Ukraine and belarus

Neither of these are real countries, they're just breakaway states that are culturally and linguistically identical to Russia that were made up by the Bolsheviks

Attached: flag-pins-belarus-ukraine.jpg (400x320, 59.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:ńska_w_Kijowie

>american education

>that were made up by the Bolsheviks
If they were made up, then by Poland-Lithuania Union. Poland passed scholasticism to those territories. Belarus had its own humanists like Franciszek Skoryna and Szymon Budny. They had Jesuit college in Polotsk, Academy in Mohylev. Similarly Ukraine, which had a university in Lwow since 17 century. This circulation of ideas is what separated them from Russia.

Do you really think this is an American, pal? There are surprisingly many Katsaps here, that hide under foreign flags

Attached: RussianDays.jpg (1265x823, 264.26K)

he's right though

True. Meme breakaway states caused by the implosion of the Soviet Union that never existed before.


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>t. Cockhole

Lithuanians aren't slavs and russian, Ukrainian and byelorussian are different languages in the same way that english, American and australian are different languages, I.e. they aren't.

He was right. This user is uneducated

>Le 56%
At least we white here

Aбcaлютнa based
пaйшoў нaхyй, жывёлa

Seethe harder. Commies created your "language", "culture", "history" and even national costume

Dude, Lithuanians were at the time illiterate peasants. I am talking about circulation of ideas which shaped Belarus and Ukraine. It's a really interesting issue to investigate but I don't know enough books about it.

You can read polish/ukrainian/belarussian Wikipedia about itńska_w_Kijowie

Jesus are you this retarded on purpose? They are different languages like English, Dutch and Danish are. Outwardly somewhat similar, but barely intelligible to each other when you get down to it.

Бyльбaш, твoй язык пpидyмaли жидoбoльшeвики

More like lower and upper german

Ukrainian and Belarusian languages are the only true East Slavic languages. This is the disgrace that you speak - the product of the merger of the Turkic, Mongolian and Finno-Ugric elements (like your genetics, btw)

If they could create languages like you claim, they'd do a hell of a better job at it, wouldn't they? Like Czech is clearly made up and it's orthography is so solid that you can transliterate Chinese with it, have a native Czech person read it and a Chinese native will understand what the Czech says. Because it's "made" to be that good.
Ukrainian and Belarusian on the other hand are barely-cobbled together pidgins of old western Slavic roots and late middle age Russian (as opposed to church Slavonic).
Anyway this troll thread is probably dead by the time i finish this, but in case it's not. Ukrainian and Belarussian are very much real languages probably originating from late middle age and later clashes of P-L Commonwealth and Tsarist and imperial Russia.

Russian is the only true East Slavic language. This is the disgrace that you speak - the product of the merger of the German, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish and Turkish elements (like your genetics, btw).

Lol. Yea, that's what they say on your TV. But what Katsap TV says can only be compared with books on Fomenko’s “alternative history”. And the fact that for centuries you have been in anal slavery of the Mongols and Turkics is a world-famous and undeniable fact

Please, don't lump us with your shitty languages, ok? Just because they had a common ancestor 3000 years ago doesn't mean we have anything in common now. Yes, Russian is completely different.

Russian is a language of Dostoyesvky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Lomonosov, Gagarin, Mendeleev, Nabokov and many others. Ukrainian and Belarusian are languages of pig farmers.

You can say what ever you want subhuman but it Will not change the truth. Your language is turkic, your national dress is turkic, your genetics is turkic,and Only your land is stealen from russian

Aren't they both closer to Polish then to Russian?

>And the fact that for centuries you have been in anal slavery of the Mongols and Turkics is a world-famous and undeniable fact
Your national heroes, like hmelnitsky sold thouthands of their own people to crimean tatars and thats well known fact

Their closest language is Slovak

Both are real, it is Russians who are the result of a toxic mix of pseudo-Chinks i.e. Uralics and Slavs. Russians are the eternal hapas. Every second "ethnic Russian" looks like a Tatar.

Belarusian is basically Polish but without german loanwords.
Ukranian is Polish - Russian mutt language.
Russian is just a fancy version of bulgarian with a bunch of french loanwords

Tatars were our allies, not masters. Only Muscovite subhumans licked the asses of their Asian masters

>a fucking mutt

Belarus is real, nuKraine is just a Russian satellite infested with jews

There are 2000 words in one of the largest dictionaries of turkisms in russian langauge (Shipova's dictionary), only 300 of which are common

There are 4000 turkisms in, half of which are common in Ukrainian language according to ukrainian encyclopedia "УКPAЇHCЬКA MOBA"

Almost non-existent, less than 200 words, half of which are present in Ukrainian too

There are very few of them, I wouldn't mind to have more actually. Rus' was founded by a conglomerate of Slavic and Finnic tribes, not with Poles which who subjagated your spineless kind, made them convert to their religion and turned their language into a half russian half polish parody on itself

Not a single russian leader sold our People to tatars. Not a single russian leader allowed and approved tataric raids on his land. Even if it was we never called somebody like him a hero

>Tatars were our allies, not masters.
When you sided tatars and sold your kind to slavery like pussies, we conqured them and enslaved lmao

T. Brownie ape

>culturally and linguistically identical to Russia that were made up by the Bolsheviks
This is simply not true, but I agree that Ukraine is the fakes of them all in Europe after Kosovo.

Attached: Polish-Lithuanian_commonwealth.jpg (920x838, 300.05K)

there is also a difference between Baltic finno ugrics (white nordic people) and Permian Finnics (pic related) and Volga Finnics (Southern european dark looking people)

Attached: 220px-Ostyak.jpg (220x165, 9.33K)

This is both funny and correct.

>Volga Finnics (Southern european dark looking people)
What? I seen mordvins, these guys are whiter than ukrainians

I've also seen mordvins, and i've also seen Ukranians from volhyn and Ukranians from Center.
The impression I got is that Mordvins look similar to ethnic Russians (brown or light brown eyes, brown hair), Ukranians from Volhyn have a look of their own (usually brown hair and blue eyes) and Central Ukranians look more Bulgarian (Black hair, black or dark brown eyes)

>russian leader
There was no such thing. Your duches were the property of Khan, and should regularly go to him to bow. The Tatars cannot be “allowed” to do something by you if you yourself their property. Cope harder, rapebaby

Stay strong Ukrain no stealing land no infringe

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