I just managed to BTFO all of you

Long time femanon and lurker here.

I finally did it, guys! Me, Josefine, just a 20 year old girl, managed to get into one of the most prestigious STEM fields in Stockholm, along with a (too few!) brilliant female colleagues! This is of course because women are far too often put down and belittled.

Even on here I was always made fun of for being a woman, told I was not as smart as a man, that "my brain was smaller" and that I belonged in the kitchen. I was called a "cockwarmer", a "walking creature with 3 leaky holes in it" and a "cumbucket currently not in use". Well by getting into this field I have proven that I am way smarter than any of you.

This is much more than any of you will hope to achieve in your pathetic little lives. Me, a woman, has done so much more than you, an unwashed misogynistic incel who can't even get laid.

So how do you explain this? I thought women were inferior and had no place in politics or science? How do you explain the fact that we are more genius than you now that we are given equal opportunity?

Attached: empowered and brave.jpg (640x472, 284.87K)

nice larp

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you forgot "cumdumpster"

>femanon here

Attached: Screenshot_20191215_002153_com.android.gallery3d.jpg (1080x2280, 796.32K)

tits or gtfo

Cool story bro

timestamp admission cert with tits

nobody cares, plus nobody asked

post a hotter lady nexxt time at least user

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imagine being so low IQ to take this board seriously. Also, 3/10 larp

Weren’t u that man presenting to be a woman? Aka tranny?

swedish women are all ugly as sin (greta is a good example of the avg. swedish woman), norwegians are the cute ones

Show breasts

Attached: apustaja1.jpg (657x527, 32.34K)

Your brain is smaller. If you were anywhere near as intelligent as you claim to be you would know that.

Got eggs?

post tits with timestamp, only way to confirm what you wrote

Built for the BBC

>A thread died for this shit
Fuck off and die hole. No one gives a shit.

omg i'm so mad
you're making me really mad
stop making me bump your thread i can't contain myself


It’s a tranny. He posted a time stamp before. Trying to convince Yas Forums that being a tranny is good. CIA MK Ultra operation more than likely. This the second tranny I’ve seen doing this in the last 2 weeks.

Tits or gtfo.

>t. diversity student
Thank your masters for lowering the standard so you could get in. Congrats on being lucky.

It's a bloke

>I’d rather sit in an office staring at spreadsheets 70 hr per week than raise a loving family
Not as smart as you think you are.

She isn’t a tranny, it’s some girl from /soc/ that a Norwegian has started spamming threads about.
I think she’s cute.

>Long time femanon

Attached: 1580345446551.jpg (147x140, 7.39K)

why AfD members always look like fat ugly losers

>Long time femanon

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Assuming you're not bullshitting (who am I kidding), good for you. But getting into a STEM college doesn't make you better than everyone here, many of us have STEM degrees.
>but everyone on Yas Forums is a neet incel living with their parents
Yet you're here, are you not?

Well, you can't use parentheses correctly so let's hope you don't have to do much of the M in STEM
>I'm much starter than any of you.
Incorrect assumption. I can guaruntee there are some STEM majors on this board, Aksi you probably got onto the course because of affirmative action. How does it feel to be on the thin right end of the female bell curve and STILL have to be given advantages to compete with men who outclass you in every way?

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Because they're German. All the cool Germans died by 45

Fuck you shlomo, burn in hell.
We replaced you in the Covenant with God and soon we will replace you with more White Christians in our societies. KYS yourself.

Happy Easter everyone !

Did she do so well on the oral exam?

tits or gtfo

I’ve been that long without a woman I’m completely in love with the girl in the jpeg and I only glanced at the whole thread for 2 seconds.

cervix or gtfo

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You'll just quit when you get knocked up, like every other empowered woman, throwing your precious research upon the pyre of feminism. Or you'll live to see your children raised by surrogates, fed formula, unable to produce oxytocin, unable form attachments and stable relationships, eventually stumbling upon recreational drug use and ultimately suicide. You'll still have your cats, tho. It's not all gloom and doom.

This is a stupid copy pasta and something I would have expected from copypasta Canada user.

Attached: Female anon here.jpg (194x259, 9.44K)