1/4 of all dead were perfectly healthy young people outside of any risk groups.
1/4 of all dead were perfectly healthy young people outside of any risk groups.
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yo brazilians my cousin made that galo frito show you guys love
finance user from january might've been right fuuuuuuuuug
anyone got that greentext from that guy saying "just wait when it hits south america and mutates there".... he was right monkaS
and the retards only letting the virus mutating further,KEK
dont need big brains for that desu
My hope for monkeys.
Commie propaganda
Literally paid to spread commie propaganda
obligatory lecture for casuals
here ya go kraut
it was talking specificaly about brazil and brazil bat populations
go out in public then juan
Nice sourcers you got there, what do you have next? Buzzfeed?
kyS nigger
i thought the magaboomers are bad. these spic user conservative crowds are gonna mass protest against lockdowns and this virus will spread out of control.
lmfao we're fucked
God answered my countries prayers ^-^
Let's say COVID mutates with the bat populations in Brazil and starts infecting humans. What are the implications of this? We have lockdowns and travel bans now, so how would it leave South America? It would just be another Amazon jungle disease.
social distance bitch!
Like any of you will ever go there and confirm. They could tell us velociraptors are attacking the population and we wouldn't know different. Social distancing confirmed!
Immigrants, drug distribution, produce, elites traveling to escape brazil in the next month. many many different ways
Except you know being pozzed with AIDS because Brazil
what was Finance user talkin about?
I hate krauts so fucking much
nvm, somebody posted the screenshot
here you have it brainlet
He literally link 2 communist fake news website. Nice try, cheng.
Fucking sauce this slut already
>implying anyone from shithole ass nation Brazil is anything but unhealthy, diseased and genetically inferior to all other races other than most Africans
Confirmed for fake news.
What’s more likely?
The story is trues and these Brazilians are dying from coronavirus for an unknown reason, in a trend contrary to all known data.
A third world South American shithole is inflating the numbers of an accepted pandemic to secure more funding from global charities and aid groups.
The average Brazilian is several times healthier than the average fatmerimutt. Younger, thinner , stronger and with less tranny hormones
is that what new york is doing?
It's true.
Brazilian bolsonarofags are trying to keep up with their nothingburguer narrative, but it's just not true. Corona is skyrocketing here and is very dangerous.
"less tranny hormones" LOL !
>twitchposting off twitch
In case foreigners don't know, Globo is the single most reputable news source in Brazil. The only reason why brazilians are attacking Globo in this thread is because it does not agree with their political prejudices at this moment.
Next question.
1/4 of the dead in NY aren’t young people. NY is not an equatorial, tropical climate. Population densities are a thing. I honestly don’t give a fuck of senior citizens die.
But still, yes: cdc.gov
Americans eat too much shit.
I once ate an american candy and the day after I had a surgeon remove my appendicis because of the potentially lethal infection the chocolate caused.
There beaners not spics. A spic is step up for them
Question for you brazilians: are you glad your country is gonna suffer until it churns out of control? Are you sad? Are you ready for it, or are you just gonna let it come?
Germ theory is a lie.
Why do you think only the blackest retard niggers and roasties die from it? Diseases are punishments for our unhealthy lifestyle, literally our sins. May the Lord not have mercy on this land.
Didn't a doc fag confirm this some months ago? He said when it reaches brazil it will mutate with their wildlife and create a superstrain. And his community was scared shitless of it happening.
Brasil 247 is like reporting Young Turks or Shareblue in USA
God how I hate this shithole of monkeys who praise Cuba but go to Miami for shopping.
It wasn't a question, fattie
Brazilians literally eat human poop it's a common practice there, I know it because I've seen it.
I didn't read the bottom half of your shitty unintelligent post you typed up with your poop smeared dirty peasant fingers, mexiconigger.
Please go spew your stench ridden retard babble somewhere else because we can smell you through our speakers you're so dirty.
I hope this shithole burns into the ground
there's none of the in the Br Amazon.
>literally a European Mexican
Enough said.
Brazilians all take steroids for their asses, likely makes the virus have bigger muscles and more aggressive attitude when it intermingles.
I am a scientist. Believe meeeee
>perfectly healthy
45% of Brazilians under the age of 40 are hiv positive.