>Chink clubs dog
>Canadians and Americans club seals
nice warm pelts
Explain this!
>Chink clubs dog
>Canadians and Americans club seals
nice warm pelts
Explain this!
Other urls found in this thread:
canadians are evil af, everybody knows that
Fuck seals
Do canadians torture seals?
I wonder who is behind these posts...
Seal is a very important food source and have always been in the artic. In fact it's so imortant that it is part of the greenlandic lord's prayer. They had no bread either
>Give us this day our daily harbor seal
it's either that or daily seal meat I don't remember
so that is a neccecity, eat dogs,cats,bats,rats, hamsters........ is fucking not and is something you chinks just do because you are subhumans
also pretty sure that exact seal in image is a criminal that robbed 3 people and almost killed a tourist
This is far from a common practice dog eater
Clubbing seals is illegal
No it isn't.
Killing animals by dazing them upon the head is a normal way to kill them though. Boiling them alive is not.
>that exact seal in image is a criminal that robbed 3 people and almost killed a tourist
can confirm
you usually just them tbqh
Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to hunt seal on ice floes compared to clubbing dogs on a leash? I thought germans would be smarter than this
I disavow both
What now, retard?
Only igloo injuns club seals. It’s widely regarded as barbaric but there’s so few of them and they’re such an irrelevant ethnic minority that nobody can be bothered to start shit over it.
If you have to kill it why not simply blowing its fricken brains out?
err just shoot them
Warranty void if the seal is broken
With a firearm, that is
Because they do not want to destroy the pelts and it would probably scare off all the rest.
If you haven't gotten a rimjob from your dog while pounding your seal you don't know shit
>Only igloo injuns club seals
My mistake it's illegal to hunt baby seals
norwegians clubs cubs as well
swedes were outraged about it 20 years ago
I don't like both
It's not being boiled alive
It just creates a mess. You don’t hit the animal and beat it to death, like cows and other farm animals you probably just hit it once in the right spot and knock it out in one blow.
Dumb fucks. Humans think they have dominion over animals and get their shit wrecked by a tiny fucking microbe. Get fucked faggots
Except chinks dont club seals or dogs, they make no effort to mitigate any suffering from the animal. Clubbing and knocking them out is more humane than flaying and boiling them alive.
Fuck off chang
Seals are cunts. Not as bad as sea lions though
hello china internet defense force
Canadian Inuit club seals for sustainance as it is a quick effective way to off them
Chinese animals blow torch and boil dogs alive like subhumans
Only one Seal was left for dead by the filthy leafs and got away to tell his story. The Canucks are brutal, look at the scarring.
They're kanker overpopulated and eat too many of the fish
simple as
no kick sea puppers!
just look at all those criminals running away
„Edward was not a sealer, but he killed seals. “The seal and I make our living the same way. Cod. One seal can eat three to four hundred North Atlantic cod a day. And those are cod I can’t catch. Do you follow?”
„Yes, sir,” I said. “They sound like gluttonous beasts, these seals. I mean, I like a nice piece of cod as much as the next guy, but three to four hundred? Well, that’s just eating to eat.”
>Canadians and Americans club seals
Americans have been screaming about this being cruel since at least the 80's.
ooh ooh, do the one where the chinks burn animals alive!
Do the canadians skin the seal alive and barbecue it while it's still screaming?
Oh? They don't? You're a massive prolapsed faggot who doesn't understand what he's talking about?
More would die of starvation if their numbers aren't thinned by hunting. Surprisingly liberal governments haven't cucked on this.
it cuts before, but you see what the hakapik is typically used for here
Seals aren't companion animals
Seals are sea dogs
Even under social distancing rules, Inuits are out clubbing.
Leafs are worse than niggers.
>Seals are sea dogs
actually lit what danes called them
>300-400 cod a day
What a lying nigger, a seal can’t eat more than 10 a day
Absolutely positively based
1) They are not dogs
2) They are food
3) They are niggers that eat all the fish. Their populations need to be culled.
4) They are not trained and used as a work animals or pet.
5) They are not tortured before killed.
6) OP is a soulless insectoid chink.