Norwegian roastie killed while finding herself

Another white roastie has been killed while trying to find herself, and ended up with being found by the police instead.
>30 year old Norwegian Nerid Høiness was found dead in the jungle of Vang Vieng, Laos. Killed by her japanese boyfriend "Ogu Hiroyuki" whom she met on the trip. She was traveling around along in south Asia learning to become a yoga-guru.
When will white women learn?

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The killer, Ogu «Hiro» Hiroyuki.

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why couldn't she find herself in a peaceful, safe country like... oh, i don't know... NORWAY?

Cook the rice, pay the price.

Do your work being a good man so your blyats don't choose asian men over you

>japanese man with tattoos


>When will white women learn?
Never, white women are the downfall of Western civilization. Their extreme selfishness, hedonism and hypergamy will destroy everything in just a couple of generations.

Did he eat her ?




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Probably this.
Western faggots with tattoos are mostly harmless söyboys, not so much in Japan.

Based slanty eye

She was not a pure breed norwegian. I can see traces of the mid-east in her.

Employed or not there is not a single white man who is not a fucking beta reddit fag who will love cherish and respect a woman. They’ve fallen into the jew trap to halt white birth rates turning into mgtow faggots.

Welcome to the jungle

How did he manage to kill her? I mean she was probably bigger than he was.


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>implying she didnt cheat on him with a native and he wasnt right to do so

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>trying to become a yoga guru

literally what fucking retarded reason is that? you learn yoga by looking within yourself and abstaining from material egotistical pleasures. both are very incompatible with modern roastie. roastie got karma-ed for her ignorance

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Link faggot

Based jap killing a yoga roastie

Jesus fuck, Nigel that's a good one. Wish they renew your bantz loicence.



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>Link faggot

Based Samurai.
One leftwingend liberal white whore less on the planet.

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cook the rice
pay the price

yeah he looks like an FtM tranny, maybe 115 lbs

>Employed or not there is not a single white man who is not a fucking beta reddit fag who will love cherish and respect a woman. They’ve fallen into the jew trap to halt white birth rates turning into mgtow faggots.

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I was thinking he looked mtf. Zero brow ridges. Also making the handsign. Who knows how freaky this stuff gets

How is what I said jewy in the slightest