Why is national socialism the dominant ideology among “incel” groups and individuals?
Why is national socialism the dominant ideology among “incel” groups and individuals?
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Now do communism
Libtards want “Mommy Government” to take care of them. National Socialists want “Daddy government” to take care of them. Huge difference.
Prove that it is.
Still butt hurt about Bernie I see! ha
Because incels think reactive activism will save them from degeneracy. Their parents sent them to schools to make them good middle class wageslaves, who are better than others because they work in glass buildings, can afford big cars and big screen tvs. So degenerate youth from the West initially buys into that but then with horror they notice the trap they fell into and try to escape, like animal which is defending itself.
>dominant ideology among “incel” groups
I'd say that male feminists aka beta cuck incels are more dominant and louder than nazi nerds
Nice leading question, shill.
IRL, most incels claim not to be political at all, and if you get them drunk or high, they defend socialism and democracy.
It's not. Most incels are on the far-left. The main difference seems to be that the lefty incels end up being feminists and simps in order to cope, while incels on the right end up hating women. It's the same root cause, but it's far more common the left. It just doesn't get attention, because weak faggots submitting to and worshiping women is praised in the mainstream media.
They lost their leader and waiting for a new one. When he appears, you will get a rope, so be ready.
they embrace natsoc to feel that they are worth more than others when in reality they are at the bottom in society
communism is shit but hitlers brand of racial communism is beyond shit
Because any form of socialism causes a high amount of autism
weather underground organization radicalization via forced memes
no refunds
It isn't, this is an fbi psy op to try to slow down the polarization of people into radical right wing ideology by framing it as sexually undesirable.
National Socialism promotes physical excellence, so if someone is unironically NS they will likely be fit.
It's not hard to have sex, honestly. Anyone can go pickup a landwhale, a shaved hair communist, or a chink. The difference between the right and the left is the right has standards when it picks it's mates
>tfw you realize that the NSDAP was just a bunch of weimar incels
I don’t think it is. Having a family is a big part of national socialism, and you can’t do that if you’re an incel.
you're retarded
Nice strawman
leftycels won't touch this
CIA decides which demographics larp as X ideology. Simple as. Move beyond ideology, anything that is not in your own immediate interests is going to be used against you.
>xd lets show them who has more sex
totally owned. who cares about science™ faggot. where you in the labs? then how come you believe something you haven't seen with your own eyes? the state of domesticated man
>Why is national socialism the dominant ideology among “incel” groups and individuals?
It isn't. At all. Hedonism and NEETism are. Obviously.
Lonely bottom-tier men fall for radical ideas.
At least radical left groups have women in them, mostly because they don't preach how women should be slaves to men. So lefties have sex and righties are in sausage party echo-chambers.
>contributed to mankind
Romulus, founder of the Roman Empire was an incel.
The entire founding idea of the Roman Empire was the idea of monogamy; that's how they managed to grow so quickly, every incel from every tribe joined Romulus because he promised pussy equality - which they got when they kidnaped the Sabine's.
Hitler was also an incel with one of the worst cases on oneitis in human history. He regularly talked about wanting to kill himself if he couldn't be with some chick that he had barely even spoken a word with.
I haven't read much about Tesla and Newton, have no idea if they were just regular MGTOW or actual incels.
Either way it is safe to say that incels have contributed more to mankind than any other group throughout history.
without Hitler we would have most likely never had any kind of space travel at all, before the Nazi's no one gave two fucks about space
Hitler and his crew had a bunch of ideas about space that today seem silly but the reason they had those ideas is because they were frantic about space and desperately wanted to know what was out there while all other world leaders only cared about opening nationals parks and fucking children
just look at the world today, no one gives two fucks about space
Totally not a buzzword that grew popular in the least organic fashion ever, previously reffering to a tiny group of self declared losers, only to become the de facto pejorative for any scrawny white guy with views opposing the established globo-homo agenda.
Flag checks out
As good of a guess as any
Fuck off, disgusting hedonist faggot.
Why did you post twice?
Are you a bot?
I thought the picture got corrupted or something, just saw a red 'X'
posting on my phone so might just be some cellular shit