Need Help Dealing with some Woolheads

Alright boys
To cut to the skinny.
I live next to some niggers.
Their nig bill broke through my fucking fence and nearly killed my 11 year old boxer for no goddamn reason. They won't admit any wrong doing and refuse to cooperate at all. They're being general cunts.
>parking their 30 cars in front of my driveway when I leave
>inviting nigger pals over to play basketball and blast music at all hours
>screaming and shit all the time
So I was wondering if you lads have any recommendations to help me get back at them. Any ideas will be entertained and probably acted out because I have no fucks left to give at this point, walking my big ass other dog around their playing basketball only scares them a medium amount, I really wanna get these fuckers.

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Poisoned food to toss over fence to their nigbull
Blast music or rev car when you go to work in the morning (since that's when niggers sleep)
Cut their power/internet at the box

Call the police on them over and over again over little shit to harass them

Call them niggers and get ready to stand your ground

Poisoned my neighbour's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle him through the fence with a phone cable. He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighbour learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

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Done that already. I called them a bunch of loud ass niggers and they went inside. Apparently their dad is a fucking diversity coach at the school over here LOL

These are good ideas.

1v1 them in nigball, earn their respect

Negative. They already know he has an issue with them. The worse thing you can do in that situation is call the cops. That only works if OP hasn't confronted them.
Your only solution is 4th gen fuckery that can't be traced back to you. Tbh if I had rude neighbors in Minecraft I would wait until they're gone then burn their village down in Minecraft

Based for an Ancap

Good option actually they'll eventually fight and get shot

Fucking hate nig ball
Maybe if I call them niggers and bitch slap their diversity coach dad I'll become King of all niggers

I do love Minecraft

Be aware the longer your 3rd party (read:state, police, neighbor witnesses) records of dispute with your neighbors, the more you'll be implicated if suspiciously their dog dies, house burns down, drugs are found on the property, etc

Ah yeah fair enough.
I'm thinking of maybe just removing a screw on their goal so next time they larp as Jordan or some shit they'll bust their ass.

I used to play on a Minecraft server and a group of players moved in a few chunks away from me. They would chop down all the forests without replanting saplings, leave creeper explosion holes without refilling them, just general toxic behavior. One time they even killed all my cows and I had to travel a few thousand blocks before I found replacements. One day I had enough and fed their dog suspicious stew and it died.

Buy a firearm, if the shitbull comes over again shoot it right in the head. If the nigs scream just say you were protecting the doggo. Internet twats like doggos better than niggers

I have guns and I HATE niggers and their shitty Shitty dogs but I'm determined to kill that fucker with an axe if it comes back.

TNT works rather well.

Step 1: abandon all efforts that involve any sort of appeal to reason. Niggers don’t understand that stuff.

Step 2: introduce “natural” problems to their home as often as possible. Cane toads, termites, lice, bedbugs, etc etc. lice are especially powerful since they can’t be combed out of dreads

Step 3: set up cameras and bait niggery by leaving valuables on your porch. I hear packages work fine.

Step 4: add an electric fence at the highest legal voltage to fry their mutt

Step 5: bagpipes in the morning.

You’re just another retard then.

theres a broken fence and a wounded dog.
why do people make these threads.

nice satire or whatever now... fuck off

To remove niggers you fucking leaf

lice cannot infect the nog

they are immune to that plague

Goddamn. You glorious bastard. I'm in.

The dog is fine. This all happened months ago but they're still a problem I fixed the fence and got the dog to the vet. The fuck is your problem Faggot?

Fucking Canadians man. Thinking they have a say in literally anything.

Things I do to people that f me over.
(I have bank)
Get a prepaid gift credit card, register it in their name.
Order the most gay sex and grotesque sex magazine subscriptions I can find and have them delivered to their homes and workplaces with the credit card registered to them. Sex toys also work.
You can also do the orders as gifts with a nice card. I'm sure the father's boss would love getting some nice beastiality sex magazines delivered to his office as a gift from the diversity instructor. Of course include the card.
All the purchases are traced Bach to a credit card registered to him.
Maybe his children want some magazines as a gift from their father.
The imagination is really the limit on shit you can cause with a $20 or more gift card registered to them.

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Lol yeah Ik. I don't want to be king of niggers. I want to be /k/aptain of the /k/arrier

You sir are a worthy Canadian. Welcome to the armed Resistance.

Ya don't judge us all, Canada is like district 9 the movie.
A few of us are intelligent, many of us nothing but NPCs programed by CBC.
But not like nigger level district 9.

You'll want to do something soon user, sounds like they might start rapin people soon

You have to move. It’s the only way. You need to go to a white area. If you don’t go now you’ll be last white in a nigger hood and your house will be worth nothing

Another thing I've done in Minecraft when a landlord was paying me to help evict some druggies quickly. Got a gift card with $300 on it, ordered $300 worth of heroin to the targets home. Was sure to enter the targets correct email address so he could track it.
He was getting a surprise package from Holland.
Made sure to contact the authorities about the shipment.
The package arrived at his place with him waiting to sign for it.
Sure enough the delivery man was law enforcement. He signed and went to jail. Landlord got her house back I made $1,700 of the $2,000 I was paid to get him out. Victims services paid for part of the damages the druggies and cops did to the home so the house got a nice renovation.

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