If mass propaganda through the decades is the reason why west if flooding with degeneracy, couldn't reverse propaganda work the same way?
Just kill them
i wish i could rooftop this annoying faggot
Honestly most of these kind of people are lost one way or the other. The best thing to do is to just let this bullshit play itself out.
>reverse propaganda
propaganda is propaganda, no need to put qualifiers in front of it. If you want to engage in deceitful tactics for some supposed "greater good," you open yourself up for the exact shit that caused "degeneracy" in the first place. The voice of truth is not strengthened by speaking white lies.
what race has huge mouths like that? most western europeans dont have gaping mouths. like the new zealand PM, she also has a HUGE mouth and does not look european much at all.
Wow Canada, you snow nuggets do sometimes post good.
The Indian dude is right, we need to start shaming whores. So many women think its nothing to be a slut. I remember scanning comments after idubbbz announced his girlfriends onlyfans response video. All of the girls there were complaining how its wrong to shame a woman who does this shit. I hate muslims but they have a point here.
Degeneracy is a product of porn.
>there is a strong link between sexual abuse at a young age and deviant sexual proclivities later in life
>the average age at which boys first seek out porn is 11 years old
>showing porn to an 11 year old is literally sexual abuse
>free high speed internet porn has only been around for about 15 years
>1/3 of zoomers don’t identify as “cis gendered heterosexual”
It gets weirder
>early puberty is when we developed ideas about what sex is
>kids growing with the internet learn this from or are influenced by porn
>porn focuses almost exclusively on women; men’s faces are cropped out, and they’re usually silent.
>the pleasure showcased in porn is that of the woman, even scenes of fellatio
>subconsciously, children developed the idea that sexual pleasure is derived from the passive/receptive/female role
>there’s been an explosion in the number of trannies
>the majority of fags will want to take on the receptive role during sex
>reverse propaganda
That's what shaming is, and now it's "not PC" to shame, because this shit would actually work. But instead there's a huge push for acceptance and diversity, and if you shame someone for degeneracy, you're a "bigot" and "intolerant"
>No, degeneracy sorts itself out. If you let it run long enough, you get funny shit.
I say contain degeneracy to certain area. Have a "faggot quarter" in cities where that shit is ok, everywhere else it'd be shunned. At least then people could only be exposed to it willingly.
could it be a latina/spanish thing? anyone?
You have a scarily accurate point
Study the Twilight Zone, what the norms were of the time and how it subverted them. Sci-Fi, horror and fantasy in general are great for this kind of thing because you can set up ideas without real world baggage.
/thread also I am glad to see a canuck with balls most of you guys are so cucked but then again so is a lot of the USA.
I've actually noticed that australians and kiwis have larger mouths and jaws.
>Western Europeans don't have this feature
>Is it a Spanish thing
>Spain is western Europe
Are you retarded
The scary part is how fast it happened. For anyone having trouble following, my post starts with a fact: sexually abused young people are more likely to be degenerates
Then there’s a procession showing that this is happening en mass
showing kids porn is abuse + nearly all kids watch porn = nearly all kids are abused
Then there’s a statistic backing it all up: 1/3 of young people are degenerate sexual weirdos. It’s probably higher when you consider everything that still falls into the heterosexual cis gendered net. “I’m not a degenerate, I just really like feet.”
DESU there’s no way it can be denied. And the timing of all of it is just as important. Queer theory states that it’s social acceptance that led to the rise of degenerates, but acceptance has been around for decades. There would have been a gradual rise, not a jump from 3% to 33% in under a decade.
damn that makes a lot of sense. I never thought "harmless" porn would be this damaging to the society.
Yes gut who conztols zur mrdia
The West became quite degenerate during the days of Roman Empire. The ”reverse propaganda” back then came in the form of a whole new religion that got rid of faggots, proto-feminist whores like Hypatia, the gladiator games, etc. The degeneracy of the modern West is simply the resumption of the same old shit, which is possible now that the Christianity religion has declined under the auspices of the protestant-capitalists. The West has become so staunchly atheist, I doubt they’ll become religious again, so nothing’s gonna save them this time
My suggestion would be to install fine morals into the media as a backbone, let the state set a standard for itself, 'punish'/put fees on degenerate media, and let the problem kill itself out.
Society is pozzed beyond repair
No does not work like that
Armed conflict is required
How do I keep seeing this disgusting fag? Fuck YouTube in the gay ass.
I think the OP was not really implying that 'we' lie to the public, like we have been lied to already for so long, but to use the force and power of the media to redirect popular culture/society back into proper moral/physical shape.
Yes but who controls the media, this is No Coincidence
I do believe its a cycle. If cultural decline and resurgence has happened before, it is bound to happen again.
Are you really an indian? You got a better understanding of the problem than most people on here.
Smart post
The 80s, 90s and 00s were much more degenerate. You're just zoomer pussies.
I’m an Anglo-Indian, like Kipling
idk man. I'm from 90's and I don't remember flaming faggots, drag queen story hour, transgender kids, slut normalization being fed to general public as it is being done now.
That's because you're from India
Though we had Injuns instead of spics and gays instead of trannies.