-great-inventions-that-have-been-made-by-married-men-nikola-tesla-45-75-70.jpg (850x400, 77.38K)

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Not sure if it's worth it. Most women are such baseless animals it doesn't often seem worth the risk. Almost everyone I know has been divorced at least once.

A friend of mine had to sign away his parental rights to his son to his ex wife's new husband and he STILL has to pay her money. That's fucked.

% of woman initiate divorce
% of woman admit cheating once

I’m not saying that American chicks are anything to brag about, but if 56% of Spaniard women admit to cheating then you guys must’ve been hit hard from the feminist pill.

all your arguments are cringe and gay
you get married to fulfill your blood duty and pass on the genes your forefathers had
not for gay shit like "sex" or "not being lonely"
fuck off with this gay shit

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Tell that to my brother who can only see his kid 2 days and has to pay childsupport with a low paying job. fuck you

Christ, these women are going nuts now. The latest trend is they are seeing partially empty store shelves not getting any better. They are wanting a garden to grow food, oops there is no man to help them with that. So they are on social media asking people to come till their yard, show them how to grow food. My ex hasn't spoken to me in years, now all of the sudden she's calling and sending emails. I want nothing to do with her.

>i can't fulfill my oath because my tv and tendie time will go down to 1.5 hours a day instead of 2
cry more faggot
never gonna make it

If you pay for surrogacy, you don't even "die alone".

there is no "presumption of innocence" here anymore. if a girl said you rape her you are pretty much fucked.

Because Man has discovered infinity, there is only point in infinity. The only sure way to achieve infinity is to have children or create something, be it intellectual or artistic, that becomes known for eternity. Not many can do that so having children is the only sure way to achieve infinity.

Sad. Spain conquered a continent and a half and now its eating itself.

What’s Basques like? I recently found out some of my ancestors come from Basque Country bear Onate.

You dont know nothing about the real world let alone having children. please stfu

Good option tho. will think about that.

Yes, marriage is worth it- but you have to marry the right person and not the person you fantasize about.
All the shit you guys complain about here with women doesn't actually matter. Have kids, raise them well, that's how you win.

Really beautiful and nationalistic (lmao) you should come here is pretty cheap.

How can you raise your kids well when the state takes everything from you? your house half your shit. and then you only see them a few days. tell me is worth it? i will rather raise them alone to be honest.

Only females, faggots, and fuckwits value marriage as they are the only ones that get anything out of it.
Female = gets cash prizes no matter what happens, all outcomes including complete failure are favorable for them.
Faggot = actually enjoys being fucked in the ass, hasn't had marriage long enough that they realize what a bad idea it is.
Fuckwit = harbors naive idealistic delusions about what marriage is, thinks it is something other than eternal slavery for men.
So which F are you when we press F and pay our respects for the fallen?

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Are you Basque?

My paternal side went over to New Spain with Juan de Onate in the late 16th century. They ended up conquering what is now Durango, Sonora, Arizona and Colorado. My family ended up settling in Colorado.

But now I look English or Irish. Blonde hair, blue eyes, yet have a Basque last name. Would the Basques be welcoming?

>the real world
translation: i'm to much of a faggot to deal with the struggle of contemporary life so i cope with it by delluding myself into thingking that all those capable of dealing with this struggle actually aren't aware of it/have some sort of lighter load to lift
you are a weak man and a homosexual

Yes it's worth it but most men shouldn't marry as they have no idea where to begin satisfying women.
>Married to a Goddess with 2 kids and 3rd on the way

>i'm a genetic dead end because only losers pass on their genes LMAO
apex cope

You are a larping Gypsy. Now gtfo.

no. :^)

Yes you are. Whenever someone from Macedonia talks about the race purity, chances for them to be called Elvis are above 85%


>Now gtfo
>no. :^)
>Yes you are

Attached: 2532353462353462356.jpg (474x379, 19.86K)

You don't fall for Satan's tricks and don't coom in a roast, that's how. Since they are all roasts...

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>tries to larp as a white person
>Ipče Ahmedovski playing in the background

Gtfo, Elvis

you are like an african slave happy working for their masters instead of looking for freedom

no. :^)
>i'll be a sterile genetic dead end to BTFO the libTARDS and wahmen XDDD

Only if she's a virgin

Attached: divorceriskbynumberofpartners.jpg (385x400, 49.13K)

Standard NPC. Quick, name one person from more than 2 generations ago. You have 5 seconds.
What's that slav nigger? You cannot name your own great grandparents? You're just a family of generic interchangable wagecucks like all the others? Even Emperor Coomers like Genghis Khan are famous for winning a land war in Asia and not for being the ancestor of 1 out of 8 chinks?
It's like cooming is a pretty poor legacy or something. Naw, couldn't be. Without any delusions of self importance you wouldn't validate and amplify thot narcissism!

if your definition of freedom is being a sterile consumption unit, then you need to reevaluate your life mate

So many of them around nowdays. it looks like satan is winning...

It's worth.
Just beat your wife once a day,
even if you don't know why: she will.

>name one person from more than 2 generations ago
i can go as back as my grandad's grandad off the top of my head
won't because i have no intention of doxing myself
>your own great grandparents
i literally knew my great grandparents mate, i went to their funerals
are you autistic?
is this what the JUSA does to your mind?
i'll just stop reading this atrocious post past that

Hey Elvis, I always wanted to ask - how does it feel to be a bitch of Greeks and Albanians? Why don't you tell ppl here how you suck their cocks whenever they feel like it? Then maybe you can larp, if we feel like it.

cringe nu-banter
this is my last (You)

Of course you can, when you Gypsies get kids when you are 13. Your great grandfather is still alive. He is 58.

NO God help belguim

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As a 31-year-old childfree bachelor who'd like to marry I've been giving this topic a lot of thought as of late.

One issue is that you may find a woman that is wife-material, but you'll still be living in a society where traditional values are mocked and women are being blasted by degenerate propaganda 24/7.

In all fairness, the only chance you have at having a truly fulfilling marriage as a conservative man is to find a red-pilled unicorn woman or either red-pill your woman on the Jewish question and make her realize how the (((media))) is bent on making people miserable by promoting destructive lifestyles.

Making a woman aware of those things is a daunting task the older she is, which is why if you absolutely must tie the knot, at least do so with a younger woman. I for one can't imagine myself dating a woman past the age of 23.

is that life all there is for you just making babies like a monkey and muh legacy? then what if i write a good book my legacy will last longer than yours. what about that?
again there is something called surrogacy if you really want that.

I think hitting women is like that button on the alarm clock
wait a while and it starts doing the same thing
repeat process
does them a lot of good

>then what if i write a good book my legacy will last longer than yours
and the genes that made you capable of such achievement will be lost forever
you won't have little mussolinis hanging about rome calling reporters faggots and making bangers
you'll be like hitler
a dead end to a great line, a shame
sterile and decrepit

I wish you the best in your search for that unicorn. is not going to happen to me tho...