I need a favor. I am hoping one of you is capable of translating speech, as I need this speech correctly translated for an upcoming release.

The speech is here:
it is number 56
his speech to the youth in September 1938.

This will benefit pol and everyone, so any help is greatly appreciated. I will shamelessly bump the thread until I get some bites. figure we have time on our hands, so I'm reaching out for help.

cmon Hans, we need you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

do it for him

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Isn't there a translation? I really think there should be a translation somewhere.

That's what I would have thought, but for the life of me I cannot find one.
September 10, 1938 - speech to the youth in Nuremberg
that is as much info as i can find.

What are you gonna do with it?

something along the lines of this

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ok could be fun but I am not the best translator.
Some help would be nice

This one?

I'll make a draft and post it maybe you could look over it and tell me if something is wrong.

yes! and thank you guys.
I am here to bump and help where I can.

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bump for interest


I will need half an hour or so for the draft.

Bilingualfag here. I will look over it later tonight. I'll make a thread with a pastebin if I get around to it

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you may be the first person to ever translate it online. I've been looking for a week now, cannot find anything.

Of cause. I'll try to find the german original transcript. There has to be one.

I am not used to do it but I will give it a shot.

I will bump this until more krauts of mountainkrauts notice

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you guys are honestly saviors.

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For science.

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but of course!

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Number 56:

Heil, Heil, Heil
Dear German youth. Like every year i greet you millions of young germans at the Reichsparteitag

You are favoured, times come and go.
Generations often grow up without having great times like you have. We are chosen to experience big things and even better we can make our own future. the fact you are living in these times is a blessing for you.

thats the start...

It was not imaginable for us what changes Germany has gone through in only one year.

You are now witnessing one of the biggest historical changes, that will not repeat in the next 100 years. in these years you were fighters for this great germany. you had it in your hearts, but now its turned to reality for you.

based Kraut has not deceived us. He's actually doing it.
Thanks user

Chillingly ominous from a purely historical perspective, considering the unspeakable horrors many of the young men who were in the audience during that speech would soon suffer during the war, along with the destruction of their home and culture.

god bless you user
those young men lived more in the spirit of our ancestors in those 12 years than we will in our entire lives.

Did you first wrote it down in German?

>>Dear German youth. Like every year i greet you millions of young germans at the Reichsparteitag
>>Alljährlich begrüße ich ansässig des Reichparteitages die Millionen-Masse aller deutschen Jungen und Mädchen in unserem Reich.

As a sing of this, for the first time at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg we have also boys and girls from the "Ostmark" of the Reich. They will now belong to the Reich for eternal.

Hail the Fuhrer!!

What seemed to be impossible and nobody believed is reality now. Millions of Germans where waiting for this great change and now after fighting for this we have this great result. To make those changes eternal we need our eternal german youth. Today its you, tomorrow its the next Generation. Germany will be united, no matter what comes.


dual translations would be ideal for sure. but it's also more work for you anons.


this is wht I have so far

Cloudy cheers and something like „victory to the leader/Fuhrer“

German Youth,
Annually, I greet in you, on occasion of the Reich-party-conference, the mass of millions of boys and girls in the whole Reich/Counrty.
In the last year I pointed out how much you are favored by luck. Since the coming and ending, generations often grow up without having the chance to witness a grand destiny or to shape it.
Our generatung was chosen by providence to experience great things of our people and to create even greater with it.

Is this even usable?

this has to stay in the front.
bump again

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I highly recommend the memoir Forgotten Soldier, by Guy Sajer, to any serious student of the history of the German experience in WWII. Many critics have accused Sajer of fabricating his story due to lack of records proving his service, but more importantly, many German combat veterans, especially those who fought on the Ost front, have corroborated his accounts as being extremely accurate depictions of combat that hundreds of thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers endured.

>>You are favoured, times come and go
>>Im vergangenen Jahr wies ich darauf hin, dass wie sehr ihr vom glück begünstigt seid.
Forgot the part with the "one year ago"