This needs to be the standard. As a waiter if you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out

This needs to be the standard. As a waiter if you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out

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>picking up the tab for cheap employers
Reminder that if staff doesn't meet minimum wage due to tips, the employer has to pay instead.

But the staff has to report that as income asshole

They're going to claim that on their taxes next year.

If you need to survive off tips maybe you should get a new job.

>But the staff has to report that as income asshole


it is?


>still thinking that money has any worth

Yeah you get taxed double on tips as a server
Pretty based because you can come complain about it here and every shut in faggot just goes on a tirade about how they never tip at all

Bring me my ranch faggot.

Oh, no, they have to pay income tax like the rest of us.

This retarded system of yours gives me money laundering ideas.

You get taxed once like any other income.

Good I never eat out anyway, it's a waste of money. Quit relying on my generosity you fucking leech. Has this whole virus hoax made you realize how insignificant you are, yet?

OP is a foggot and brought me cold tendies

I hate people who try to front like this. No doubt that was to impress his 'date'. Fucking idiot

>yay, now I can afford more cocaine!

How? As if they claim the coins I add to the pierogi and vodka bill on taxs

I miss going to restaurants. Everything is closed. All waitress either on only fans or back to ukraine

Have you been to the stores, ahmed?

They aren't going to give you groceries for free. You are giving money to get food and TP. Ergo, your statement is false and you're a faggot

Waiting has to be the biggest tax loophole there is.
Multiply every waiter/waitress, every meal, the majority of tips. All cash. None of it taxed. They don't report that shit. They should go to jail for tax evasion.

You don't get taxed double, waitnigger. Pay your fucking taxes

As a customer.
It is not my fault your bosses refuse to pay even minimum wage and instead of DEMANDING and shaming customers to directly pay the restaurants employees.

shut up. no one cares about your shitty career choices.

So much this.

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As an ex-waiter you need to get another job if your boss isn't paying you a decent wage.
And I'm sorry but American waiters are the worst because of this bullshit policy. They're insufferable suck-ups with no personality.

>As a waiter if you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out
if your only job is taking food from someone who made it to someone who wants it, be grateful you get paid anything.

in canada minimum wage is $15/hr and staff still expect tips
before all this covid shit waitresses were making more than skilled trades and still fucking complained

What a cuck. You can’t spoil these people. Nothing is ever enough. Now they’ll start expecting similar gifts from other customers. Similar to why you don’t feed seagulls at the beach

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That guy tipped you a thousand so you don't need my money.

People shouldn't be eating fast food anyway. Learn to cook homos.

They still do honestly I fucking hate the tipping culture here it's absolutely c00ked

I say that waiters deserve this after every single order. Who's with me? Say aye!

wow, it's almost as if servers and like where actually paid well, they wouldn't need to live of other peoples generosity. Yet you still throw shit and low/non tippers instead of the company thats paying you dogshit money. fuckin sheeple
>inb4 commie fag

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