Something that always stood out to me about the midwit theory is the fact that blacks would technically be the greatest ally of the smart people and asians would be the most likely to become midwits. Is this correct or does midwit theory need tuning?
Something that always stood out to me about the midwit theory is the fact that blacks would technically be the greatest...
Well this makes no sense
I'm well above 130 and I fucking hate blacks
The worst fear of the jew is blacks and whites teaming up under the realization that almost all the race-strife was fueled by the jews.
Most Asians are fucking retarded too
>is the fact that blacks would technically be the greatest ally of the smart people
well niggers are the best ally/tool of the jews
This only works within a race.
The top and bottom castes of the race come together to fight the cancer of the mid whits.
Between races this does not work so well, due to racial competition for land, resources, etc.
When two races are near each-other mid whits, retards and geniuses alike must band together to face the outside threat.
When lacking this however the entropic forces of the mid whits must be countered by a coalition of retards and geniuses.
The middle class must be crushed by the aristocracy and the peasants.
That's why kikes love pushing the lies about slavery.
Most slaves didn't even come to the US. The majority of slave owners were kikes outside the USA but every time they quote slave ownership stats they lie-lie-lie to prevent blacks from ever realizing who the real enemy is.
if youre actually over 130 you understand blacks are allies even though theyre loathsome.
Most of them went to sugar plantations. Who has has the most last names meaning sugar, suck as Zucker?
As a zerg horde maybe.
I honestly get more occasional flashes of profundity from the mentally ill and black than the middling intellect who thinks his ideas are on the cutting edge even though half of his worldview is based on slogans.
While the moron is more unstable and in some cases easier to control (think the especially stupid trump voters the media likes to parade, or the hormonal abominations on the far left), they're not as big of a threat as the middie scum who are essential cogs in the machine.
I like the midwit hypothesis, but it does need some work.
>mfw iq unknown
Don't know my IQ, but I took one of those shitty online tests on the mensa website. I scored high enough for them to redirect me to a page to schedule a test in Norway
Notice that while blacks views on whites are complicated, they have an instinctual dislike of the jew. They can't articulate why, but they know sumtin aint right.
Unfortunately it's harder for them to make the connection between jews and divide&conquer and the shutting down of any talk about group self-determination, ethnic or otherwise.
midwit detected
The theory only applies within racial groups.
Midwit theory is absolutely true but it really has nothing to do with IQ. The dummies of society tend to understand things because they just look at the obvious, the deep thinker has come full circle back to trusting nature because they’ve dismantled the lies of their society, and the midwit believe whatever they’re conditioned to learn (leftism, modernism) and while they’re smart enough to parrot the arguments, they’re either not smart enough to brave enough to get through the lies. Niggers don’t fit the picture because they’re irrelevant. They’re given their own retarded narratives and they don’t question them.
I'm sure. Blacks respond to respectable people, while midwits would rather live in envy and shame. It's whites that need to find their value and everything else will solve itself.
Asians producing the most midwits would explain how they have formed some of the most successful collectivist societies in history. But these societies have been capable of some pretty amazing feats, though often achieved in a roundabout way.
That's always been compounded on Yas Forums because the kikes push nigger hate threads; BBC; race mixing threads.
Most sane high IQ's realize not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are blacks. That isn't to ignore statistics and genetics... all of that is lost in the kike/chinese bot-spam here (chinks are the kikes of the orient)
That makes more sense
they're starting to realize this.
all jewish made terms
I think its the opposite problem with midwits. They are just smart enough to debunk conventional wisdom and just smart enough to start questioning/deconstructing what they believe and what they know but not smart enough to replace conventional wisdom with true knowledge. Instead they just find someone else whos opinion they can latch onto and repeat to signal to other midwits that they didnt fall into the retard conventional wisdom trap. This leads them easily into subversive material that scratches the surface of debunking what other people think while never replacing that wisdom (think redditors).
They are, why do you think niggers are the favored tools of the jews?
You don't have to like something to see the value in it's exploitation
>blacks vote for gibs
quite logical
Nah. It's turkish shitposters.
Fuck off nigger, you'll be lucky to go back to Africa when it's all said and done.
Nah, It's [not kike] shitposters
They are never going back pussy
Black 60 IQ is not the same as white 60 IQ. When a black guy has an IQ of 60, he is like “ey, I’ll fuck yo mom in her ass and make you watch, nigga.” When a white has an IQ of 60, he is like “hi, my name is Jerry. Are you my friend? My mom says that Jesus is my friend”. Niggers have all sorts of mental retardations in addition to low IQ.
They have achieved amazing feats in "roundabout ways" because the majority of their population listens and follows what theri leader says.
It's as if it's impossible a group can both have unfortunate genetic traits and be mentally conditioned and subjected to circumstances that compound those problems. Ethnic cohesion is forbidden but ethnic conflict is encouraged.
The world would just benefit from a little bit more nuance. (On all subjects except the jewish question)
Are conservatives the best proof of the midwit theory? A right wing intellectual will trounce a left wing one almost every time, yet they have a rank and file of drooling retards.
Impossible. Goes against basic class theory. The lower and upper classes are natural enemies.
Where can I take a legitimate IQ test? I feel like 135 but am afraid I might actually be a midwit.