>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
I actually agree with everything you have said. I was just trying to let you know what most normies here were talking about. I personally did not vote out.
I on the other hand, on the previous thread, spoke about how easy it is for our cultures to fall to levels we would normally laugh at, mock, not take seriously, and how it's slowly becoming a jungle-culture centered on voodoo and cannibalistic consumerism. Vs you constantly, insistingly, posting race-mixing, multiculturalism, and "voodoo magic gon save us all!!" Who would be missed here?
Ty. Also, ty to our very own kraut pirate for making the previous one.
Gavin Lee
Any screencap is immediately made better by having an outrageous Bergjüdli reply on it. I kek'd.
Ayden Bennett
Cause you were doing your typical "let's all race mix cause whites are ugly" shenanigans, and then believe killing white american children for crimes of the elite are a "good thing".
David Morales
What makes you think that i am outraged???
Logan Anderson
> "let's all race mix cause whites are ugly" shenanigans, and then believe killing white american children for crimes of the elite are a "good thing" Not a single one of that is true. Did you stumble again over the wlan cable?
Parker Baker
Sorry, killing white american children that side with ethnic germans should be murdered cause it's a "good thing". Why would any idiot side with an ideology that would kill them? That is called a cult, you fucking moron.
Henry Diaz
Outrageous as in hanebüchen or ungeheuerlich/empörend. Your reply on the screencap sticks out comedically.
Austin Murphy
I knew that. I just fished for a (you)
Josiah Diaz
Has anyone here stopped smoking?? Do you have any tipps???
Kayden Hill
Checked. No worries, Schwöbli always has a spare (you) for you.