Gaslighting or Retarded?

This is proof Trump is convinced that MAGAts are sheeple, because there's no fucking way anyone could be this retarded and still nominally function as a (((person))).

Well, MAGAts, is he projecting and gaslighting you all or is he legit retarded? I'm thinking it's a combination of both.

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Governors who don't open up will take the blame. Places like Michigan.

Gaslighting retard

They are all trying to start a civil war or revolution

The tweet makes no sense. What is he going to do, send the Army to close down businesses that reopen? Totally empty threat to try and show that he’s still in power.

>Gaslighting or Retarded?
Clearly both

He’s talking about how the states aren’t allowed to open themselves up to international travel during this pandemic.

i'm sure there's some jurisdictional bullshit between the two

>open up the states
what does he mean by this

> He’s talking about how the states aren’t allowed to open themselves up to international travel during this pandemic.

So, you're saying he's gaslighting?

> i'm sure there's some jurisdictional bullshit between the two

Do you mean the 10th Amendment? That bullshit?

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Going to be starting a recall petition for pedo Tony Evers.

These states that went full tard are all states Trump was and still is going to win that Biden needs. Trying to ruin our state economies cause some niggers don't wash their hands. Niggers die everyday in Detroit and Milwaukee

>states aren’t federally funded
Absolute fucking retards
Open up and quickly run out of money, every federal employee of the state getting pay cut off...
do you retards even into logic

Ahh yes filter fags...
>If I can't see it, it won't hurt me
Pol is not your safe space

>>states aren’t federally funded
>Absolute fucking retards Open up and quickly run out of money, every federal employee of the state getting pay cut you retards even into logic


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>no clue what the federal funding means

>no clue what the federal funding means
Do you mean the mooching welfare queen Red states? Because Blue states fund the federal government. That's federal funding.

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You are one retarded glownigger. But I'm glad the jews are spending their shekels flooding the web with retard arguments.

He's not threatening to shut down business, he's telling states like commiefornia that he can reopen the country and they must comply.

>he's telling states like commiefornia that he can reopen the country and they must comply.

kek. No he can't and no they don't. Again, gaslighting or retarded? Answer the question.

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Nice ad hominem.

>everyone I don’t like is a glownigger

The federal government has tremendous leverage over states. You seem to think that since no other president has used it, no president can.

Take your retard pills, CIA nigger.

>The federal government has tremendous leverage over states. You seem to think that since no other president has used it, no president can.

Answer the question, MAGAt. 'Leverage' don't mean shit in a Federal Republic.

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Its been clear for a long time to anyone with a brain that Trump is retarded. This is just example 9001

Anyways here in Ohio, its staying shut down until health professionals decide its safe to open up. And nothing Trump says will affect that. Governor Dewine has wide support for how he has decisively handled things (usually doing the opposite of what Trump has said). And this is in a Republican-leaning state. The only places that will listen to what Trump says are the far-right redneck rural states and they dont matter much to the national economy anyway.

chaos isnt fair it doesnt even know that word

>uses the word gaslighting
...i think the subtle irony might be lost on OP

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You realize the red states have giant blue cities full of niggers?

ok, after you take your pills. Did you take them?

JIDF projecting. Try again, Shlomo.
So, do something about it.
kek. gimme a sec

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>Anyways here in Ohio, its staying shut down until health professionals decide its safe to open up.

And will that be that before or after a lot of people run out of food and money?

>posts JIDF meter unironically

If that's a real tweet, he's getting retards like you to admit that the governors own the results in their respective states, not the president.

Also, checked faggot.

Greentexts own pilpul unironically.

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