Reddit is dead

Over the past few years Reddit has been forced into a far left position. For example the “quarantining” of r/The_Donald. How do we stop this Yas Forums?

Attached: 9B61F17A-0BBD-4647-8949-776186E9FD8E.png (636x384, 27.33K)

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Go back.

>For example the “quarantining” of r/The_Donald
look at the_donald now. Instead of banning the sub, which would get attention, they replaced all the moderators with trannies and locked submissions. Last post was like, a month ago.

Also, a subreddit called r/AgainstHateSubreddits has been getting rightwing subs banned by spamming them with CP. A literal tranny told the mods that isnt right and got kicked from the group, so they made a video about what AHS is doing (was originally on youtube but they deleted):

nobody gives a fuck you faggot.

Reddit is 2006 Digg. It's not dead yet. But before the leadership team is done with it. reddit will look like this:

The issue is people getting led to and taking the blue pill

Reddit is the #6 most trafficked site in the US this month (Alexa).

Digg was never even close to as influencial as Reddit.


Owned by Chinese money. Let it rot. Stop using it. It's a site for communist chinks and kikes.

> fuck reddit
there is (no i aint no shill for them) which was created around the time of /r/the_donald issue. you can go there if you like reddit type of shit

Who cares, go back

It's impossible because of Plebbit's demographics.

Plebbit consists of aspirational middle class or youth. They use the language of degeneracy to attain elite status in their subjective imagination. We arrive at a ridiculous situation in which a burger flipping big city slob believes he is like celebrities from Hollywood because he supports transvestites and pornography.

> forgot to add that you can go to Yas Forumsjuicetown for good kike related information

Reddit has been left wing since 2005

Attached: 1586795226626.gif (640x438, 1.45M)

>chink owned site that hosts the internet loser police

Never really been on reddit but my friends frequently browsed the fat people hate subreddit, I think it was removed.

I 'member when plebbit wasn't mainstream and Yas Forums was classified as "deep web" by facebook normies...

>Owned by Chinese money.

So is the New York Times and other media. The ChiComs are spending millions and millions of bucks to propagandize the USA. They spent millions for the 2018 midterm election. They will spend much much more for the 2020 election. Right now they are trying to shape the story about the WuFlu to deflect blame away from President Xi to President Trump.

This is the problem. Punish the Chinese by divesting or seizing their US assets.

WUO radicalization

plebbit is the symptom, not the cause. You can thank this guy for giving the far-left all the ammo and optics they could ever wish.

Attached: Richard Spencer with new far-leftist gf.jpg (1080x1350, 81.8K)

Attached: 1571083163284.jpg (900x590, 88.42K)

Well what is the cause? Also, cut it with the meme flag

NWO is a soviet/kgb psyop false flagging israel
9/11 was opec russia oil/heroin scam

Just leave reddit retard, imagine being so dense.

i miss the based redditarmie youtube commenters, they were hilarious
>as moderator of /r/amiatranny, i am an expert in confusing hormones

Attached: 12AA4CCC-8136-40A0-A072-CAA5D1AAD6FC.jpg (200x194, 23.77K)

>*tips fedora*
>Many tips m'good sir


Reddit was never good. Who gives a shit?

You have go back and t_d users should be nuked

It's been dead for almost a decade. It went from libertarian left to AOC worship.

>How do we stop this
namefagging sites are always forced left.
