
2nd amendment general, a place for gun politics. 17 states have red flag laws and much more yet to come.

All fed jannies are gay trannies

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RIP Hoosier state

Red flag laws exist in indiana because Gary also exists in indiana.

Add Virginia to that map as of last week

Stop making these threads you ban evading cunt. Fuck off back to These threads literally have zero 2A discussion and are always a shitshow. Stop trying to turn /k/ into Yas Forums 2.0

Indiana's had a red flag law since 2005. You're acting like this is new.

>a place for gun politics.

why? 99% of us are on the same page, this is just an echo chamber.

>meanwhile in TN
State house needs to hurry up and get back in session and finish this shit up.

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"Gun politics" is demoralization shills saying "you won't do anything" for the 1000th time. It gets old quick.

We were supposed to get stand your ground in Arkansas last year, but Moms Demand Action showed up and the deciding Republican vote cucked

no kidding. its not like anybody ever will do anything even without the demoralization shills.

I hate Yas Forums and you can fuck off

im so fucking tired of goobers like you say "demoralization!" any time someone says something negative about the gun community in general.

That’s like saying that any political discussion isn’t worth having because no one can change anything. Disseminating information alone is worth doing.

Go ahead and color in VA


18 states

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>Disseminating information
>to people who already know

this is slacktivism at its worst.

Red flag laws were/are the death of the 2A as we know it, as well as many of the other, arguably more important rights spelled out.
No point in having rights if you can't even assemble to talk about why it's important to talk about having rights. It's already done, we're just riding the corpse till doomsday, which will never really arrive.
Things are just going to keep going the way they're going till there's not much left to go on. RIP America.

Wako; Paul Harrel edition when

This is a board dedicated to all weapons, like the spoon you’re going to have to register in 2030 America

Hey Yas Forums, quick question. Should fucking gun rights of all things be allowed on /k/, the weapons board?

Looks like that larp rally didn't do shit...

The government can't flag you if they can't identify threats. How do we jam the signal? Fake social media accounts?

The (((mods))) have more kikes stationed on Yas Forums that's why they move them here

It's Amazing to see just how much boomers fucked this country. The sheer amount of damage they've done is absolutely unreal.

Fight against Red Flag laws tooth and nail. These cock suckers will use it for gun confiscation at the drop of a hat.

Too late

VA rally was a complete and total failure.

Discussed this with my law enforcement and military friends
>they're not taking my guns!
>I'd hide them and do it the legal way!

Even the strongest 2A supporters I know won't do anything when push comes to shove.

Now grandpa? He said he's old and he will shoot if need be. He's already lived a good life.

Yas Forums is way too infested with shills and feds to get any legit discussion

>complete failure
It stopped the VA AWB and most of the legislation. The remainder will be fought in courts. I don't see how you can see that as a complete defeat

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You need to update that map OP, Virginia is fucked like the way of so many others now. Protests don't seem to be working well.

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But we’re literally on pol

I think they should, because they are the vital part of people owning guns in the first place.
I understand that /k/ doesn't want politics but the 2a is under attack now, so this is different.

It was moved here from /k/

You don't understand how cucked /k/ mods are. Literally trannies and Ian.

Virginia proves that everyone will roll over on 2A. Please stop pretending that you will defend our rights. We turned into a authoritarian nightmare over night for a virus. We will be tracked with biometrics fron here in out. And if you deny this you are as demoralized as the Chinese

All gun laws are unconstitutional.

Every gun owner changes his name to turd ferguson

>red flag still passed
>one handgun a month passed

It was a failure. VA let the entire country down.
>red flag laws for 49/50 states when