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Try like 5th

Downturns are not once in a lifetime. The author of this article must be a millenial

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Jokes on you, I'm on Salary.

I'm stacking cash left and right. Just cleared all my debts, and now I'm saving to buy a big house when all the market is down and people are foreclosing.

Be nae nae'd upon, cuck man

This will be recorded as the greatest heist of all time.

They sold to the Fed and now we the taxpayer are the bag holders.

The wealthy are now on the sidelines, not having lost a fucking dime, with 95% of their gains during the most reckless bubble in all of human history, waiting to buy your family home at 30 cents on the dollar

Where did you think that 2 trillion in printing went? Cause it sure as fuck wasnt to me and mine.

This wasnt just a fuck you. The rich always win. But this time they got out free and will absolutely put the world iver a barrel.

People under 45 will never recover. People over 45 will be crushed.

Ive never siad this before. But i say it now.


Enjoy your blackpill.

Its the 3rd major hit for older millinials / genx and the 2nd “once in a lifetime” downturn for younger ones.

The issue is that they will lose their jobs and savings at their “peak earning capacity” which will never ever recover.

Aka millinials are fucked for life. They are now a lost generation. (Already were). The kind of lost that brings structural reform like the new deal.

Millenial here
This meme perfectly captures me, my friends and the world around us as we age into every age bracket then get fucked.

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>The wealthy are now on the sidelines
most of them are old and vulnerable to the corona virus

Babies first redpill

zoomers rise up

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Ok boomer

Pandemics are really great for societies actually.

The aftermath is usually a revitalization because it clears out entrenched power structures.

So you get golden ages where there is an abundance of wealth and exuberance.

It's time for zoomer salaraymen like me to rise.

why do economic crashes happen roughly one a decade? are they planned or just a result of an inherent debt cycle? how can this be addressed?

The police are not a criminal organization until they become corrupt.

The FED is now participating in, well theres no word big enough to describe what they are doing.

Crashes for poor people.

Bonanzas for the rich.

it's just enough for people to forget what happened last time, and go 'oh it won't happen this time'

Annie Lowrey, yes

Pretty girl

Zoomers are a little less fucked than millennials (2008 didnt really hit us) but dont you think the situation is going to be any better for us. If you planned on entering the workforce this year you are in for a very bad ride that might follow you for the rest of your career.

>The aftermath is usually a revitalization because it clears out entrenched power structures
Except the powers that be are changing the rules and doing everything they can to stay in power. Money machine go brbrbrbrbrbr. There won't be a golden age.

that's why you get a government job that also lets you study

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They are a bunch of pussies anyways. They weren’t ever going to be successful.

This is what happened to me. Graduated right at the worst of the great recession. Couldn't even get hired at walmart. Then even after people started hiring again, couldn't get hired because of the gap in work history. Been unemployed/underemployed ever since

“They” crash it ever ten years or so, sometimes are worse than others. This fake pandemic seems a little more brutal. It almost to Molotov cocktail level. At least with other fake crises you still had movement freedom. This one is wolverines tier

boomers need to hang at this point

Who cares anymore, money or not, we are a failed generation in a failed civilization

this was me a week ago but the downtime finally got me cut to hourly.

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>Except the powers that be are changing the rules and doing everything they can to stay in power. Money machine go brbrbrbrbrbr. There won't be a golden age.
the virus will evolve stronger to kill them all

how many millions unemployed before the guy making the trump general threads says "you know what maybe this guy is screwing up" 50 million? 100 million?

Yup, Im lucky enough to work for the belgian state television, far from being in trouble right now but Im afraid that even a gov job might be in danger in the long run.

>he thinks le virus is real
kek this has to be bait

Completely agree.
Stopped giving a fuck about this civilization a while ago. No one else seems to care anyway.

Spooky digits.

I wouldn’t put hopes into the “virus”... it’s a ploy to hide politicians during the power grab.

checks, when the guy making the trump general threads loses his job obviously

Oh no better institute one world communism then

Imagine how awful it would be if assets lost so much value that normal people could afford them.

Dont forget, $1,000,000/tax payer unfunded liability bill courtesy of greedy boomers

But we're not letting this one clear out the excess urban mouths-to-feed and rich old fucks

Maybe if some boomers would stop working until age 80 and let go of their death grips on offices and workplaces they would have had a chance to succeed

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have you completely forgotten that they have trust-fund children and grandchildren?

