>only one who seemingly cares
>gets fired
What’s next, boys? I want this country to fucking burn.
>only one who seemingly cares
>gets fired
What’s next, boys? I want this country to fucking burn.
Other urls found in this thread:
Did Zionald fire him? What an idiot
>only one that is a democrat
>thus Democrats are obligated to latch onto him and exaggerate his intelligence
Look at trumps newest tweet. Hes actually retarded and were all doomed due to the eternal boomer. Im fucking pissed off today
Fauci knew Feb 29 that his recommendation that the virus posed no threat to the american public would amount to his undoing. And OP was a faggot.
Something tells me he will continue receiving a check from us tax payers in addition to the one Bill gives him.
That guy was leaking more than a two dollar life-raft.
He's right though, you shouldn't necessarily preempt the spread of the virus too much else the country will be in stasis. The idea is to let it pass through the population in a control wave as not to overwhelm health care systems.
He is cowardly faggot and so are you. Hole up in your home all you want coward. Its not his decision or yours to tell others to do the same.
He fired millions
If this whole thing doesn't reak of Russian disinformation campaign, I don't know what does.
Will you guys stop? Russia is a bunch of degenerate gopniks with a GDP smaller than Texas.
pretty scary photo
>gets fired
>kills more gays with AZT than died with aids
Why am I suppose to care what a quack thinks ?
I do believe he was “warned” about going on CNN. He did it anyway. CNN got a sound bite they are using against Trump. Fauci will have “something else” to do this evening at the briefing.
>literally shaking
>What’s next, boys? I want this country to fucking burn.
It won't. The second this shit gets riot type serious, the economy will open.
We're not going to stay shut down over a million dead boomers.
Enjoy your useless balls and nerve damage. WFH Chad going strong while broke ass bois get fucked by the virus.
Finally. Was getting sick and tired of having this Clinton Jew sabotage Trump him all the time.
And yet we're fining people for having small, private gatherings, shutting down all but essential businesses, and keep griping about a second wave.
Why does Trump have such thin skin? He can't take any criticism.
>he thinks im a chink or have large exposure
learn more dumbass