Most cases in NYC are niggers ROFL LMFAOOAOA

Remember when you nigger nationalists were saying “sheeeeeit white extinction nigga”
Well, look who accounts for most of the cases in NYC, dumb jiggaboos.
P.S. Africa is only deficient in numbers because of a lack of testing kits, poor nations don’t have the economy for testing.

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NYC demographics

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Weren't they ignoring the social isolation rules?
Let nature sort itself out, at least there will be less niggers and spics to worry about

I wonder if Bill Gates was bullied in school

Isn't most of the population there black anyway?

Cities are super crowded and packed here
Most blacks Hispanics live in cities

how bout jews
what % of them are jews

i bet less than half are really white

Well played Yas Forums

>Weren't they ignoring the social isolation rules?

as they are everywhere. I know someone who works at walmart and they tell me that entire spic families, kids and all, come in all the time while we're suppose to be staying at home/social distancing. also the adults wear the mask while the kids don't

B-but all the smart people live there and that's why they're blue.

yup, most whites in nyc are jews

Here has been my theory all along. This virus is travel related. Strictly travel related. Who could afford to travel right after Christmas and not have to worry about taking time off from work? Boomers.
>guys this disease is the boomer remover it is literally killing all the boomers
Then we had Mardi Gras and spring break. All of the younger people who could afford to travel, travelled.
>oh shit guys the corona is killing younger people, too
I theorized that once all of the people who could afford to travel had returned to their respective home cities to sneeze and slime all over everything, the poor who live in sections 8s wee going to pick it up and that shit would spread like wildfire. And what do ya’ know, now we’re reading this
>omg the corona is more lethal to the blacks
This virus infects anybody who comes into contact with it, regardless of age or race.

kek, every time I go to the grocery store I see way less people and everyone keeping certain distance from each other. I hardly saw people at walmart when I went.

>... so you beez say'in KFC does not cure corona virus?

Attached: 200% Niggerlicious.jpg (502x536, 52.8K)

More blacks might be dying because they have a deficiency in vitamin D 80% of blacks in the USA have a vitamin d deficiency they're nigger skin is no good at making it you should all be making sure you have enough Vid D.

the cross breeds in NYC are disgusting.
a chink x nigger x jew x who knows what.
and there are tons of things walking around supposedly human with warts and growths hanging all off of them.
s h i t h o l e

Covid is more deadly when combined with the HIV virus
While only accounting for 13% of the population they comprise 42% of the HIV cases. This number is much higher in densely populated cities.

I travelled 6 weeks ago and did not get sick. Bad theory.

weather underground organization scam network did the gentrification and police brutality with kgb
spoiled suburbanites with no real cause just chaos
wake up
xans are a soft kill program.
the matrix talked about this
opec russia=911
heroin=russia iran etc
opium wars started by soviet royalty

this might be a reasonable hypothesis if it weren't clear that they were openly flouting and contemptuous of the social distancing idea early on. I'm sure vit D is part of the equation but to a lesser degree. fat nogs with diabetes and preexisting conditions is much more predictive than low vit D is

I feel sorry for him. We all got bullied at some time. One can see he's not coming from a place of love.

But muh magic melanin

Not surprising. Obesity is the biggest factor in negative outcomes with the Chinese virus.
>NYU scientists: Largest U.S. study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest factor in New York’s hospitalizations

Attached: obesity rate.png (640x281, 25.01K)

You forget diabetus and obesity, as well as all the deaths being attributed to the CCP virus that may or may not be related to the CCP virus.
In south east Michigan, the black population is almost all morbidly obese.

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-04-13-12h52m38s580.png (1697x1518, 3.28M)

Everyone in new York is a retard what would you expect desu

how the fuck do people die from corona? I had it and got tested positive for it and it was just a cough and small headache

What do blacks eat to gain so much weight?

niggers listened to trump and took hydroxy
Since they're already fatasses, the hydroxy OD gave them heart attacks

"""White""" means jews

Even accounting for population levels, Chicagoan Black was twice as likely to die from the Kung Flu as Chicagoan white. I bet NYC is the same.

health complications from preexisting conditions, being a fat lardass, etc

Fats gonna die.

Attached: nyu-decision-tree-for-covid-cases (1).jpg (1200x642, 72.68K)

Democrats are killing jews, blacks and hispanics. Trump should appoint a Cornonacaust Commission.

lobsta and grape sodas

Fried chicken is absolutely based as a bulking food.
Absolute unit.

Free food.

Remember all those DNA tests that people love to do to find out what their heritage is? That's very popular with nogs, and sending off your DNA is a very attractive endeavour to those looking to do bioterrorism. What continent is rich with resources like precious gems, metals, ores and exotic animals? What country especially likes eating said exotic animals purely for boner powers a la powdered rhino horn?

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>Chinese virus.

more like fat nigger remover


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future holohoax classes in Broward County:
>in 2020, 6 million jews died because of the Trump virus

About 20% of the total pop, hence 47% of the “white” population.

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Is jewyork gonna turn red then?

This entire board is nothing but CIA subversion faggots sowing seeds for division, isn't it?