This but unironically

>I finally put down a downpayment on my house which will magically increase 10% a year in value and now I won't have to worry about retirement LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU

yeah i dont see how it could get any worse aside from government employees breaking into my house and fucking me

>pandemics are great!
hi retard

>be me
>graduate highschool in 2009
>be loser who doesn’t know what to do with his life
>”ah fuck college”
>work job to job
>realize what a real life loser I am in 2017
>trying to fix my life now
>new crash incoming


>Jokes on you, I'm on Salary.
The absolute state of financial intelligence.
>if you can be told where to be and or what to wear, you are not free.

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downturns should be good for millennials.

>college degree - walmart and mcdonalds won't hire
>no 5 year experience - all white collar jobs require 5 years experience, can't escape that catch 22

boomers are continuing to work because 60% of their millennial replacements are absolute trash - I see it at my job.

I am way better off that most millennials my age due to part being smart part being lucky but I always defend millennials against boomers because at the end of the day, millennials were always hit with constant propaganda usually pushed by boomers that financially led astray and it's difficult to live in this world with this much propaganda

I got fucked in 08 but managed to recover and own land now.

Ok boomer

I'm in my early 30s and I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I'm a manlet, somewhat unattractive, no social connections to success, and now being fucked every which way economically by circumstances completely out of my control. Don't get me wrong, I know things could be worse, and I should be grateful just for being able to eat, and sleep in a warm bed, but things are only going to get worse from here on out. I feel even worse for zoomers and the generation that'll come after them. All I see is a very bleak future for humanity and this planet in general. Boomers had it better than any other generation of humans will ever have it for a long long time.

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who raised that trash?

but if we get lucky this will kill enough Boomers that we can actually fix the economy.

Get a job on a farm. That's the best you're gonna do right now. You will learn valuable skills that can translate to a small business/homestead.

The propaganda they pumped out was beyond disasterous.
It was world killing, in the unintentional consiquences kind of way.

The American propagandists will one day be looked upon like doctors prescribing leeches and bleeding the sick.

Withholding government funded healthcare to anyone over 65 would unironically solve alot of problems

Commie healthcare is pure evil

Huh? Just make it big with shitcoin. Done.

same bro, little younger but I never graduated
had some good times, did alot of drugs, had some unprotected sex
been trying to go to school, read the bible and listen to lots of Peterson/other self actualization tools for the past year or so
|fuck everything

If only we were raised better

No because boomers are eternal parents who think they need to guide and give advice to everyone. They don't. No one cares about your sage advice about how things used to be in the 1970s pops

I think in this case, "once in a lifetime" is referring to the level of severity and duration that of the impending meltdown that we are facing. The last crisis started under Bush and the resulting depression (read an old school econ book for the definition) lasted just abut through all of Obama. These type of occurrences are at most once a generation. Millennials lost their twenties to the that one and the are now going to lose their thirties and in some cases early forties to this one.

I work 20 hours a week and get paid what locals struggle to make with over time.

Company car, company credit card(s), zero over sight.

I leave the house whenever I want, and come home when I'm satisfied.

But it's okay, because you're gonna make it too, one day.

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how come all articles talking about how fucked millennials are are all written by millennials?

>if you can be told where to be and or what to wear
>not being a complete pissant is a breach of freedom
>being this obsessed over clothing
Start showing tits bro, the estrogen is showing.

>freedom is more important than living
Pinko NEETs don't deserve a quick painless death.

Becasue no one else cares. Boomers are just portecting their own asses here scared to die of the flu, but also unwilling to give up their precious office positions

I just turned 24, what do I count as?

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Mass immigration has done nearly irreparable damage to the western gene pool that will take millions of corpses to fix. You can't have a 1st world country on 3rd world genetics. The government is doing everything in its power to stop the correction, which would be killing the vast majority of useless eaters (browns and olds)

Late millennial/early zoomer

Ultimately, boomers don't appreciate how lucky they were and comparatively how unlucky millennials have been. Luck has more to do with success than most people realize. To be successful you need ability + opportunity, its the opportunity that's becoming increasingly scarce and not something that you can just work harder for.

shitllennials got bent over backward for, throughout their entire upbringing. No generation was raised better than millennials - but your generation ended up becoming incapable, tech-consumer crybabies

just about millennial, unfortunately

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What's your job?

Yep, that's true. But at least I live in a country with good gibs. We have children and so it's ok.