Should the Government pay me back for the time they took away from my life? I told them to ban China but they didn't listen. Now I'm in forced quarantine. Give me back my time or pay!
Should the Government pay me back for the time they took away from my life...
The noodles are overcooked and pickles? Are you eating this?
pickles and pasta?
Fuck its you again. Why are you using pickles in your pasta?
*Brine pickles
I broke out of my digital jail because I care about your health.
Slave drivers can go fuck themselves.
Let's be real cunt if you cook like this you should be locked up in solitary because you're clearly a fucking loon
i mean, i could eat it wish sausage. id rather some quick home cooked meatballs..but fucking pickles??
They should provide you with the meds that you can take.
What a fucked up version of lazanki
Stop eating so many carbs, you fatzo.
This is an unnecessarily elaborate way to tell people you're a faggot.
do you just eat carbs 24/7?
Do people not realize you can still set traps in the forrest and go hunting to get meat? Or if you need water you put a sweater around your legs and run throw a field of grass to collect the dew to get water? Goddamn I'm gonna eat well during the apocalypse while all the normies are starving to death.
Everyone should receive 50 troy oz of silver and 2 ounces of gold bullion for the time the governments have taken from us with their open borders and mass immigration.
You wouldnt believe the shit Poles get up to
Possibly even cooking the pasta with the water from the pickle jar. The absolute insanity.
Another hospital IP permabanned for offtopic and won't expire. Good job fags, making life of COVID19 patients even harder because of your gay rules...
Bases PoleChef, wonder what creations will he dazzle and razzle us with next.
Mmm, Karpie!
The jew fears the bathtub carp farmer.
Did you shit in that pan?
Ha I done that once time when my dad brought back a bunch of fish he captured. It was a nice experience to play with them in the bathtub.
How does that taste?
I have a feeling it might not be so bad.
It's not pickle, it's keeshony
>he stopped working over a plan-demic
Hope you're doing swell walmartbro.
pickles and pasta today?
this is a perplexing combination to me as a burger..
Yeah, half the fucking country sitting on their asses collecting unemployment is real fuckin' peachy.
Not only that. The government are even paying me for staying home.
Isn't ogorki kiszone just a pickled cucumber?
Who spells it that way?
Dont spend it all at once!!!!
>Isn't ogorki kiszone just a pickled cucumber?
it's brine in the jar instead vinegar i think so , both sort does exist for polish one.
How does your food manage to look so unappetizing? You have a real knack for it. You should work in a prison kitchen
Pickled and sour things are good for your digestive system. I eat sauerkraut every Friday, pickles less frequently.
It's monthly
How is the difference written in Polish? I thought the "kiszone" part was just to mean it went through the pickling process. Like "kapusta kiszona" is sauerkraut.
Your feeling is wrong. This fucking guy trolls us with his horrible 'food'.
My dog eats better food than that piece of grub you put together, just kys slav monkey
post body, we have seen enough of your disgusting food. show us the result of it.
Pay your're VPN and Yas Forums gold account denbts
This is actually pretty good, you can't go wrong with pasta. But it lacks some meat either way, like his threads usually do, or when it is, it's some animal organs like chicken heart or similar.
No it doesn't it looks revolting and will give you food poisoning.
I feel like the sour-ness might be okay if it's some kind of cold pasta salad thing. Imagining it reminds me of something I had abroad but can't put my finger on it. If pickle soup can be good then who knows.
Any more of his other shit though? First I've seen of it.