White race

What exactly is the ''white race''? Some will say Europeans when Mediterraneans like southern and greeks can easily be mistaken for middle eastern. Other's will say caucasians but semites distance themselves from the ''white race''. Germans are germans, not ''white''. It's only American mutts who refer to themselves as ''white''.
>inb4 other races
Yes, this can apply to other races and ethnicities too. Africans hate American niggers.

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Being white just simply means having european facial features.

European, simple as that!

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anyone who is caucasoid, ancestrally from Europe or Russia, including their diaspora, such as American whites. obviously doesn't include jews.

whites are people who don't protect their children from asian grooming gangs. if you do, you're not white

Doesn't even make sense since semites are caucasian. You can't pick and choose things based off prejudices.


Everyone running around hating us and trying to destroy us sure as hell know what it is.


Same could be said for affirmative action and minority groups. What makes a black American an African American? They could literally be more European than a person who looks European. All you have to do is 'identify' as something people will go along as if it's true.

Whites are Whites who aren't Jewish or Hispanic, simple as that. t mutt

>They could literally be more European than a person who looks European

LOL no they fucking cannot.

No nigger is European period, where they were born does not fucking matter.

Of course they can. Scientific evidence proves your prejudicial silly theories wrong. A person could literally have a black grandfather but the rest of his family line be of European ethnicity. That doesn't make him ''black''.

No, there are peoples and the games you have decided to buy into do not change that.

Fuck out of here faggot with your stupid nonsense.

You are the one that is being stupid.

Everyone know what white is and everyone know that blacks are not European.

Just fuck off and die.

Typical American education.

NO, not everyone knows what ''white'' or ''black'' is. Many people are mixed raced and mixed ethnicities. By your logic people would know the difference between a European ethnicity and an askenazis jew? Yet, millions of Americans are non the wiser.

What im saying is backed by genetic evidence. What you're saying is based of personal prejudices and assumptions.

Yes you can. Caucasian is not white. Or rather, all whites are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are white. Caucasian is a morphology. You can tell by the skeleton if they are Caucasoid, negroid, or mongoloid. Then beyond that there are further divisions. Indians (dots not feathers) are caucasians, but not white. Ethiopians are caucasians but not white.

White was an ethnic designation used by the US government for the purposes of immigration and national identity. It included anyone from Europe excluding the meds.

What the fuck is your game?

You are not going to convert anyone you are just wrong.

Why are you even still posting, just fuck off and die with your games.

>excluding the meds
Your country is named after an Italian dumb mutt.

There is no definition for it and people should stop using it

I din't write the history you fuckwit.

So ''white'' is just people of certain European ethnicity? You exclude other European ethnicities like Mediterraneans and askenazis jews? So the American government 'define' what the white race is?
Surely they have a hard time trying to tell all you mutts apart nowadays?

>What exactly is the ''white race''?
It's wypipo.
Vety simple.
Just ask any nigger - even they inderstand it, jew.

>Surely they have a hard time trying to tell all you mutts apart nowadays?

Run your mouth online, call me a mutt to my face an my white ass will make you bleed.

Whites are an American term for the 1,000,000th time you kike shill.
Actual groups:
Caucasian race,
Broken into Aryan and Semite
Then Aryan is broken down to Nordic, Ned, Slav, Celtic, Finnish... etc.

Simply depends on who you are referring to. Nordic, or all Aryans that includes Persia.

Yes that is how it was done originally. It makes sense in context. This country was for Europeans that didn't want to live with old world politics, nobility, and lack of social mobility, etc. Their vision was one of people of similar temperament and capabilities forming a "melting pot" and becoming white instead of French or English or whatever. Leave the old world behind and join a new ethnic group.
France is for ethnically French people, Germany is for ethnically German people, and the US is for white people.

What's this mutts race? Surely he could pass as ''white'', Hispanic, native American, even a jew?

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Print this shit out, shove it in your mouth and choke to fucking death on it.

All of you mindless drones repeating mutt again and again.

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yes you can, and it makes perfect sense. You're probably the type who has no problem with blacks/asians being a well-defined race, but suddenly when it comes to whites and arabs you become willfully confused.


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Basically mutts with mixed ethnicities like to claim superiority? Are they hybrids or something?

Please stop, the vast majority of europeans who left for the America were the rejects or the poor of Europe. You're full of shit. The 'whites' were under European rule. Any form of knowledge they had came from Europe and western philosophies. So on one hand you're saying they flee Europe for better lives then on the other hand you're saying they wanted similar European people? If Europe was so bad why would they want more Europeans?

No you can't and it only makes sense to stupid mutts. Blacks and asians are very different too. Western Africans are very different to eastern Africans. The Chinese are very different to the Japanese. Thanks for the assumption though.

>Chinese are very different to the Japanese
Genetically they're really not. Koreans either.

Answer the question? If this guy was before the American government what would his race be?

Give me an address I will answer it in person..

The irish are genetically similar to the English but that doesn't make them the same.

Jews are pretty much white. If you take them out you would have to take out southern italians and greeks.

you proved my point with your response. different standard only for whites, hmmm, I wonder why.

Think of it this way. You can find hispanic people and asian people who look exactly alike. It isn't hard. So they're morphologically the same even though obviously we consider them to be different races, for good reasons - differing cultures, regions of the world, languages, etc. So this is what you're pointing out with whites and arabs. With any 2 races you pick, you can find some overlap in phenotype. But we're saying that, in the sense of using race as a practical term (and it is a very useful generalization) whites are generally defined as having roots from europe or russia. Simple. Stop trying to perform mental gymnastics.

Some will say you spam these shit threads everyday because you're are worthless incel with nothing going for him