Message from a Black Man to Yas Forums

You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our people.

How can two mortal enemies live under the same roof? We can't. We must separate. A Black Nation for us, a White Nation for you.

My only demand is that each year you will send us 500,000 white women to be used as sex slaves by Black Men. This is our reparations. If you do this, we will respect your right to existence. But only if you pay us the tax.

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Suck your dick.


To be fair white pussy is the most convenient method of payment and it will happen naturally

Back to this pasta again I see. Haven't seen it for a while.

I allow you to kill yourself, fucking disgusting nigger!

What ?

Let’s get rid of the chinks first then we’ll get back to fighting

ok bill ayers weather underground organization divide and rule shill

Can't exist together.

So go home

I don't hate black people. I hate black people that behave like niggers. Kys.

There are black nations, in africa. But you won't go because you realize your life would be shit under black rule

We’ll send you all of our trannies biannually on January and July 30th, but you have to dispose of them safely once you’re finished with them. If so much as one crosses back into our borders it will serve as our casus belli and we will then turn you into the tranny sex slaves we send you every year as tribute

here, have a candle for your owners

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>meanwhile wywomyn prepare for the war with nigbogs

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These posts are unironically Chinese Agencies.

You should be thankful for what you have nigger

I will deliver my white wife, daughter, and mother to my black bull masters... But only if I'm allowed to watch ;)

Or we could just enslave you again, not that it was hard in the first place.

Go back to africa.

Stop acting black
You are a white man

I submit to the black man for I am cuckpilled

I don't hate you, you're animals you can't help it. Chimps would be violent too if they were forced to integrate into society.

There is already a nigger nature preserve in Africa. You should go there.

Implying that once we deport all niggers to nigganation we don't nuke the fuck out of it

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Stick around for the war with China first, you’re not gonna want to miss that

Slide post, sage.

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My nigger! Matumba! What the fuck is up? Do or have any news about the white devil other than this stale ass copy pasta?

Big Chungus ooh na na

fuck off chinkoid

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