It's time for us to admit that they accomplish nothing.

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>I'll be even more ineffectual by posting on pol about it.

Freely and easily admitted.
Democracy is dead. opposed to marching around the freedom cage like some schmuck

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Anti-gun laws aren't the solution. Ban and deport blacks and hispanics and all crime will drop to 1% of present day values.

Of course they solve nothing. They are controlled by alphabet agencies. They are planned as pressure relief of society. People that protest think they are accomplishing change when the only thing they accomplish is to feed the chosen narrative.

>Ban and deport blacks and hispanics
Who would be left for corporations to exploit with slave-tier wages?

They work when you get enough people and the person in charge cares about public opinion.
Gun grabbers don't give a shit because by banning guns they get more (((donations))) in a week than they'd get politician wages in a decade.

>Who would be left for corporations to exploit with slave-tier wages?

Attached: 1508748102156.png (600x632, 694.14K)

>and the person in charge cares about public opinion
It's quite evident that they don't, rendering peaceful protest ineffective. No?

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Fair point. That said, which is more likely: the US government exporting blacks/hispanics or an armed uprising against said government?

Nice attention span. Now read the 2nd line of my post you replied to and you'll see I agreed with you.

I don't expect either to happen but armed uprising is probably a bit more likely.
Trying to deport all those millions of shitskins would cause some kind of pseudo-race war situation with all the shitskins trying to fight back though.

I did and was simply reiterating.

they wont be able to. theyll have to pay more, and quality control will skyrocket and well be on top of the world

...and do you think the corporate interests that fund every candidate and control our policy would ever allow such a thing to happen?

of course not

I forget where it is offhand but I read somewhere that for every gathering of 30+ people there is at LEAST 1 glownigger in the mix, it was stated by a glownigger himself. I think it was in the mockingbird files. If a protest has 3k people in it, that means there are 300 glows as well. Always.

Took you this long to realize? It's basically cosplay

I've known since I watched them stand outside the gun-free zone and remove masks upon order to do so. But there were a number of threads declaring victory over the past few months with countless posts implying they backed down the establishment. I'm wondering where all those people are now? Should have framed OP as a question rather than a statement in an attempt to at least bait them in here.

Yas Forums is always right. Now the Feds have a file on every boomer that attended the fake and gay protest.

A bunch of out of staters rushing to Virginia did nothing? Shocking.
It's almost like voting matters more

Didn't they have like 20k people there? Why didn't they just storm the place and behead all the democrats?

Practically no one was in that cage tho.

a lot of the politicians in question didnt even show up

>Practically no one was in that cage tho
Correct, they stayed outside of it. Not a single one dared to violate the gun-free zone established in a REAL act of defiance. They just stood around like good goys, proving that they aren't a threat to anyone and will obey the state at any cost.

>It's almost like voting matters more
Not when both sides are funded by the same corporate interests. Voting is no more than an illusion of choice.

>muh glowniggers
Politicians wouldn't act like this if they were afraid for their lives. Voting is pointless because they will always have a dozen proxies that will do their bidding outside of office. Passing gun control legislation a day after that boomer larping rally shows that they know those guns will never be used on them

At least they tried something unlike you

On the table:
>ammo tax
>gun tax
>comprehensive AWB
>NFA item ban
>"universal background checks"
>mandatory registration
>one handgun a month
>red flag laws

>background checks
>red flag law
>one handgun a month

If we weighted the proposed bills against what actually passed, peaceful protests are 45% effective in this case
they no doubt prevented the AWB from passing, but we still got absolutely fucked over.

Now that they've shown they're not acting in good faith, the stage of peaceful protests is over

>Why didn't they just storm the place and behead all the democrats?
>a lot of the politicians in question didnt even show up
Be that as it may, at least crossing into the freedom cage with gear in hand would have made a statement. They weren't willing to do that, much less actually harm one of their masters.

Based finally the insanity of the 2nd Amendment can be eliminated.

>red flag law
This is the worst one, allows the state to confiscate your weapons if you are deemed a threat to their interests.

it's all so tiresome. they wanted to pass the red flag law so they can abuse it to target people for political reasons, that's the whole point of this, and now they are going to do just that.

They passed the one that mattered.

>the stage of peaceful protests is over
Nothing is going to happen until the boomers all die off. You best hope that by the time fascist uprising becomes a possibility, that you still have some rights left to plan and stockpile

Peaceful protests have always been useless shit and only exist to get you laughed at

It's not about assassination retard, it's about consensus cracking irl.

>it's all so tiresome. they wanted to pass the red flag law so they can abuse it to target people for political reasons

Attached: redflag.png (502x479, 41.64K)

This Q nonsense is radicalizing them a bit, almost ready to go full qtard and start encouraging boomers that it's legit. Only issue is that Q exists for the sole purpose of preventing them from acting by convincing them to "Trust the plan". How do we get around this?

Glownigging is always used in the context of agitating a "peaceful" protest

>5 AM
agitprop. they were looking to get him to shoot them as invaders, this was a planned murder

reminder all pigs are enemies of the people.

Can you shut your fucking cock holster you piece of shit foreigner? Seriously, I legitimately hope and pray your fill is brutally beaten to death in front of you, and you are powerless to stop it.

Choke and fucking die you piece of non American shit.

NRA should have a lawsuit out by day's end

>I'm wondering where all those people are now?
those boomers probably have mountain dew induced dementia and have forgotten all about this and their rights

Uh did someone needs his pacifier? Did the little baby get angry? Come here and tell me your problems little one

Too bad Q is retarded in and of itself. Creating more conspiracy theorist schizos isn't going to help create the organized force that's needed

Peaceful protests are as effective as trying to rate preggo porn.

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How have you niggers not fucking killed these faggot politicians yet?

>armed people told to protest in the cuck cage
>they say no
>stay outside of the cuck cage
>hurr durr a REAL act of defiance
Are you the same fucking mouthbreather that tried to start this thread on /k/? Because your thread was shit there as well.


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Doing nothing is baked into the psyop cake for Q. They unironically think something will magically happen one day from the seat of their couch. There's no helping them.
"... He can not help a man, that can't help himself..." - Uncle Adolf

>Creating more conspiracy theorist schizos isn't going to help create the organized force that's needed
Do you have a better idea? Does Q use a tripcode? Do qtards even know what that is? How hard could it be to crack? What's to prevent anyone from posing as Q with an ulterior motive? See where I'm going with this?

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>Q nonsense is radicalizing them a bit
It's literally the opposite. It turns every real world problem into a form of entertainment completely removed from human agency.

>Democrats deporting their slave chattel
If only.

>[insert famous quote from William Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill here]

>peaceful protests are 45% effective in this case
No, they are 0% effective. Your rights were trampled despite your protests, and you'll never regain them in that state. The time for peaceful protest was before the session which held their vote. The fact that they voted on the laws at all was itself a failure of peaceful protest

You had to disarm in order to enter the cuck cage.
>Are you the same fucking mouthbreather that tried to start this thread on /k/?
No, but I probably should. Were you one of the mouthbreathers that thought you accomplished something out there?

Where we are today is the result of millions of little faggoty concessions, you people are worse than the lesser of two evils smoothbrain roaches

>It turns every real world problem into a form of entertainment completely removed from human agency
Fair point, but consider this


This. Police could have easily been overwhelmed and I doubt they'd do riot control just to keep the cuck cage weapon-free. The governor has nothing to fear if these are the protestors sent to oppose him

Prepare militias to protect red flaggers. Then civil unrest begins in virginia. When militias show up to protect private property everybody wins. Militias must help protect private property for everybody or everybody gets red flagged for saying nigger