Based Chinks

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Nice try Xie Jing Ping Pong!!!

All you yellow dogs can fucking rot, you absolute pieces of shit.

Based. Let's hope they wipe out each other

Shut up, Negro.

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>Macaco calling others negros

Cunt you are so Asian, what Brazilian uses the word Negro? Brazilians have a strong history of Nazi influence so why not just call them niggers????

Get fucked with your Chinese propaganda and CCP faggot shit. Call me a nigger all you want but I come from the land that had the white Australian policy, so get fucked you yellllloooow dog.....

Show flag, Shlomo.

funny that chinks dont realize they look like and behave like monkeys

Weibo is not the "ONLY!!!" social media in China, moron.

Google "social media in China".

We have a lot more stuff than you do and most of it is based on subjects you can't discuss like niggers, trannies and kikes.

t. VPN Chink

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>seething negroid

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Fuck china, fuck the chinese. Subhuman pieces of filth

All that and they also act like jews.

Dude they sound just like us lmao

Hows that firewall looking winnie? Pls stay in ur shithole corner of the world u fucking chink

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yeah you guys are pretty smart I've taken some reverse engineering videos from you guys

Everybody hates niggers. Everybody.

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You know what they say.
.. It’s a Chang eat nog world.

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>africans are the mutation of asians



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yes retards direct all your hate to chinks when you have jews and niggers running rampant

good dogs

Chinese pol or Chinese /r/niggers?

Imagine being black in China with no jews to protect you

Nice try jew boy

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well i hear there's a lot of them, students too, so they are doing fine or they wouldn't be there

intelligent people tend to be too nice and the niggers will more or less behave as long as they're forced to

Fuck the chinks America should flood their country with millions of niggers

>What's wrong with being racist, or are you brainwashed by the west already?
This one cuts deep and 100% true, now go ahead and cope Yas Forumstards

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Fuck the nigger flood you have in mind how about we just agent orange that entire shit stain of a continent.

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