Joe Exotic was raped as a child by a male and is openly gay. Yet I bet he believes that he was born gay and that his rape has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. Are homosexuals deranged or do they live in denial of their childhoods?
Joe Exotic was raped as a child by a male and is openly gay...
Check out this mind reader
So your theory is that getting raped as a child is such a positive experience that these people grow up craving for more?
What is it then? Why do people treat their child abuse like it's sacred? Everyone gets molested, move on.
So your galaxy brain take is that 100% of kids are molested? Sounds like a good way to try to excuse pedo behavior, but ok.
Based and gaypilled.
How does this explain non raped gays? Father absence? fluoride?
You know adult rape victims often like to play out their rapes in the bedroom? And they will sometimes get an actual fetish (as in they need it to get pleasure) for rape play. Hell some people even like to continue to fuck their rapist.
>implying that gay little faggotw asn't asking for it
I don’t think he is gay because he was raped, I think he was raped because he was gay already and the adult knew that and took advantage of him.
>not using this knowledge to find a girl raped by a neckbeard.
you fools
Homosexuals reproduce through molestation
Well that explains you but I had good parents.
>positive experience
Project much?
I didn't mean it literally. And gays ropleplay their molestation.
Ummmm I’m gonna need a quick rundown
It's usually what is left behind when talking about fags. In truth a shit ton of fags or people with divergent sexual orientations have either been abused, come from eccentric (to say the least) backgrounds or have been brainwashed by their parents to the extreme. These people also have a higher chance to develop very unhealthy kinks, become much more promiscuous and become pedophiles.
Pretty much all are either raped or seduced at puberty by older guys. Once you've taken it in the keister you're either going to hate yourself or become gay. You should know this, your country harbors gay pedophile rabbis who raped jewish boys in the USA. Why does your country harbor those pervert rabbis when they are raping jewish boys??
Was he alpha or just a degenerate pyscho?
No, getting raped as a child imprints you making that a core part of your Identity
Idk I’m a trap and I was sexually abused as early as 3 years old. It would be kinda dumb to think it’s unrelated desu
Even though it’s related I don’t think it’s possible for every gay person to choose to become straight. In my case I think it’s too hardwired due to the age I was abused from. Plus I am happy with my boyfriend uwu
Wanna get your dick sucked Trudeau?
Why do you think girls call their partners Daddy?
Post boipussi
Who is that guy looks like joe dirt
Same here but not a trap. Had some weird experiences with similar aged kids and it’s haunted me ever since.
I grapple with what it has done to me. I don’t want it and fight, but there is a side of me that I guess I don’t have much control over. What’s funny is that it’s not satisfying at all. Oh well. This is a major issue that is taboo to talk about, I’m sure there are a lot of other men suffering from it who would love to be able to talk about it and move on.
He owned a Zoo and is in prison for hiring a hitman to kill some animal rescuer activist. Now after having a shitty life, the degenerate homosexual is put where he belongs, in hell.
How about your parliament stops with the children orgies long enough to a majority, kikel
I'm not trying to be anti-Semitic but a Jew cannot banter for the life of it.
Don’t call people circles that’s very offensive
I was molested too, and I developed fetishes because of it, and it ultimately shaped my sexual preferences. But I'm still a normal person with a normal healthy sex drive. Guys who get molested by girls and feel like victims are gay and beta.
Non-raped gay here.
Absent father.
Borderline mother.
Passive stepfather.
No other male role models.
Working on it though; change is possible.
It seems like lack of male role models is another strong factor here. There’s some obvious trends with who turns out gay, but it won’t be discussed.
Lol, I was “molested” by a much older girl and it didn’t effect me really. Maybe cause it wasn’t too extreme, but that wasn’t traumatic. The same sex stuff was. It definitely seems like people who’ve been through this shit have a sixth sense for seeking each other out
Sounds like another excuse to avoid talking about it.
It happened to when I was 8 and I didn't know sex existed until puberty. I think some people are just beta to begin with.
This is cherry-picked bullshit, and I'll tell you why, line by line:
1. 18 and 19 is legal. This statistic would only be useful for your point if it explicitly asked how many of them had had sex with an underage boy.
2. I looked up this study and this is not what it says. Pic related.
3. Yes, this is a problem, but most gay men are not scout masters.
4. The source of this point is "Colorado for Family Values Report." Not a scientific peer-reviewed journal. They are known to cherry-pick and distort facts.
5. Same point as above. This also contains a citation from "First Principles Press" which is not a scientific peer-reviewed journal.
6. Look at Dr. Paul Cameron's Wikipedia page. He is a known anti-gay extremist and has been repeatedly criticized within his professional community.