WW3: China defeats America in 2 months LOL

I am Australian and most people look up to America here.

The first time I lost faith in the USA was some 10-15 years ago when Putin waltzed into Georgia. Obama somwhere between fuck all and nothing.

The second time is right now. America is meant to be exceptional, you're meant to be great right...BUT

Your handling of the Covid_19 situation is literally the worst in the world bar Italy. No government and states have proven themselves slower to act or more incompetent than that of the United States of America.

We have 51 deaths in Australia, we are smashing you at containing this virus.

South Korea is doing something similar without a full lockdown.

China is opening up again


America? They're dying whilst wearing garbage bags, beating their chest and spreading conspiracy theories to try and hide just how fucking appalling the state and federal government response has been.

Of course I am a Trump fan and ECONOMIC NATIONALISM is going to be huge now China threatened to cut off your medical supply and make it worse


You're meant to be the best and you performed the worse. How can I have any faith in you in war?

Your ships are sick and breaking rank. China is moving in on the South Eastern China Sea

WW3 2020-220: China defeated America two months

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Threads more than 4 lines is past the reading capacity of the fat burgers

Hey mods I found you a chink to block. Sage

this is a chinese poster. we ignore the chinese posters and simply report their threads for irrelevancy.

>Imagine collapsing because of a flu and claiming to be the world's leading power.

The left says its the end of the world, the right says nothing is happening. The truth is somewhere in the middle, but the numbers are lies. Nobody knows anybody who has it. The hospitals are empty. Show your flag faggot.

Up yours Chinksect

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Nah bro vietnam killed America. Everything since then has been a natural

>I'm a trump fan
>even though he handled this crisis atrociously
yeah, you're an aussie alright (retard)

Bullshit they are no worse off than any other nationor handling it any worse. The only difference is the lugenpresse constantly trashes the USA. DO you hear all kinds of talk about how incompetent Trudeau is for sending China all our PPE stores back in january, and now we have to buy PPE off the Chinese and they are mocking us by sending us old defective and contaminated suuplies. But yeah you wont read about that incompetence in the news. Only that trump never listened to his (((experts))) soon enough even though they were saying its no big deal at the time.

You aren't no fucking Australian you yellow dog. How about you fuck off back to China!

>meme flag
>Chinese propaganda.

>yeah, you're an aussie alright (retard)
The cunt isn't no Aussie just some chink trying to besmirch our great name and shit talking legacy.

You claim to be a Bruce but your post reeks of Chang. Fuck off Chicom shill!

go back and eat your mao batsoup pingpong

>ching chong ping pong

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Based Finland

we have a lot more muds
and this is wiping out muds
praise us, kangaroo nigger
we're winning

Have you maybe thought we're being slow on purpose? Free population control


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Obama didn't stop Russia from invading Georgia because he wasn't president yet you fuckin dumbass

Get lost chang you subhuman.

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jesus fucking christ Chang, you really have no idea how badly millions of young american men are ready to rape your country and your women. its pathetic

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no Russians went into Georgia retard
there was a time in 2005 that all news media reported "Russian tanks in Georgia" but for people there it was plain to see it was not happening
it was a massive lie that (((they))) got away with

wake the fuck up

incredibly based


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>Deposed Bolivian commie dictator Evo Morales on CCP virus: "China won WW3 without firing a single gun"

Why the fuck is there faggots answering a meme flag, what the fuck is wrong with you retards.


Are you the meme flag posting all the shit threads today?

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Blind nonsense from retarded Americans as usual. Not one single point repudiated but abuse.

If you are wondering why your country is losing to Chang and Wang...look in the mirror.

>I'm Austrailian
Stopped reading there.